Y/n- your name
I am thinking about going back to Las Nevadas to see if I can actually see Y/n this time.
I got to pissed at Quackity and left before I could beat the hell out of him, I didn't want to cause a sene-
Quackity's first person POV:
I held their hands as I jumped up and down in excitement, but they didn't join me. Their face was just blank, expression un-readable. I thought they were going to be just as excited as I am.
I stop jumping so I could talk to them probably and asked "Aren't your excited!!"
Their face immediately changed from un-readable to uplifted in an instant. I found it odd, but payed no mind to it. I just started to explain the plan.
"Ok, so I was thinking we could do this in about two days, what do you think?" I ask them. All they did was nod, meaning yes, so I continued explaining.
"So, we could do it at night so no one sees it coming, and no one could stop us! We are going to plant the TNT the day prior and then that night we can set it all off!" All they did was nod, emotionless.
I was to excited to care. I can finally get rid of that stupid country once and for all. I was gone for one month, ONE MONTH, and they just decided to leave me to go create their own country without me. Acting like I never existed-
Y/n's first person POV:
I didn't know what to do. He was expecting me to be happy, so I faked it for the moment.
Yes, what they did was wrong. You can't just ditch someone you love after they have gone away for a month, but this isn't the right way to deal with it. All of Karl's memories are in Kinoko Kingdom, they'll all be destroyed if we go through with this.
After he finished telling me his plan I stupidly approved it. Of course I didn't want to go through with it, but I also didn't want to loose Quackity. He helped me through so much, and has helped me have the best second chance at a best fresh start I have had and could ever ask for.
I just told him I was going back to hangout with Slime, leaving him and Foolish to continue their conversation they were having before I came and interrupted.
I didn't want to worry Slime, but I feel like he has to know about this.
I decide to use the stairs instead of the elevator to get there quicker. I frantically knock on his door. On the first knock he swings the door open, looking eager to find out what happened. I walk past him, taking a seat in the living room and start explaining.
"I'm just going to get straight to the point, Quackity is planning on blowing up Kinoko Kingdom, and I don't know what to do. He is expecting me to help him with it." I couldn't stop fidgeting, I was so nervous. I felt like I was just put on the spot, with no time to think of a plan. In situations like this when I have to think fast my ideas aren't the best.
I gasp, thinking of the perfect plan. It could be risky, but it's worth a shot.
"I know who we could get to help!" I blurt out before running out the door, leaving Slime sat there stunned.
Hopefully this works-
Words 597
Another short chapter :[
My apologies I will try to write more tonight!
(Edit: why did I used to apologize so much-)
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