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No One's P.O.V.

"Hello beyblade fans! I'm your one and only, favorite, Hanami, here with an exciting news! And yes, you guessed it right-- it's about Mega World Championships!!"  

A loud announcement echoed through the huge training hall of the company, where Ami, her teammates and other Beybladers had gathered in front of a large screen. People from all over the world were listening to the official announcement about the Championships, creating chaos at airport and other public places. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation as everyone looked forward to the Championships, which were set to begin in 10 Months from now. Beybladers from around the world were determined to showcase their unique skills and strengths.

Time Skip..
One week later..

It's been a week since the Official announcement, the Beybladers all over the world had already started training more hard than before. Back at Infinity Global Stars Company, Emily was proud to see how all the Bladers looked even more serious for this Championships but she was also getting worried about Black Swan, since they all seemed to be pushing all their limits and would be a lot more exhausted by the end of the day. Since it was a weekend, she decided to call them all at her Mansion and show them the video they received and so she called Haru to let her Team mates know about Emily inviting them all over to her Mansion. So, here they were now, at Emily and Haru's Mansion. Currently in the theater Room, as Emily asked them to get there after dinner.

"Haru, why do you think Emily asked us to meet her here?" Jun asked Haru who shrugged "No idea."

Soon enough, Emily entered and smiled upon seeing them all already settled down. Without saying anything, she played the video on the large screen of the Theatre room. They decided to just focus on what the video is about, soon familiar faces popped up surprising them all. It was Ami's family.

"Hey kids! Congratulations for making it right into the Top 20 Teams! Work hard, we will keep cheering you up!" Ami's Mom and Dad said.

"We believe in you all guys! Keep going!" this time Ami's Younger Sister and cousin brother exclaimed.

"I will give this drawing to you guys when you will win as an award, by myself" this time, Ami's youngest cousin exclaimed jumping up while she almost shoved her drawing of all the members, with big smiling faces while they held their Beyblades. Making Ami & her Team laugh at her enthusiasm, feeling warmth in their hearts. The video switched to Yui's Uncle & Aunt.

"We are proud of you dear! Keep it up and show them what you got!" Yui and the others smiled softly.

"Keep going, Yui! You've got this!" this time her brothers exclaimed, Yui's grin only widen.

"C'mon Sis! You've got this, love you!" her twin exclaimed as Yui quietly muttered an "I love you guys too". The clip then switched to Jun's Mom and Younger brother.

"C'mon dear! Show them what you've got, show them how strong you are!" her Mom said, followed by her Younger brother.

"Love you Jun! You're the best Sister anyone can ask for, you've got this! I will become like you one day and we will have a match too" he said, Jun smiled as she nodded. Then came Haru's Sister Emily, but Haru was more surprised seeing all her Teammates as well, while Ami and others along with Emily smiled knowingly.

"Yo! Haru, we know you might be surprised but again we were excited to shoot this video." this was Yui.

"Now now, we know you well enough to know you might be glaring at us right now, but hey in our defense it was Emily and Ami's idea to shoot this video." Jun said, while Ami and Emily looked at Jun offended who royally ignored them.

"Anyway, in my and Emily's defense we wanted to surprise you."

"Yeah, Little Sis! We know you guys will do well." this was Emily.

"You have all got this! We believe in you!" this time it was Yuna and Sana.

"WE LOVE YOU AND BELIEVE IN YOU TEAM BLACK SWAN! YOU'VE GOT THIS!" everyone cheered in unison. By the end of the video, everyone had huge smiles on their faces, even Haru couldn't stop herself from smiling. I mean don't expect huge smile or grin like others, she had a small but fond smile on her face as she gazed at her Teammates. It was moments like these where she doesn't regrets her decision of letting the idiots of her Teammates in. While they all knew they were in for a lot of challenges, they were more determined and inspired than ever for they knew they had all the support and they couldn't be more happier and grateful to have such loving people in their lives.

2 weeks later...

Ami's P.O.V.

"Let it Rip!" I sighed as I watched Rudra overcoming all the Obstacles in it's way and reach it's goal. I slowly held my palm forward, holding it once it landed on my opened palm. I glanced at it, as a small smile formed on my face.

"You may come out now, Myra" I said still not removing my gaze from my Beyblade as I caressed it softly with my other hand, before I slowly turned back to see Myra come out from her hiding spot behind the tree. She looked slightly embarrassed. Cute. I gestured her to come, and seat beside me. She hesitated, before she eventually came and sat beside me.

