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twenty years later:

Martha and Washington are fostering children who need families. They look happy whenever you see pictures of them in the paper.

That's all you see nowadays.

Washington hasn't written you any letters, he barely even looked at you after the wedding ceremony.

You think it's because he can't hold back that teary look in his eyes.

But it's probably just him feeling shame.

You have felt a lot of things recently but shame wasn't one of them. You're saving that for George.

He's the one who gave up.

But as to not make his sacrifice worthless, you pursued a life of great political importance.

You never held an office or anything, but you did fight for women's rights and furthered the study of women's education.

Women all around the world write you letters, telling you how they read about your efforts in the paper.

Men send you death threats.

Still none have lived up to their word.

So you keep going.

You keep fighting. You keep accomplishing the things in his honor.

And you become what you have always wanted.

Without him.

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