Y/n- your name
They aren't coming back, are they?
Tommy's first person POV:
"Come on lets go!" I yell from the main floor. "One second!" Wilbur yells back from the second floor. He was staying in y/n's room, I did not approve of it by the way. I guess this is Phil's way of moving on, replacing them. No one could replace y/n, not even my own brother.
I'm going crazy, I have to find them, I know they're out there.
"Ok so I was thinking we could go check out Ranboo and Tubbo's cookie outpost they were talking about the other day." Wilbur explains what he wants to do today. "Alright, that's fine." I reply softly, I was deep in thought.
We walked down the prime path for awhile.
Still being trapped in my own head, I just kept walking beside Wilbur in silence. That is until he spoke up.
"What's that?" He asks. I look up to notice we were far from the prime path, honestly I didn't even know where we were. I could see a big tall skinny building appear in the distance.
What is that place?
Y/n's first person POV:
I let Fundy stay in my guest bedroom in my house for awhile until his house is out of construction. It's almost fully done, but until then he needed a place to stay, and I was more then happy to take him in! He didn't want to keep walking back and forth from here and his small cabin in the woods everyday.
My eyes lazily flutter open, revealing my ceiling since I woke up laying on my back. I gently rub my eyes to fully wake up. I get out of bed to do my morning routine which consists of (insert morning routine).
I casually make my way to the kitchen to start on breakfast. I made eggs and bacon with toast, I made enough for me and Fundy because I am a good host.
I realize I was out of eggs, so I go out my back door and into my backyard where I have a chicken coop. I collect four eggs, that should be enough. I didn't put my shoes on when I went outside, causing me to unconsciously walk on my toes down my gravel pathway back inside my house.
I walk back inside to finally start on breakfast, dreading the work filled day ahead of me. I don't enjoy the work as much, but at least I get to be with my friends, that's the thing I like best about it. They make everything one thousand times better.
Just as I was almost done I hear quiet footsteps walking towards me from down the hall. "Good morning!" I call out, placing two plates of food onto the table. "Morning." A voice tiredly mumbles back. He takes a seat at the table, not long after I join him to eat.
"So, are you ready for today?" I ask with a big smile on my face. Yes, we had to work today, but it's with my friends so it's not going to be as boring. I was kind of excited the more I thought about it.
"Yup!" He answers perking up in his seat. "Thanks for breakfast!" He thanks me before gently setting the plate in the sink.
"My pleasure!" I answer with a smile.
"Let's go!" We walk out the door after slipping our shoes on quickly, shutting the door behind me.
Tommy's first person POV:
"Let's go check it out!" Wilbur blurts out eagerly, running towards the large builder. As we get closer I could make out a sign that read 'Las Nevadas'. Interesting, I have never seen this place before.
We walk down a road, leading to the surprisingly impressive place.
"Quackity?!" Wilbur screeches, he was a pretty good distance in front of me.
Wait- who?! He's back?!
Y/n's first person POV:
We walk side-by-side down the road leading to Las Nevadas. As we get closer though I start to hear yelling.
What's happening?
"What's happening over there?" Fundy asks softly. It's like he read my mind, I was wondering the same thing. I start to pick up my pace, him catching on and matching my pace. We sped walked down the road.
"Is everything ok over here?" I yell over in curiosity and concern. As I get over the little hill I see a tall familiar figure turn around to face me. I stop dead in my tracks.
He looks at me with the biggest smile on his face, I think I even saw a tear or two. I don't know, I couldn't see that well he was pretty far away. I bolt to him, running as fast as I could, not stopping until I got to him.
Right as I got into arms reach of him my arms immediately clamped onto him, bringing him into a tight hug. Happy tears streaming down my face, all I could think was-
This can't be real, there's no way!
Tommy's first person POV:
It was them! I knew they were ok! I held them tight, so glad they were ok.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, looking down at them. "This is my country I created with Quackity!" They reply excitedly, not backing away from the hug.
A country? This could only end badly. Don't get me started on the last country there was. I didn't care about that, not now. All I could care about, and want to care about is this moment, this exact one we are in right now. I wish it could last forever. Wait til Ranboo and Tubbo find out y/n is ok! They'll be so excited!
I could barely think straight, it's really them. At this point I was crying happy tears. I know it's embarrassing, but I missed them so much, and now I have finally found them.
Y/n's first person POV:
I was so happy to see Tommy again. It has been two months already. At that moment I didn't care that people now know where I am, I was just happy to see Tommy again. That's a thing I could worry about later.
I peeked my head around Tommy to see Quackity talking to someone not that far ahead from where me and Tommy were. Fundy was still a bit far behind me, considering I made a run for it when I saw Tommy. As he approached us he noticed who was talking to Quackity, and I guess he recognized him.
The person looked over at Fundy With wide eyes. I let go of Tommy to see what was happening. The person ran over, engulfing Fundy in a tight hug. He didn't move, arms still to his side as the person hugged him. The only emotion I could detect on his face was shock and a bit of confusion.
I looked at Tommy with a puzzled expression, hoping he knew what was going on. "That's Wilbur, Fundy's dad." Tommy explains, pointing to the man still tightly hugged Fundy. He didn't realize I was there yet.
"Ohhh." I reply, kind of getting it. Still a bit confused why he is so happy to see him, have they not seen each other in awhile?
I might have replied to loud because the person must have heard me. He looked back, letting go of the hug.
"Y/n!" He exclaims excitedly with a big smile on his face. I look at him in confusion. "Hello!" I greet nervously, giving him a little wave. Tommy put his hand on my shoulder, turning my attention back to him.
I start the conversation "So, how is everyone?" "Good, good, still really worried about where you are though." He says with a light laugh. "You could see them all if you come back with me!" He adds jumping up and down a little in excitement.
I felt so bad, I like my life here in Las Nevadas, living in my little cottage. "Oh Tommy, I don't think I'm ready to go back just yet." He stayed silent as I continued to explain myself. "It's just- I didn't really want everyone asking me about it, and I have my own house here. I'm sorry I'm just not ready to leave-"
"No, no it's alright y/n...."
He grabs my hands holding them gently. "I understand." He gave me a soft reassuring smile. I could tell he was a bit disappointed, but he covered it up well, trying to be supportive of my choices.
"I'll come back and visit you, ok?" He whispers still looking me in the eyes.
I lean in, giving him another tight hug.
I'll see him again soon.
Words 1473
This chapter kept changing POVs a lot, I wanted to try to get both the characters reactions and feelings in the moment
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