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Sana's P.O.V.

After sending Yui to collect Ami and others and bring them here, I waited inside my cabin while I sorted some paperwork off. 5 minutes later, they were all here. Before I could say anything Haru spoke up.

"Yui informed us about the kid gaining consciousness, how's he doing now?"           she asked, others looking at me with the same questioning gaze.

"Yeah, we are going there right now. He seemed to be a lot more calm now, so I think now is the right time to visit him as well as talk to him."       I replied as they all agreed without second thoughts. Guess they were all much more worried than me, although they know how to keep their faces blank we can tell how they are still worried deep down. I exchanged a look with Yuna and blinked once in assurance as she blinked back.

Jun's P.O.V.

Soon we were all on our way to the hospital he was admitted in. Reaching the hospital, we got down and moved towards the reception area and asked the nurse present there about, Kenji, that might be his name I guess. Looking at other Team mates of mine, I can see they were all worried and curious to know and talk to him. But Ami seemed more restless and impatient even, lost in her thoughts. Moving towards her, I gently put my hand on her shoulder as she snapped back to reality.

"Huh?"        she looked back, at me as I asked her if she was fine. She just nodded as yes, I knew she was anything but fine right now but I didn't press further as we started walking towards the room.

Reaching the room, we saw him awake talking to the nurses while they did their work. And he seemed to be doing Okay-ish with the way he was behaving all cheerful. Reaching there, Sana knocked informing them about our Presence as she and the nurses nodded at each other in greetings and we simple smiled a bit as they walked past us, smiling back. We slowly went inside as Sana sat down on the chair beside the bed and Ami stood on the other side of her.

"Hey kid, do you remember who are you? Or how did you ended up here?"    Haru, came straight to the point as Yuna swatted her hand, the boy looked at us confused.

No One's P.O.V.

The boy looked at them, confused and slightly scared.

"Hey! How are you feeling now?"     Ami asked, slightly smiling the boy to make him feel comfortable. The others let her be, the boy kept quiet for a few minutes, looking at her. They all waited patiently for his answer.

"H- hello! I- I am fine"          he replied, stuttering a bit. This time Yuna asked, in a soft tone.

"That's great to hear! Do you remember your name? Or how you ended up here?"         she asked, her voice soft and friendly, trying to make him feel comfortable.

"Yes, I am Kenji, Kenji Hayashi. And no I don't remember how I ended up here."          he replied, as the others gave him a sympathetic smile. Looking at each other, they communicated with their eyes and nodded towards each other slightly.

"Okay. Do you want to know how you ended up here or anything like where you were before?"       Ami asked, as Kenji nodded slowly.

"Well, are you a Beyblader?"        Yui asked all of a sudden, making the boy panic and look here and there. He was slowly starting to panic not finding his Beyblade near him. Ami slowly took it out of her pocket, and handed it to him as the boy thanked her making her ruffle his hair.

"Well, are you guys Beybladers too?"     he asked, getting excited all of a sudden. The others looked at him bewildered at his sudden excitement but nonetheless smiled and nodded, making him cheer again.

"Well then we would like to have a battle with you soon"       this time it was Haru, because c'mon she hardly smiles or speaks so obviously it was surprising to see her gentle with him. But anyway the others agreed too, making him cheer once again. Soon, a nurse came in grabbing the visitor's attention.

"Well, visiting hours are over"       she said, smiling a bit as the others nodded and walked out after bidding him bye again, not before telling him to rest plenty and get well soon. Coming out, they were met with the Doctor.

"Well, as per the condition he was in according to what you guys told us. He might have had a temporary  memory loss, he will be fine. For now we can't really pressurise him"        the Doc informed, as the others nodded in understanding and soon departed from the hospital.

Ami's P.O.V.

On the way back, I got lost in thoughts again that I didn't even realise when we were back into the Campus. Yeah, we all live in a Campus provided by the Company itself. Since it was 8 PM we didn't had anything to do either so we either did our School assignments or trained for a bit. Since I had already done my School work I had nothing to do, having being done with training as well I just decided to clean my Beyblade.

"What do you think, will Kenji ever get his memory back?"      I asked Rudra, it just twinkled in response as I smiled. Just then someone placed a hand on my shoulder, making me look up to find Yui. She sat beside me as I sighed.

"Talking to Rudra again?"         she asked, amused. I just gave her a blank look, as she put her hands up in the air dramatically. She can be drama queen at times, but again she knows how to cheer people up but ofc I won't admit it. I looked back at Rudra, smiling again.

"Hmm"      I simply hummed. Before she could say anything, I beat her to it.

"Well, I was just asking Rudra if he would ever gain his memory again."

"Oh and what did he replied?"      she asked, as I faced her and grinned slightly.

