Chapter Thirty Four

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It takes us at least 10 or 15 minutes before me and Anthony finally control our laughter enough to face the guy who is still standing in the doorway staring at us.

I know we should probably be embarrassed at being caught listening in on their sex life - not by choice by the way... definitely not by choice - but I couldn't find it in me to care.

It was truthfully more funny rather than embarrassing, as weird as that may sound.

The guy stands staring at us as we collect ourselves off the floor, using each other to help the other stand up straight. It takes a lot out of me not to start giggling again just by the look that sits upon the guys face.

It looks horrified but curious at the same time.

"Hey!" I wave cheerfully, trying to lighten up the mood a little from the awkward tension that is slowly filling the room now that the laughter has subsided.

The man doesn't respond, just blinks at us. He stares at us for another minute before just turning around and walking away, probably to go see his girlfriend or something I guess.

"Well, I should probably get back to the cell before the guards notice I'm gone. Plus I have a date with the rat that lives in the corner, we've been hitting it off quite well and I just now worked up the nerve to ask her out." I giggle at his weirdness despite the fact that guilt immediately fills my body at the thought of him having to go back in the cell because I am unable to convince my mate to let him out.

"I'll get you out of there, I promise." He nods solemnly as we make our way back down to the cells. Its like we're walking to a funeral with the sadness and despair filling the air that surrounds us.

I pull him into a hug quickly before he goes back in his cell, showing in the hug how sorry I am that he has to go through this.

We hug for a solid minute or two before he lets go and backs up into his cell. I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I close the cell door and slide the lock closed. I run away before I convince myself to just fuck it all and let him out.

When I make it back to the main floor of the pack house I take in deep breaths to calm myself down, holding back the tears that threaten to fall. I'm tired of crying, I will not cry over this when he will be out soon. I repeat that to myself until I finally somewhat believe it.

With a sigh I set out to find Ashton. I haven't seen him since I left to go hang out with Anthony which was maybe 4 or 5 hours ago and I need to talk to him.

After searching his room, his Beta's room and even my room I determine theres only one more place he could be.

I walk up to his office and lightly knock a few times before opening the door and walking in. I find Ashton sitting at his desk looking over paper work that is in a small pile in front of him. Not sure why I didn't look here at the beginning but whatever.

I walk up and take a seat in the chair that sits in front of his desk and watch as he signs his name a few times. After he finishes the contract he is on he looks up at me and frowns slightly.

"Whats wrong?" He sets his pen down and leans back in his chair, giving me his undivided attention.

I smile a small smile at the fact he's willing to give me his full attention so easily without any hesitation.

"Nothing, just sad about Anthony." I know he won't be happy about this conversation I am trying to start but its the only way I can get him out of those cells.

"Maddie, you know I can't allow him out of the cells until we do the Trials." He says it as though he is talking to a child. I know that he has to go through the trials in order for them to know wether or not he is willing to join the pack or at least be faithful to our pack and not betray us but I also know that I will not allow him to continue the poor living in that cell.

"Ashton you don't understand, I am not asking that he have the best life possible here and we just forget that he is part of the enemy pack that kidnapped me. I am only asking that he be put into a decent room so he can actually have personal hygiene. Put his room surrounded with guards for fucks sake I don't care but I can't stand to see him down there rotting in hell." I can hear it in my voice that I'm getting worked up and I can guarantee that Ashton can too.

I see him sort of stare at his desk for a moment and I feel the hope surge within me. I know he is considering it, thats something at least right?

"Madeline I can't promise that this will happen but I promise I will think about it ok?" I figure this is the best I am going to get and I shouldn't push my luck. I early nod and run to him, sitting down on his lap so that I am straddling him while throwing my hands around his neck in a tight hug.

I stay and talk for a little while longer before deciding its time to go to bed. Its already almost midnight so I tell Ashton to go to bed too, I don't want him to be sleep deprived.

After doing my business in the bathroom, doing my routine, I change into a tank top and a pair of shorts before sliding under the covers and snuggling into my pillow.

I feel myself start to drift off to sleep but am rudely awakened when my phone buzzes beside me. I sigh and pick it up, unlocking it and going to my messages. Ashton is so lazy, he's coming in here anyway why not just tell me when he comes in here?

I'm about to roll my eyes at his laziness but I stop when I see its an unknown number, not Ashton. I feel the icy fingers of fear crawling up my spine as I read the message once, twice, and a third time before dropping my phone beside me and staring at the ceiling.

Unknown number:

You may have escaped this once, but take this as a promise. We will meet again.


Hey guys (: So I hoped you enjoyed. I apologize for these recent chapter not being that interesting but I'm just sort of leading it up to the ending which will hopefully be surprising? Maybe? I might change it last minute to get a different reaction haha I don't know yet!

Hope you guys are having an amazing Saturday, if you are maybe you could spread the love and vote and comment? Maybe even follow me? <3

-Skittles 💋

It doesn't matter where you are coming from, all that matters is where you are going.

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