Who Are You?

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'Hi.' Kelsey entered the lounge at 10pm after all the customers had left.

'Take a seat.' Ryleigh eyed at her for awhile, trying to decipher her thoughts. 'Kelsey, can you tell me about yourself. Who are you?'

'Is this another interview?' She asked impatiently.

'Something like that.' Ryleigh replied.

'My name is Kelsey Mae Campbell. I'm 17 and I just dropped out of high school. I already told you everything during the last interview.' Kelsey said with a mocking smile.

Brushing off Kelsey's impertinence, Ryleigh continued to ask, 'Why did you drop out?'

'I told you. I want to help my Dad and I hate school.' Kelsey was near breaking point as her eyes started to water. But Ryleigh needed to know more about her, no matter what.

'What's so bad about school?' Ryleigh pressed on.

Kelsey looked away, her face bright red as tears of grief fell from her eyes. 'My mom had an affair with my Biology teacher okay! She was unfaithful to her husband and failed as a mother!'

'Oh...' Ryleigh's eyes became tender with empathy and compassion. Standing up, she walked over to Kelsey and embraced her. Kelsey's family was broken, she was broken. Kelsey's story was too similar to hers...

'My mom left my dad for my Biology teacher. Its disgusting.' Kelsey verbalized between tormenting sobs. 'She works as the school's lab assistant so god knows how long the affair has been going on for. A month ago, she divorced my dad and...'

Ryleigh stroked her back, feeling guilty for evoking such intense emotions. 'My dad didn't know a thing. He was completely and utterly heartbroken when it happened.' Kelsey continued.

'Are you doing okay at home?' Ryleigh questioned further. 'Financially that is.' She added.

'We get by.' Kelsey answered defensively, slightly offended by the question. Sighing, she added, ' My dad used to be the secretary of some CEO in a finance company but after my mom...he just let go of himself. He started stress eating, he stopped showing up to work and now he's fired.'


'Whatever you won't understand what it's like to go through something traumatic.' Kelsey said bitterly.

Ryleigh frowned at her comment and challenged, 'You think you're the only one that knows what it's like to see things slowly deteriorate and rot? You think you're the only one who's has it tough?'

'You don't get it. What can a successful 30 year old manager of a thriving bakery understand about hardships anyway?' Kelsey rolled her eyes.

If Kelsey's story didn't resemble Ryleigh's that much, with her lack of respect, she would have been kicked out of the bakery faster than Nicole. Ryleigh bit her tongue from retaliating. 'Kelsey, you are 17 years old. How old do you think I am?' She asked slowly.

Kelsey scrutinised her and replied, 'You look youthful but you act like an old lady so no less than 30.'

Ryleigh laughed dryly and informed, 'I'm 18.'

Kelsey gasped and immediately tried to mask it with her words, 'No way.'

Ryleigh nodded in assurances. 'Do you know why I act like an old lady, as you said?'

Kelsey reluctantly shook her head. 'I was forced to grow up. Like you, my teenage years of fun and parties were robbed away from me. Being the mediator whenever my parents argue like cats and dogs, having to go through my parents divorcing, enduring my mother's abuse and most of all, risking my life to be here in New York City!' Ryleigh voiced out.

Seeing that Kelsey was left speechless, Ryleigh continued, 'And you know what? Through all that, I still kept a smile and was optimistic about everything. When I got this job, I put in 110 percent, working long hours, greeting customers with a bright smile even when I felt defeated inside, coming up with new recipes everyday, putting up with Mr. Dudley's condescension!'

'You...you weren't really abused. No way. You look way too polished.' Kelsey commented.

Ryleigh rolled up her jeans and moved her hands so her palms faced upwards. Kelsey gasped in shock and covered her mouth when she saw Ryleigh's knees and palm covered with small, red cuts. 'Oh god...'

'These scars I have are healed but the marks are permanent. I will never forget my past. It will always be a part of who I am.' Ryleigh rolled her jeans back down and said meaningfully, 'Kelsey, all this that you're going through, it will shape who you are in the future. Embrace your past, try your best now and hope for the future.'

'I'm sorry... I really am....'Kelsey apologised.

'When I was in Navesland, I felt so alone. My mother didn't care for me, she was an alcoholic. My father left me behind. So I can understand how you feel now. I understand the roller coaster of emotions behind each action of yours. I just want to say, now you have been given a chance to do something for yourself, don't waste it, be the best version of yourself.'

'I just hate this!' Kelsey confessed as her tears began to roll down her cheeks again. 'I hate my mother. She started everything. I hate her.'

'No one's perfect. Most women can give birth yet only a handful of them have mastered the art of motherhood.'

Kelsey stared at her with large, sorrowful eyes. Ryleigh patted her shoulder and joked, 'Well my mother was an alcoholic when I was with her and now she's a drug addict and a prostitute.'

Even when accompanied with a casual laugh, you would hear the dejection and misery through her words. Kelsey didn't know what to say so she kept silent.

'So you see, we all have something awful in our past that we want to forgo but what I've learned is that it'll always stay with you. You can't forget it so why not use that resentment and hatred and turn it into your motivation to strive for the best.' Ryleigh advised.

'I know...I know I was not exactly nice today...to anyone....' Kelsey admitted.

'Tomorrow is a new day.' Ryleigh reminded with a grin.

'You're right. Thank you, Ms. Winters.' Kelsey wiped the tears off her face and hugged Ryleigh once more.

'Call me Ryleigh.'

'Goodbye then Ryleigh. Thank you so much.' Kelsey uttered in gratitude and left the lounge.

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