"Soon"        she just shook her head as we both lay down on my bed, side by side with our hands under our heads.

Soon, we were called for dinner. The chefs here are really great cooks, Ryōsuke and Hina Takahashi. They both are a lovely married couple, and have twins daughter and son. They often accompany their Parents here and hence we have a great bonding, even with their Parents. They are really supportive of all the Bladers here, except for they don't hesitate reprimanding or scolding those who bully others or create troubles.

Entering inside, we were met with the sight that had us slightly shocked, but we recovered as we looked at the Couple with teasing smiles. Well, apparently Ryō had his arms wrapped around Hina's waist as they flirted, but looking at us they quickly averted to their works again, slightly blushing.

"Oh my poor innocent eyes! I will have to bleach them now"       Yui, the drama queen she is, exclaimed. Me and Haru didn't say anything but just had teasing smiles, while Jun, Yuna and Sana joined in on the teasing.

The Chefs laughed, playing along.

"Oh c'mon now! Stop with the teasing kids"       Hina exclaimed, blushing hard.

"Yeah, sure sure, c'mon guys let's go and take our dinner and leave the love birds to romance"         Sana said, playfully.

But the once playful demeanor was gone as their faces went blank, looking at others entering in. I mean, it's always like this. While the chefs sighed, wondering when the four will ever convey their emotions freely, without having to hide. But nonetheless,

"C'mon kids! Have your Dinner now!"     she said, her voice as usual cheerful.

Once done with the Dinner, we all kept our dishes in the sink, getting ready to walk away. When all of a sudden, an announcement was made.

"Everyone, please be present in our usual meeting hall immediately! I repeat, please be present in our usual meeting hall."            Other bladers started murmuring, which was getting slightly annoying. Sana, raised her hand in the air, as a gesture for them to stop talking and keep walking. And we were thankful for the authority she had. We looked at each and shrugged, but proceeded towards the meeting hall anyway and settled down in our seats.

A few moments later, Emily and Trad arrived. We were surprised to see him here, specially since he is from BC Sol. But, we decided to concentrate on what they were speaking.

No One's P.O.V.

"Well, first of all, I would like to deeply apologise for calling you all like this so late at night. We actually have-"       Emily started but was cut off by Botan.

"Well, get over it fast"         Botan yawned, well he was one of the most boisterous and lazy Blader. And also the most despised one, who thinks he is the superior Blader. That annoyed Trad, who snapped.

"Well, we would appreciate you getting out of this meeting hall with your disrespectful attitude. Else you will regret it bad."       he snapped, annoyed. Botan rolled his eyes murmuring "whatever". Emily thanked him and continued.

"Well, now as I was saying. We have something to show you guys."  Emily stated, all serious as she gestures Trad to show the video footage.

In the Video..

The place was creepy, situated in the deeper parts of a forest, seemingly in America. There were two guys, knelt on the ground as they stared at their badly destroyed Beyblades in the stadium, their eyes held the look of disbelief. In front of them stood a guy, wearing a Black Cloak, his upper half face covered. He gave off a scary, creepy vibes, as he looked right into the camera, sending shivers down the spines of all present there as he spoke up, his voice deep and evil.

"This is just the beginning. I am coming to destroy all your Beyblades. Be ready to see your Beyblades getting destroyed right in front of you, my dear Beybladers."         the way he said that, seemed to be a direct warning to all the Bladers, which it was. With that he laughed maniacally as the boys fled away from there, after collecting their Damaged Beys. And the video footage ended right there.

It had some Bladers terrified, while some in confusion, and some were determined as ever to prove their worth. The murmuring started again between the Bladers, but amidst all this Ami was lost in deep thoughts, while the five shared looks of concern but decided to talk to her later on. Ami got out of her thoughts when Emily cleared her throat and everyone else went quiet.

"As you guys watched this video already, you all know we will have to stay alert from now on. We won't be tolerating any reckless behaviour of anyone in here. This is not it, Trad here, wants to make an important announcement as well. So kindly pay attention."        at this, all of the Bladers were now curious, but paid attention. Trad looked around and upon confirming he had full attention of everyone, he spoke up.

"Well, we have Mega World Championships starting soon. Beybladers from all over the world are gonna be Participating in this Championship. You will be given a chance to Prove yourselves, official announcements will be made soon and the details would be given to you all. So, I hope you guys will prepare hard."       at this the Bladers cheered, talking to each other excitedly as they discussed about definitely Participating in it. Before it could get more louder, Trad interrupted again.

"Well, special invitations will be received by some groups as direct entry among Top 20 Teams. And I am honoured to announce, one of the Team here has secured their spot among those Top 20 Teams. The team is......"         he trailed off, creating suspense. The chattering growing as the Bladers there boasted "I can bet it's my Team"     "No it's mine!" another argued.  "Huh, keep dreaming it's mine!"      another taunted. Amidst all the chaos, Ami and her group sat silently. Finally having had enough, Trad and Emily raised their hands, the chatters died down immediately.

