A Plan

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Draco's POV

"She's scared!" I bellowed.
"She has good reason! You nearly killed her!" Blaise argued back.
I looked at him. We were standing in our common room, everyone else was in bed. It was one in the morning.
"Goyle nearly killed her!" I pointed out.
"All right, mate, fighting won't get us anywhere. Astoria is scared too, we have to do something that'll fix it. Fast," he looked at the clock. The green stones glinted from the small bit of light the fire brought, and the silver snakes twisting around them shone like diamonds.
"All right, we'll meet up with everyone -minus Hermione and Astoria - and make a plan," I said. Then we both went to bed.

Hermione's POV

"Get out of my way! Granger! Greengrass! MOVE!"

Then he shoved me against the wall. Pain, pain was all I felt. I heard a crack. I tried to call out "Draco, why?" But I blacked out before I could...

I sat up, gasping in fear. I was sill clutching my bed spread. What a terrible dream. I had moved back into the Gryfindor house room now, and I was glad to be back. Where Draco can't hurt me...

I looked at my clock. It was already five in the morning, there was no point trying to sleep again. I groaned as I pulled myself away from the comfy sheets and walked into the cold bathroom. I pulled off my pajamas, and stepped into the shower. I took my time. Most people don't get up until six, and that was for weekdays, it was Sunday. I got out of the shower, it had to have been my longest one in a long time. I pulled out some casual clothes for the day. Just stuff for doing homework, but still acceptable if I went out of the common room.
Only five-thirty...breakfast didn't even start until six.
My favorite sweat shirt, which said
'The Brightest Witch of Her Age' in gold on a black back round and a pair of light red jeans.
My hair, still damp from the shower, was dripping, making the floor wet as I slipped down to the common room to study. I waited until everyone was ready to go to breakfast, then followed them down.

Draco's POV

Almost sleepwalking, I made my way down to the great hall. I was glad Headmistress Mcgonagall had told everyone what happened that night, because no one was staring at me as I made my way to the Gryfindor table.

There was no way to tell the house tables apart anymore besides the banners on the front of them. There were people from every house at every table. If you had told me I would be sitting with the Golden Trio at the Gryfindor table to me in my first year I would probably hexed you.

I went to sit with Hermione. Maybe she would have forgotten and forgave me now...but she was sitting next to Ginny and Astoria. I sighed and sat next to Blaise. I was two people apart from Hermione, and I was used to being right next to her. I looked at her. Everyone was laughing and eating, but she sat smiling and not eating. She left when everyone else had eaten, and I was left behind with Blaise.
"Yeah, we gotta get our plan going,"
I confirmed. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the great hall.

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