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A/N: When I said I'd post this chapter early on Monday, I doubt you expected this early. I just wanted to be sure that I got it out before I got distracted by potentially exploring the city and getting ready for the concert. I hope you're having a good Monday!! <3

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"We weren't together for a long time. I mean I guess it was longer than most. We were together for almost three years. I know that's probably not much, but it seemed like a lifetime with you. I can't remember what life was like without you. I mean I can because of Flora and everything, but..." Seungmin trailed off.

"I understand what you mean. It must have been a lot for you to go through without me. I'm sorry you had to go through that, I can't imagine how rough it was. I hope you never have to go through anything like that ever again."

"Me too." Seungmin squeezed Cynthia's hand a little tighter. The two of them were walking downtown Seoul and heading towards the second surprise of the evening. Cynthia had no idea that Seungmin was taking her back to the old apartment they shared.

It was something that he had kept hidden away. He hadn't visited the place in months, but he made sure to pay the rent and utilities on time. He didn't want to turn around and lose it. Maybe he was still gripping a faded dream, but he didn't want to let go.

There was a history in that house. So much life had been lived and he didn't want to let it go. No matter what happened, he wasn't ready to move on with that part. There was still a chance that Cynthia could change her mind at any moment.

The occupational therapist was discussing the future with her now. She told him about it a few days prior to everything. What if she wanted something else now? What if she had new dreams that didn't pertain to him? He didn't think she'd do that, but things weren't cemented in stone.

No matter what happened, he wasn't going to try and stop her. No matter what, he promised himself weeks ago, he'd do what was best for Cynthia. He thought he was doing what was best when he left her with Flora. He had no idea what was happening behind closed doors.

Sure, he didn't trust Flora totally, but Cynthia did. Cynthia had always spoken highly of Flora. She always defended her and insisted that she had issues, but she also had her perks too. He didn't know what went on between their friendship, but he trusted Cynthia.

Cynthia's eyes darted over to the cars cruising down the main street. Seoul was filled with a wide variety of colors and it reminded her of the flower shop. She gently swung her hand in Seungmin's as he continued to lead the way.

"So can I get a hint yet?"


"Not even a little one?" Her lips pushed into a pout.

"It's somewhere you used to like a lot."

"That doesn't tell me anything."

He chuckled and continued to walk. "It's somewhere that has flowers." He glanced over his shoulder to see what Cynthia was thinking about. Her entire face lit up at the brief mention. "We used to be there all the time," he went on."

"Like a museum or something? What's the one place called? The" She frowned. "Oh!" She grinned, "botanical garden! Is it a botanical garden thing?"

"No, but it could be."

"I don't think I get it."

Seungmin chuckled and quickened his pace. "Just come along and we'll figure it out, yeah?"

"This doesn't feel fair."

"Life isn't fair and this is a healthy reminder of that."

On and on they bickered until Seungmin led the pair down a narrow cobblestone alleyway. Cynthia grumbled and huffed. She whined when Seungmin continued to tease her. When she started to give him the silent treatment, he suddenly stopped in front of a small gated building.

A large green thicket swept in front of the building. A small cemented path led up the sidewalk and to a few steps. Sturdy white painted rails were drilled into the sides. An attached screen door hid the main door.

"What is this place?" Cynthia asked.

"It's our place."

"Our place?"

"Our place. This used to our apartment. I moved out of the dorm room with the guys and you moved out of your own apartment. The two of us used to live here together."

Cynthia stared at the place in silence. It almost seemed to be too good to be true. She shifted and glanced over at Seungmin. "If this is a prank, it's a really bad prank."

"I swear, it's not a prank. This place was ours and I have proof." He shifted and pulled out a golden key. "Ta-dah. Would you like to go ahead and see it?"

"Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm lying?"

Tears suddenly began to fill Cynthia's eyes. "So when Flora said that I used to live by myself and she packed everything from my apartment, she was-"

Seungmin shook his head. "You weren't alone, you had me. The two of us had each other. You were close with my band members and you had a wide variety of your own friends. You might not have parents, but you have a pretty good group of people around you."

"Felix actually packed most of your stuff because I couldn't do it. I felt like I was the cause of the accident and I hated myself for it. I felt like I screwed everything up and I didn't know how to stop spiraling. That Puppym you have, Felix packed it and I didn't. He didn't tell me until after the fact, he wanted you to have it, so you could remember."

"That was his version of helping you. I wish I could have done more for you, but I was so caught up in the guilt of everything. I should have left this place go, but I was hoping you'd come back. I know that seems silly, but it's the truth."

"I'm here and I'm back and honestly?"


"I never plan on going away ever again."

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