56 - Christmas Through Your Eyes

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Since Kai's appearance in the cemetery, no on had seen the psychopath, which wasn't a good thing. With him now out, everyone in and out of Mystic Falls was on high alert, and Damon and Amelia still hunting for a new way to bring Bonnie home. After Kai destroyed it, they were trying to find out more about it, see if there was anything else they could do. While doing this, Amelia was doing some side research, Kai's interest in her name having stuck with her.

The couple were sat at a table, in the quiet area of Whitmore's bar, the table covered in old books and empty coffee mugs. While Amelia quietly flicked through dusty pages, Damon's head was rested on top his book, his eyes closed tiredly.

She looked down at him with a sigh. "Typical." She muttered quietly, stroking some strands of his raven hair from his eyes.

Slowly, the corners of Damon's lips tugged up into a smile, one eye opening. "Are you watching me sleep?"

"Yes." She nodded, biting to his teasing. "I do it every night for a hour before bed. I find it very calming."

"Haha." He deadpanned, before groaning a little. "This is so not comfortable."

"I didn't think it would be." She answered, as she turned another page. "You know, considering Alaric doesn't like you at the moment, I don't think sleeping and drooling on his textbooks will help you win his friendship back."

"I don't drool." The Salvatore insisted, as he finally lifted himself up. Looking down at the book, his face scrunched as he wiped his chin, ignoring Amelia watching him in mild amusement. "Ooh, what time is it?"

"Time for Ric to get a new reference library." She declared, ready to admit defeat and fall asleep herself. "We've been at this all night, and nothing inside these books remotely assembles an Ascendant. Nor, can I find any reason why Kai thought I was familiar when he ran into us."

"Kai's a psychopath." Damon reminded. "He was probably just trying to get to you. Which, I for one, will feed him his liver for when we find him." He told, his overprotective side shining through, which made her smile at him.

"Yeah..." She admitted, pushing a curl behind her ear. "Yeah, you're probably right. It's just been bugging me." Taking a breath, she pushed it to the back of her mind, and grabbed a fresh book from the pile. "Let's keeping looking. We've probably missed something obvious."

As they continue on, her eyes occasionally flicker to Damon, who smirks every time he notices. Eventually, she rests her chin on the palm of her hand, her elbow leaning on the wooden table. The stares don't stop, so Damon looks up at her.

"I did hope you were kidding about the creeping staring. Cause, it doesn't seem like it, and I'm not really into stalker girls." He admitted, chuckling as she kicked him under the table.

"I was." She defended, holding her hands in the air. "It's just... thank you. For doing all this for Bonnie, and stopping me from going completely paranoid over a psychopath."

"She'd do it for us." He replies, referring to the Bennett witch. "And, the only person that is aloud to drive you crazy is me."

Yet again, she kicked her foot into his leg, this time causing him to let out a small yelp of pain this time. People looked at the pair, who quickly just looked down, giving each other narrowed and playful looks as they attempted to look busy.


"So I asked around the hospital." Elena began, as she, Ric, Damon and Amelia all gathered in Alaric's apartment. Apparently, Jo was missing, which wasn't good with Kai on the loose. "No one's seen Jo since last night at the ER. A bunch of stab victims came in, and one of them is missing, as well."

"It was Kai." Alaric states. "Jo knew he'd come after her, and he did."

"Not to give you boyfriend lessons  or anything." Damon begins, already earning himself an annoyed glance from Alaric. "But if you knew Jo's whackjob brother was out on the loose and after her, don't you think that keeping a eye on her would be a smart move?"

Amelia pinched the bridge of her nose. "Damon, don't."

"And what would you have me do, Damon?" The ex vampire asked. "Ask you to compel Jo to stay put?" Ignoring the spite in the question, Damon gave him a nod, smirking a little in a smug manner.

The Evans vampire looked at the Gilbert girl. "Just this once, I'm going to ask for your help. Otherwise, I'm going to kill them both."

Elena stared at her a moment, shocked, before looking at the two men. "Guys, if Kai has Jo, we need a plan." She reminded, trying to help change the subject.

"Plan's easy." Damon answered, in a confident tone that had them all a little worried. "Find Kai, kill Kai."

"Since when is anything ever that easy?" Amelia scoffed. "Have past failures taught you nothing?"

Needing to start formatting some kind of plan, Damon called Matt, to get him and Jeremy searching for Kai inside of Mystic Falls. While it wasn't much, it was a start, which was what they needed to make if they were going to find Jo. Finally hanging up, Damon turned back to face everyone.