"I thought I was good at hiding." she said softly. Her voice so small, I wouldn't have heard had there been some distance between us. I tried suppressing my smile that was fighting hard to take place on my face, my heart already melting into a puddle. Not being able to keep up with the act, I gave up. A small smile forming on my face.

"You know, you're cute. You remind me of when I was young." I said, as I saw her immediately look up, surprised from my peripheral view. I chuckled slightly, looking at the way her sad expression was placed by a huge grin.

Little flashback and introduction..

It was just a normal day like any other, I was passing by a Park when I heard some commotion. At first I decided to ignore it, but later giving in to my curiosity I walked into the park. Walking a bit closer, I saw two little Girls having Battles while few other kids cheered. One of the Girls cheered out loud as she won with a Burst finish, but something that caught my attention was another Girl. She has that potential and natural talent at Beyblading, even though she did lost. After the kids walked away, I slowly approached her, as I bent down and picked up all the three pieces of her Beyblade. Fixing it, I handed it back to her. She did not look up yet, I could not hold back and I did something I could not believe. I slightly ruffled her hair, before saying,

"Well, that was good." she looked up surprised, even I am surprised myself.

"But I did lost." she said, her voice small as she looked down yet again.

"Sure, you did little one. But you do have the Potential and the Natural talent in Beyblading. What about you introduce yourself to me? Myself Ami, from Team Black Swan." I introduced myself, as she looked up surprised yet again.

"Ami? From Team Black Swan? The same team who made it right into Top 20 Team?! I can't believe it!" she exclaimed, excited. I smiled slightly at her excitement before nodding.

"Oh, by the way, Myself Myra. I am eleven Years old, from South Korea. I am half Indian and half Korean. I wanted to be a Beyblader, so I can be a perfect opponent for my Elder Sister. Nice to meet you!" I smiled, as I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Nice to meet you too, Myra. I was thinking if you would like to join our Company, Infinity Global Stars? We definitely need young Talents like you to join our Company." I asked, smiling in amusement as Myra's face beamed with a bright smile almost immediately.

"Yes! I would love to!" she exclaimed in enthusiasm.

"Great! Meet me tomorrow, right here. And I will take you to meet our Team Owner. Is it fine with you?" I asked to which I got a nod almost immediately, making her smile.

"Very well then!" that's how I ended up recruiting her for my Company, followed by some Tests which she passed and I couldn't be more proud of her.

End of flashback..

I came out of my thoughts, and looked in front to see her checking out the Training equipments I had set up for myself. She looked at me curiously, as I raised a brow before saying.

"Well, I had set up these Training equipments for whenever I train alone" I simply said, as she looked at me surprised. Honestly I don't know how I understood what she wanted to ask myself, I just did.

"Wow! It's so cool!" she exclaimed, as I nodded. She soon came and sat beside me again, before looking around.

"I don't see anyone here apart from you" she stated, looking around as I nodded again before replying.

"Not many people except for me, my Teammates and now you knows about this place. I don't know why either." I replied, but not like I am complaining either. If anything I like how things are as it is, she continued asking me questions, as I answered as many I could. I felt amused at her enthusiasm and excitement about little things.

"Well, I heard a lot about you guys. Why did you became a Beyblader?" she asked as she gave me a curious look. I looked ahead, breathing in deeply as I said.

"Well. To be honest, I never really had any interest in Beyblading at all. But my life took an interesting turn, and here I am." I replied, while it was not the whole truth, it wasn't a whole lie either.

"By the way, I have also heard about your bonding with Yui from other Bladers, and I have also seen you both stick together a lot. How did your bond formed?"

"Well, I was 11 years old when we met. And it was her Persistence that made me let her in,"       I started as I looked ahead, my voice coming off distant.


It's been almost seven months ever since I joined Infinity Global Stars. I was currently Practicing with one of the guys as assigned by Emily in the Training Centre, when...

"Ami!"      someone barged in, as we looked towards the door. Daichi. I looked at him confused.

"What is it?"     I asked.

"Well, Emily is calling you in her cabin, she asked you to get there immediately."    I just nodded, before picking up Rudra and making my way towards her Cabin. Upon reaching in front of the cabin, I knocked twice opening the door once I had the permission. Entering in, I saw another Girl seated on the chair in front of her desk but I didn't pay attention and asked Emily.

"Yes, Emily? Daichi asked me to talk to you."       I enquired, to which she nodded before saying.

"Well, yes. I want you to meet Yui, she will be one of your Teammates soon once you have an official team. So, I hope you both will get along well."     she stated.

"Hi, Ami! Nice to meet you. Hope we get along well,"     she said as she stood in front of me and forwarded her hand for a handshake, I didn't say anything and just looked at her blankly. Before I turned towards Emily and asked if I can go, to which she sighed but nodded anyway, I walked out.

