15- Remember?

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Y/n- your name
!TW! Blood, violence <3


I really didn't want to leave them up there but they led me no choice. It was either listen to y/n and save Kinoko Kingdom, or go to y/n and risk having everything blown up-

Sapnap's first person POV: (👀)

"I'll be back, ok?" I reassure a very unsure Karl, clinging to me like superglue.

"I'm coming with you!" He demands clinging onto me tighter.

"No it's to dangerous, I'll be fine don't worry. Just stay here with George." I plead, not wanting him to get hurt.

He can't come. I can't loose him too.

He starts to loosen his grip around my arm, eyes tearing up as he does so.
"Hey, it's ok." I reassure as I place my hand on his cheek, using my thumb to wipe off a tear rolling down his cheek.
I hate seeing him like this, but I have to to this. I have to help y/n. I know they have Technoblade with them, but this isn't a two person job. Also considering the fact that this is particularly my fault to begin with. I lean down a bit to place a soft kiss on his rose coloured lips. We stand there for a moment or two, foreheads pressed together. "I'll be back. I love you." I whisper before backing away towards the door. "I love you too." Was the last thing I heard him say before I walked through the down, softly shutting it behind me.

I walked out making sure I had everything before I left.




That was about it. I walked unusually fast, trying to get there as quick as possible, navigating through the dark the best I could. I really did not want to see Quackity, but I needed to help y/n.
I made my way down the very familiar stone path leading to Kinoko Kingdom.
I was honestly kind of nervous. I didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone.

But sadly that's not how it works.

"STOP HIM PLEASE!" I hear a voice from on top of one of the taller buildings in the Kingdom. I see Techno run off, obeying the voices wish. I look up to see the voice was y/n. They were standing on the roof of the tall mushroom building, except it was on fire. I didn't even have time to think before I saw them fall through the roof of the burning building.


I run as fast as I could to the building. Swinging the door open and running up the stairs to the top floor we're I find y/n laying there unconscious.

This can't be happening, not again.

I immediately scoop them up in my arms. I tried to keep them away from the fire surrounding us after I saw their skin already pretty burnt up. I wasn't irritated by the heat, but I could tell the unconscious body in my arms was.
I rush through the door, immediately being met with a refreshing breeze. I look around to see another building across from us on fire.

This isn't going well.

My gaze makes its way to Karl's library, the roof specially where I see Technoblade and Quackity fighting. I couldn't tell who was winning, and I didn't want to stick around to find out. I rushed out of the Kingdom, not knowing where to go from there. I needed to bring y/n to a place they could be cared for, these burns look awful. I take a seat on a patch of damp grass not far from Kinoko Kingdom, gently laying y/n beside me. I was breathing heavily. My brain couldn't comprehend what just happened, let alone think straight.
After a moment of sitting there I remembered.

I should bring y/n to-

Technos first person POV:

I press my shield against my chest to block his hit, immediately swinging my sword at him after.
I saw something from the corner of my eye, instantly catching my attention. I look away from the fight for a millisecond to see what was going on. That's when I see a figure that I could only make out as Sapnap running out of the Kingdom holding someone. I couldn't tell who it was. I didn't have to time to even look at the figure Sapnap was holding before feeling a cold metal slice my forearm.

"Shit!" I wince a bit at the pain, trying to stay strong to finish the fight while blood was flowing from my wound. He had hit my dominant arm, making it a bit harder to swing my sword. To my advantage I was to only on with a shield. Making it easier to knock his sword out of his grasp and quickly pin him down. I held the sword to his throat, holding him down with my foot pressing down on his stomach. He didn't seem fazed by my sharp sword against his throat.

"It's over Quackity, just give up already." I demand, looking him straight in his fearless eyes.
"I'm not going to give up that easily." His voice was scratchy but calm. I press my sword harder against his skin, making him flinch a bit at the harsh contact. "It's over Quackity, you have been caught, your plan failed!" I laugh, knowing my statement is true.
He just looked at me with pure hatred in his eyes. We just stared at each other, me still pinning him down with my foot, sword still to his neck.

We were still having the most deadly staring contest when I started to hear voices in the distance. "Where is this bitch!" Once I heard that I knew exactly who it was. "Up here!" I yell, not getting off of Quackity. He just rolls his eyes, knowing he has lost.

Not even a moment after I see Phil land in front of me, followed by Tommy, Wilbur, Sapnap, Tubbo, and Ranboo who used the stairs of the library.
"That's what you think Techno. You see I came here prepared, knowing something like this might happen." He says with a smirk as the others run over. "Techno what is he talking about?" Phil asks, urgently wanting to be caught up on what's happening.

He pulls out a little red button from his pocket. I look at him in confusion as he looks back at everyone behind me. His gaze focuses on Sapnap immediately, anger and pain filled his eyes. He managed to muster up a smirk as he pressed the button, causing a big building right beside the library to blow up being completely demolished.

I stand up, letting go of Quackity, in shock at the sudden act. I look back to see everyone else's reactions. Sapnap fell to the ground in shock and pain, Tubbo kneeling beside him comforting him. Everyone else were looking at Quackity who was just laughing historically.

What is his problem?

I swiftly latch my hand around his arm before he could get away.
"What do we do with him?" Wilbur asks glaring at Quackity. "What if we bring him to Sam?" Ranboo suggests shrugging.
Sapnap was still a mess with Tubbo comforting him, so I don't think he was in the right head space to suggest solutions at the moment.

"That seems to be the best idea we have at the moment." Phil sighs. For some reason hearing that reminded me of someone.
"Wait! Where's y/n?" I look around frantically before settling my gaze on everyone to get an answer.

"Umm..." Tommy starts before getting cut off by Phil. "They aren't in the best condition right now-" His eyes were full of worry. I start to feel a knot of anxiety form in my chest.


"Where are they?!" I ask quickly, trying to get answers. Still holding onto Quackity's arm firmly.
"Don't worry Techno, they are in good hands." Phil reassured me.
"But where?!" I look over at Sapnap who was about to speak.

"They're at the house with Bad and Skeppy. I couldn't remember how to get to your house so I went to Bad and Skeppy's instead where they walked me to Snowchester where everyone was." He explains breathing heavily, not lifting his gaze from the damaged roof we were standing on.
"Take him." I shove Quackity towards Tommy and Wilbur before bolting for the stairs, dropping my sword and shield so I could run faster.

I ran all the way there, and didn't stop until I got there. I ran up the porch stairs, immediately swinging open the door. I frantically climb up the ladder to be met with y/n laying in their bed with Bad sitting on the end of their bed and Skeppy pacing around the room.

They were in terrible condition, with burns and bruises all over their body, dry blood and bandages covered most of their wounds but not all.

This can't be happening-

Words 1509

Cliffhanger ooo
I haven't been updating a lot because of a lack of motivation, but I'm back! :D

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