"Well Bevis and Butthead are on the lookout." He told them. "Anyone else brimming with confidence?"

Alaric just sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "I mean, this just doesn't make any sense."

Damon gave him a fake, exasperated look. "What could possibly not make sense about magical twins absorbing one another?"

"Listen." Ric begins, ignoring the sarcasm. "Jo need her magic for the merge to work, okay, and she got rid of that back in 1994."

"Jo doesn't have magic because it's stuffed in a knife that was stolen and hidden by yours truly." The Salvatore informed proudly, no inch of worry in his tone. "Kai won't find it."

"Yeah, unless Kai does a locator spell."

"It's impossible." Amelia answers the former original, who looks between the three vampires in confusion.

"Why?"He asks, when none of them speak.

Elena leaned back on the couch, looking at him. "Kai was born without the ability to do magic." She explained, then going on to tell him about what Kai could do with the knife, if he were to get his hands on it.

"If the only way to restore Jo's magic is that knife, Kai's gonna come for it"

Elena hesitantly nodded. "Ric's right. Even if Kai can't do the locator spell, he's gonna make it his mission to find it."

"Kai finds it." Damon hums in thought. "Great. Love it."

Noticing Amelia smirking a little, the doppelganger narrows her eyes on the couple, spotting the sly grins they shoot one another. "Why aren't both of you more concerned?"

"Because." Amelia began, getting to her feet. "Elena, dear, this isn't the first psychopath we've dealt with. In my time with the Mikaelson's, I picked up a few tricks, like hiding the thing the psycho wants in a place only you know."

"So if Kai goes for the knife, we will kill him because the knife is right here." Damon continues on, taking a picture frame down of the wall, and opening the safe like back to it. "Tada!"

Alaric and Elena only stare blankly, causing the couple to look inside, only to see nothing inside of it. The knife was gone, Kai had already gotten to it.


After some mild threatening, Damon finally blackmailed Luke into talking, giving them the location of where Kai had taken Jo. The ride to the cemetery was awkward,the couple riding with Ric due to Amelia and Damon's lack of a car, Alaric refusing to acknowledge the Salvatore at this point.  When they pulled up, Amelia got out first, sighing in relief in finally getting away from the tension between the two men.

"That's it?" Damon asked in disbelief, as Alaric begins to storm ahead. "We're gonna kill bad guys together, and you're not gonna talk to me?"

Ric sighed, finally looking at Damon. ""Look. You blew up your car, you needed a ride. Doesn't mean we have to talk."

"How about we keep the not talking thing going?" The Evans girl suggests hopefully. "Cause, silence is a hell of a lot better then this."

"Alright, look." Damon began, Amelia's words falling on deaf ears. "I agree that maybe compelling you to betray your lady friend was a irrational decision stemming from untreated control issues."

Scoffing at him, the Saltzman continues on ahead, as Amelia sighed at her fiance's failed attempt at an apology. Patting his shoulder, she gave him a weak smile, before trying to catch up to the ex hunter's pace. But, determined and not giving in, Damon sped in front of Alaric to stop him moving.

"I'm sorry, Ric."

Alaric narrowed his eyes at him expectantly. "Is that it?"

Thinking for a moment, the raven haired man nodded. "Yeah."

"Great." Alaric nods, not really showing any clear feelings on the matter. "Let's finish this."

He walks off once again, leaving the two vampires stood behind, Damon trying to comprehend if he was actually forgiven or not.  Grabbing his hand, the Evans girl dragged him along, heading toward the Salvatore crypt where Kai was holding out. Damon whistled in a teasing manner, causing the Parker siphon to venture outside, eyeing the area carefully.

Speeding up behind, Amelia shoved him to the ground, placing her foot on his back to keep him down. "You picked a really terrible place to hold out."

Damon nodded in agreement, as he approached. "Cemetery, really?"

Glaring, Kai raised him hand. "Motus." He chanted, making Damon do flying backwards.

Amelia wouldn't of been concerned, until Damon began to let out groans of pain, his skin beginning to scorch and sizzle. Angrily, she dug her heel into Kai's back. "What the hell did you do?"

"Oh, whoops." He smirks. "Looks like your boyfriend found the anti-magic border."

Quickly, Damon crossed back over into the safe area, gasping to catch his breath. Sighing, the Evans girl sped over to him, to make sure he was okay. Taking the chance, Kai got up and crossed over the border, which he'd made a line in the dirt to show.

