- Chapter 9- make u Smile :)-

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[ A/W   -from what i can see from comments, you guys are looking forward to  Sunki couple more than my  main jaywon ]

" you  didn't have to prepare all of this " jungwon says as he serves  the coffee , and sits infront of jay in the chair .

" you are so light , you need to eat more ", jay said as he takes a coffee.

Jungwon slightly blushing, '' i am not light ''

" that day  , when i carried you , you felt as light as a bird '', jay says.  Jungwon looks down with a faint blush on his cheek . jay notices

jay opens the food one by one, and serves them infront of jungwon, '' it's almost dinner time , why don't you start ''

Jungwon looks at  Jay , jay used to make jungwon foods almost everyday .He would be lying that he didn't miss the taste of jay's cooking .

" It's delicious ", jungwon says taking bite of the japchae  that jay made for him, the familiar  taste ,with a bright smile on his face

 Jay was awestruck, it was the first time he saw Jungwon's smile, the beautiful smile , the dimple jay wanted to see , the view he wanted to engrave in his mind.

" can i treat you on your birthday too ? ''  jay offers , with  anticipation in his eyes,

'' no it's okay , it's enough for me, thank you '',  Jungwon says with a lonely smile in his face . He was trying to avoid  Jay .

Saying Jungwon gets up from his seat , with the unclean  plates . '' you can sit on the couch , i am bringing water '' he says

Jay flops on the couch , thinking

''what did he mean by that , ?''  ''is he going to spend his birthday with his girlfriend ?'' . Jay was lost in thinking  , when he saw a  ring  on the table .

"what ?'' jay exclaims , he picked up the ring . It had the initials 'J' on it . and something written in japanese 

'わたしは、あなたを愛しています' - meaning [Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu]
[i love you ]

( Jay knows Japanese)

Jungwon came from  behind and , '' jay hyung , '' saying he passes the glass of water ,'' here water ''

jay was shocked by the sudden appearance . Having no  other way around ,he hide the ring inside his pant pocket .

Jay hurriedly drank the water , and  left Jungwon's apartment


jay was sitting on the floor , with his hands on his head , and he was looking at the ring .

'' so , Jungwon has the other ring , so that means they broke up right ?'' jay says under his breath

'' But why did i bring along the ring with me  ?, '' " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA , what should i do !/" jay lets out a scream .

Jake entered the room, '' yo , man what happened to you ?'' jake said seeing jay on the ground

'' nothing ! "  jay says letting out a sigh

'' whatever , '' saying Jake flops on the bed .

'' Jake , can i ask you something ? i mean it's about Jungwon . You know him right '' jay asks

Jake springs up from bed , " WHAT ?'' ,

" So he broke up right , from his previous relationship ?'' , jake mouth was open ,  he actually thought jay remembered something

jake thought for  a moment , '' yes, i guess'', beacuse jay-jungwon broke up.

'' but he kept the ring , of his previous girlfriend , the fact that he keep's  holding on it means  that jungwon still loves her right ?''

Jake was kinda shocked, ''   and what would you do if you knew anyway ? '' he replied

Jay was silent .

Jake knew that Jungwon was trying to avoid getting tangled with jay again , ''It has nothing to do with you if he doesn't have a girlfriend /boyfriend , now - Does it ?''

'' Now that you say it , it's true '', jay mumbles getting disappointed  .

Jay ;-

'I want you to smile'

'I don't want to give it back '

'Rather than that ring  person ,I want you to look at me '

'I want to make you smile '

OMG jaywon][

This duo out there trying to kill me 👆👍

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