"And the Team is...

Team.... Black Swan!"

He announced, the excitement vanished and the looks of envy and hatred took place on some of the Bladers' faces. Ami and her Team were surprised, would be an understatement. Trad and Emily approached the group, who stood up out of respect for the two and started congratulating them, with the Team thanking them and showing gratitude for the opportunity they were given. Until "Yeah, here's the favouritism again"    "Ofc they will be the chosen ones"      and other such comments were passed, annoying Emily as her raged voice boomed in the meeting hall making everyone go silent.

"Well the ones complaining, should be grateful you guys are still given a chance. Work hard and secure a place for your own self instead of complaining and crying. You all may proceed towards your rooms now."       she said, her tone a bit cold.

Ami and others were thankful for the defend and they exchanged  determined looks among themselves, thanking the other Bladers who genuinely congratulated them and wished them too in return before they retired to their rooms. Now they were determined than ever to prove themselves again and not disappoint Emily and Trad.

After everyone else dispersed, Emily and Trad looked at the Team approaching them.

"Well, thanks a lot for giving us this opportunity to prove ourselves to the world, Emily and Trad. We promise we won't disappoint."      Ami said, genuinely grateful as Trad smiled and said.

"Well you guys deserve this opportunity, you guys have it in you. Don't pay attention to those who only knows how to degrade you. About not disappointing us, we trust you a lot. Just give it your all."      he said, his smile encouraging them as they slowly smiled back. Emily agreeing and after congratulating them again, the Team retired to their own rooms as well.

Later, Ami kept tossing and turning on her bed. It was past midnight, and she could not sleep. She was grateful that the beds were separate as three persons shared a room, she was sharing a Room with Yui and Jun, who were all fast asleep. Not being able to sleep anymore, she decided to just get up and stroll around for some fresh air, and clear up her mind. But little did she know, Yui and Jun were actually awake so as soon as she got up to leave she felt a grip on her hand. Startled, she looked back to see Yui and Jun who were looking at her with a raised brow, making Ami give the two a sheepish smile.

"Couldn't sleep? Or did I wake you both up?"       she asked the other two, who replied.

"C'mon now! What do you take us for dude? We literally noticed you getting lost in thoughts and the way you were restless. And so I guess it's because of that video footage?"        at this, Ami looked at her surprised but then she sighed and nodded.

Just then the door opened and in walked three figures, making them jump and Ami immediately getting into a defensive position. Switching the bedside lamp on after closing the doors, Haru rose a questioning brow looking at Ami in defensive position, and Yui and Jun carried stick and vase, it was a rather funny sight. The three immediately relaxed seeing it was just their Team mates. The three settled down Haru and Yuna on Ami's bed and Sana and Jun on Yui's bed. After a few moments, Ami started.

"So, what brings you all here? I mean why are you guys not asleep yet?"       she asked, to which Sana replied.

"Well, we couldn't really sleep and guessed you wouldn't have fallen asleep either, so thought why not get here."      she explained.

"Now, shoot."         Haru said, making Ami look at her confused.

"What am I supposed to say?"       

"Well, I am quite sure you have been thinking about Seraphine Shadow Weaver. So shoot."       just then realisation hit her while the others gave her a knowing look.

"I don't know, don't you think he was like him?"          she said, her eyes on focused on her Bey resting in her hand.

"What do you mean?"       Yui was only getting more confused.

"You all know what I mean guys. I can recognise that voice anywhere, and my gut feeling says it's his voice all along."          she explained.

"But how can you be so sure? I mean why would he do something like that? What would he get doing that? I don't think it's him."        

"I don't know, as I said my gut feeling says it is him, and if that's true we would finally have the opportunity to face him soon."         she said, suddenly determined.

"Woah! What are you planning? You better not get into any trouble."        Jun warned.

"Chill! You know me, I won't do anything that puts me or even you all in trouble. Moreover, he might be there too which will make it easier for us to confront him."          she said, her resolve unwavering.

(We will be ready to face you anytime, Seraphine Shadow Weaver.)         walking towards the window, she took a deep breath looking out (With my Team mates, we will be unstoppable)  was her only thought, for she knew no matter what they are all gonna be in this together, for together they are unbeatable. But again, only time will tell whether her training and hard work till now pays off or not.

To Be Continued...

Wow! 2,952 words... Anyway, Mega World Championships gonna start soon. Are you all excited? What do you all think about Seraphine Shadow Weaver? How will it all go once they face off, will their training and hard work pay off? Also Trad knows them already, maybe Main Leads and other characters are gonna meet Ami and her Team soon... Till then, take care!


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