"Drew a line in the dirt for everyone's convenience." He told them rather proudly."See? Yeah, you're welcome."

"Coward." Amelia sneered at him. "Too scared to face us, Kai?"

"I was right." He began, smirking at her. "I do recognize your name. Not just from Damon's constant yammering about you in the prison world. God, you couldn't shut him up about you. Amelia this, Amelia that... give me a break. Turns out, you're much more special then you think."

"How?" She demanded, but he pressed his lips together, refusing to speak. "Dammit Kai!" She growled, going to grab for him, not longer caring about the anti-magic border.

Protectively, Damon pushed her behind him. "Alright, that's enough."

Seeing a opportunity, Alaric pressed his gun against Kai's head, restraining him from behind.

"Thank you." Damon nodded at the Saltzman. "Kill him."

"Please." The female vampire agreed. "Before I do something drastic."

"Alaric!" Jo called, as she limped slightly out of the tomb. "Don't."

His brow furrowed at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"She's light headed and confused." The Salvatore reasoned with him. "Me or Amelia will feed her some of our blood, okay? Kill him."

Jo shook her head, as his finger went to pull the trigger. "No, you can't. If Kai dies, Liv and Luke have to do the merge. It's not fair to them."

Amelia gave the women a careful look, trying not to blow up at her. "Your younger siblings are a pain the ass. Have been since the day we met them. We don't give a crap if they live of die." She stated bluntly, before looking back at Alaric. "Kill him. Now."

"Ric, don't" She continued to plead. "I can win. I can beat Kai. I just need a little time to get stronger." Her eyes slowly fell onto the Evan's girl. "I can help you find out what he knows about your name. Please, let me try. I'll figure out a way to win and help you. Please you have to trust me. Keep him alive."

Giving, Alaric hits Kai around the head with the gun, knocking to the ground out cold.


When the decision was made, Amelia left Damon, Alaric and Jo to deal with Kai, needing to be far away from the psychopath. He had gotten into her head, yet again about what her name meant to him, and she needed to clear her head. Or, at least, distract herself.

Getting a call from Elena, she headed straight to Whitmore General.

"Care?" She called out, as she searched the hospital halls. "Stefan? Elena?"

Seeing them, she froze next to Elena at the end of a hall, when she spotted Caroline sobbing her heart out in Stefan's arms. Her heart broke for the girl, as she slowly looked at the Gilbert girl. "How bad is it?" She asked quietly, referring to Liz.

"It's too dangerous to operate." She replied sadly. "Doctor's don't think chemo will help. It's just a matter of time."

"Oh god." She breathed out, her voice cracking a little.

When Caroline sat up, spotting both girls down the hall, she quickly walked over to them and wrapped them into a hug. For her, Amelia and Elena set their differences aside, as they attempted to comfort the girl. When she left to check on her Mom, Amelia went and sat on a bench outside, listening to multiple voicemails off of Damon. Apparently, Kai had siphoned the magic from the Travelers anti-magic spell, meaning they could finally go home.

"You heard the news?" Stefan asked, as he joined her outside.

She glanced up at him. "The depressing news, or the slightly happy news?"

He let out a small chuckle. "Slightly happy."

"Yeah, Damon left me a message explaining." She nodded, shifting over so he could sit beside her, rubbing her hands with her face. "I guess, with everything going, we could do with some good news like this. Even if Kai is now supercharged and on the loose once more."

Going in his pocket, Stefan pulled out a set of car keys, and jangled them in front of the girl. "Want to help me give Damon some more good news?"

She blinked as she looked at them, before it finally clicked in her brain. "You didn't."

"Turns out, when Damon isn't around to annoy me, and you're away in New Orleans, I can get a lot of stuff done." He nodded, smirking a little at her. "Including, rebuilding the car you and Damon blew up months ago."

Grabbing the keys, she jumped to her feet. "I'm driving!"

I'm giving this a slightly positive ending, as the coming episodes aren't the happiest, as we prepare to say goodbye to Sheriff Forbes. God, I hated these episodes, they made me cry so much.

Who is curious as to what Kai knows about Amelia? I'm excited to do this story, I've had it planned a while, and it gives Amelia her own little story line for the season. Hopefully, it goes down well with you all. 

I hope you all enjoyed, I'll update again soon. Like, tomorrow if possible :)

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