"Don't worry dear, she will come around. She's still not used to the environment in here and is just like this. But you both will slowly get along well."      I heard Emily saying, as much as I know it was rude to not even greet her back I couldn't help it. I sighed, before walking towards the forest.

I am glad to have found this place, I find solace and peace in here. I soon sat down on the soft grass to meditate for a bit..

A week later..

Like always, I was Practicing alone in my Special Training Centre. Yeah, I have my own Training Centre with best equipments as provided by Emily and Adrian.

"Let it Rip!"      I launched my beyblade into the arena the same time as the Training dummy. Rudra, spinned around in circles as another Beyblade took it's place in the center.

"C'mon Rudra! We got this, you know what to do!"     I exclaimed. Rudra, clashing onto it as sparks came out. I was concentrated on the Game when the door burst opened startling me. I looked back to see Yui standing there smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, Ami! Wanna Battle with me instead?"       she asked, as I shook my head.

"I prefer staying and Practicing alone Yui."     I replied, hoping she would leave me alone. But again, she shook her head and entered in before getting into position, ready to launch her bey. I didn't say anything after that as I simply walked out, but I was startled when I felt a grip on my hand. I looked back at her with a raised brow.

"Where are you going?"      she asked as I sighed.

"I have somewhere to go."     I replied, knowing she won't let me go till I answered her questions.

"But it's evening, we are not allowed outside, remember?"     

"Yeah, I know. But they won't say anything."     with that I walked out.

A month later..

It's been a month and two weeks since Yui joined the Company. She would always somehow find a way to spend time with me, she would forcefully drag me with her and ask me to hang out with her. She's been Persistent, and I knew my walls are slowly crumbling down since this is the first time someone made an effort without giving up on me. Currently, I was laying down on the soft grass with my head on Yui's lap as she wouldn't stop nagging me and asking me to rest, so I gave up knowing she won't let me go till I do what she asks me to. So here I am, laying with my head on her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair. I loved this feeling, but obviously I won't admit it and as much as I hate it I know she knows what I feel. I didn't know when I fell asleep, but I soon jolted awake when I felt someone hug me from back.

"You're alright, I have got you,"     I heard a soft voice say, when I felt my face slightly wet. Don't tell me-- I touched my face and realised I was crying?

The same nightmare again, or rather the memory that haunts me a lot. I am glad she didn't ask me anything as I knew I would break, she just let me be as we remained like that.

Present time..

"I didn't realise it back then, but she had successfully broken down my walls. I remember her reaction when I myself offered her to Practice with me. We would later after Practicing, hang out with each other, talk to each other, more likely she would do all the talking and I would listen to her. We slowly but surely became inseparable. Once I had unknowingly had a small smile on my face, while she told me a funny incident about her Childhood. She caught me smiling and teased me a lot that day, even though I acted annoyed I didn't deny that and she knew it. Slowly, I started expressing more emotions around her, I didn't realise when I started admiring her Kindness, compassionate and Caring Nature..."      I paused as I looked at her smiling face, before smiling slightly and patting her head as I continued.

"All I will say is, you just need to be Patient. I was just like Mai, and I will say she is a good kid. Just maybe not yet ready to let someone in. I did took time to let Yui in as well, but I am grateful that she was Patient and understanding. You just need to have Patience and see how fast your friendship will bloom."     I said as she smiled and nodded.

"Let's get going now, it's evening already. Emily and Adrian will have my head for this."     I said as I stood up, she giggled as she walked beside me and soon we were back at our Campus.

With Shu and Valt..

After spending a week in Japan, and doing everything they missed with each other, Wakiya and others returned back to their Teams. Shu and Valt, decided to spend more time with each other to make up for the time they have missed since they were busy managing their own teams. They did anything and everything that came to their minds, whether it was having intense Battles, hanging out at their favorite spots, binge watching series or movies, or simply even lazying around in Shu's apartment all cuddled up.

Currently, both Shu and Valt were at a beautiful cliff, the view before them breathtaking as they sat beside each other, leaning against a tree. Valt's head automatically finding a comfortable, resting place on Shu's shoulder while Shu's arm wrapped around Valt, his head resting on top of Valt's. Both of them lost in their own thoughts.

"What is this I feel with you Shu? I've never felt something like this before."    Thought Valt.

"Why do I feel like this with you Valt? Is it perhaps what I think it is? Do I... Do I like you?"      Shu wondered.

To Be Continued...

Phew! These are more than 3000 words. Anyway here you go with the 6th Part.


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