3- Planning

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Y/n-your name


I decided to go on a long walk to clear my mind of everything that has happened. This is my third mind clearing walk in the last ten hours. I'm starting to think these little walks don't work-

Y/n's first person POV:

"Ok, I'm in!" I reply excitedly, this wasn't a bad idea. I was sceptical at first though considering the last time I was involved in a country.

"Sweet! Alright, where do we even start?" He laughs nervously, calming down a bit as the realization hits.
"What about a name for it and what would be in it?" I suggest, having no idea where to start either.

"Hm...that's a thinker." He replies, going quiet instantly to think. He sits back down on the log, resting his head in his hands. "What about gambling! That could make us a lot of money!" He suggests, sitting up straight to look at me.

"True, but it can't just be full of casinos, we have to think of other ways to make money as well, we have to make it interesting with a variety of stuff." I state, sitting back down beside him on the log. "What about some entertainment, like an outside theatre?" He thinks out loud. That's also not a bad idea.

"Wow, you're just full of good ideas!" I compliment jokingly.
"What can I say, I'm just that great!" He replies laughing at my statement.

"You're also that full of yourself." I joke back.
He lets out a big gasp.
"How does 'Las Nevades' sound?" He asks, putting his arms out in front of his as if he were presenting something to me.
I honestly liked it, it has a ring to it.

"I like it!" I respond, congratulating him on his great name idea.
Not a moment later, we hear a rustle in the bushes behind us once again.
"What the hell?" Quackity exclaims looking behind us.

"Why does that keep happening?" I ask, looking back at where the sound came from.

He stands up, making his way to the bush that keeps moving.
"What the fuck?!" He yells loudly, clearly startled by something.
I stand up immediately to go see what the matter was.

"Hello Quackity from El Rapids!" A voice exclaims from the bush.
What the-

As I get closer I notice a figure coming out of the bush, he was shorter then me only by less then an inch. His hair was a light brown with occasional dirty blonde highlights. Both of his eyes were each a dark hazelnut brown, protected by black thin rimmed glasses. The thing that I noticed that I found quite odd was his skin, it was a pale green, he looked to be sick almost, yet there was a slimy texture to it.
He was wearing light beige jeans, with a white shirt that had a red trim.

"Oh, hello y/n from Snowchester!" He greets me, acknowledging my presence. Quackity just looks at me in shock and confusion. "How do you know our names?" He asks hesitantly, clearly being weirded out by this strange interaction.

"I have been around for a loooong time." He explains, dragging out the 'o'
"I'm definitely human though! I have bones just like you!" He adds defensively, like we were going to ask.
I actually was, he had a goop like substance dripping from him, how could I not.

"What's up with your skin?" I ask reaching out to him. I touch his arm, immediately being met with a slime like texture. As my figure retreats back to my side it leaves a big long slimy sting still connected to it.

"Uh- I am definitely human, nothing is wrong. I have bones!" He repeats the same answer once again.
"Ok?" I reply, whipping my finger on my shirt. I regret not bringing anything with me, meaning I have to stay in these clothes until I somehow find something else to wear.

"How do you know about El Rapids?" Quackity questions furrowing his eyebrows, just as confused as I was.

"I've been here way before any of you." He replies with the usual enthusiastic tone. Quackity and I look at each other, non-verbally telling each other we are both weirded out.

"Ok, well....." Quackity breaks the awkward silence. We both didn't know what to do. "We will be on our way now." He continues after a short pause in his sentence.
We begin to walk side-by-side in the direction back to the log we were sitting on, but instead walking past it.

"Wait!" The slimy figure yells after us. He runs up to us, stopping to catch his breath after getting to us.
"Can I come with you guys?" He pleads. We both look at each other and shrug.
"Sure, come on." I reply motioning for him to follow us.

"So, where are we going?" He asks swinging his arms by his side. He was walking in the middle of Quackity and I, me being on his right and Quackity being on his left. "Yeah, where are we going?" I ask Quackity, having no idea myself. Me and the slimy figure both look in his direction.

"I know someone who can help us build our country." He replies, not looking away from the surroundings in front of him. I nod, looking back in front of me.

"Hey, I didn't quite get your name back there." I break the silence, turning my head to look at the figure to my left.

"Oh, uhh- you can just call me Slime." He replies nonchalantly.
"That doesn't mean I'm MADE of slime though! It's just my name." He adds shortly after, like he's trying to reassure me of something. "Alright." I end the conversation with a light chuckle at his reply.

After awhile of us walking, I started to question.

Where are we even going?

Words 977

Two chapters in one night! POG! I'm on a roll damn :>

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