Chapter 9: Progress

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Izaya's POV

It's been a few days since Shizu-chan found me cutting myself. I feel like I've made a lot of progress. Shizu-chan probably agrees; he hasn't found any new wounds, which he's happy about. I'm still not sure why he cares so much since he hates me. I don't really buy his excuse of wanting to kill me himself.

"Izaya!" Shizu-chan calls from the living room. I walk out there and spot him sitting on the couch...smoking. I frown.

"Shizu-chan! How many times do I have to tell you not to smoke!"

He taps the cigarette over the ash tray. "How many times do I have to tell you that I can do what I want?"

I go in front of him. "Smoking is worse than cutting yourself. Cutting yourself only leaves temporary scars, but smoking leaves permanent scars. Plus, I'm stopping my bad habit, so you need to stop yours, too."

"You asked for help. I didn't."

I snatch the cigarette from his hand and put it out. Then, I run into the kitchen.

"What the-!? IZAYA!" I hear him yell after me.

I quickly dispose of the cigarette and return to the living room with a knife in my hand. I pull up my sleeve and slash my arm in front of Shizu-chan. Blood drips from my arm and onto the floor.

"Izaya!" He screams and pulls the knife away from me. "You were doing so well, too."

"Any time I see you smoke, I'll cut myself," I tell him firmly.

He glares at me. "Fine, but anytime I find a new cut, I get to smoke a cigarette for each one."

"Deal," I glare back and the tension in the room thickens.

He sighs. "Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"Because it bothers you," I tell him.

"That should not be you goal in life, Izaya."

"Smoking shouldn't be your goal in life."

"That's not my-" Shizu-chan is cut off my a loud knock at the door. "We're not done," he mutters and opens the door.

"Hello~!" A cheerful voice greets him.

I run over to the door. "Shinra!"

"Hey, Izaya! How are you two?"

Shizu-chan and I share a glance. He doesn't know about anything since Vorona. "We're doing well," I smile.

He gives me a doubtful look for a second, but it is soon replaced by his usual cheerful face. "That's great!" He turns his head to Shizu-chan. "You're looking better. Did you get some extra comfort?"

The blonde frowns and throws a punch at Shinra. Shinra doesn't dodge in time and gets caught in the shoulder. He crouches down. "Ow! Shizuo, that hurt."

"Why am I surrounded by idiots?" He sighs angrily.

"That's rude, Shizu-chan," I pout slightly.

"You're the biggest idiot I've ever met," he tells me.

I don't waste a second. "I'm smarter than you, so that has to mean something."

He glares at me.

"I'm glad you two are back at it, as per usual," he chirps happily.

"What are you here for?" Shizuo growls.

"Now, now. No need to be hostile."

"Shinra. Izaya as been annoying as hell and you tell me not to be hostile?"

"What has he been doing, exactly?"

"Being himself." He responds.

"That's offensive," I tell him.


Shinra coughs to get our attention. "Anyway, Celty and I wanted to invite you two to go to the beach with us. Kadota and the others will also be there. I think Celty is going to invite some people, too."

"No," I instantly reject the idea.

Shizuo gives me a smirk. "I think that's a great idea. When?"

"Tomorrow at noon. Is that alright?" He tilts his head slightly to the side.

"No," I interrupt. "I don't want to go!"

Shizu-chan covers my mouth and puts me in a headlock. "Yep. That's fine. See you tomorrow, then."

He nods. "Well, then. I'll see you two lovebirds tomorrow!" He winks and dodges out of the door.

Shizu-chan clenches his fist and pushes me away from him. He instead turns his attention to me. "So why don't you want to go, flea?"

"You don't want Shinra to see my scars, do you?" It takes me a little bit to answer.

He gives me an evil look. "Should've thought about that before, flea."


Yeah, I know. I usually try to leave off at a suspenseful part or memorable phrase, but I need to end it here, because...yeah. This is just the end of this chapter. Plus, I can't really think very well right now because my brain erupted in a thick cloud of dark smoke (Think of ReLIFE) due to physics. I thought it would be easy to get a good grade like chemistry because the teacher is the same and everything, but no. I was very, very wrong. I mean, I have a 100% at the moment, but we only had 2 assignments and we have access to the answers and how to get them, so if we do something wrong or are stuck, we can just look it up. The tests will be next week and people have told me our teacher makes them almost impossible to pass.

Bye, bye!


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