Too Many Sweets

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We all order something as we discuss our plans for the trip.

Rosy keeps stealing off my plate. Not that I mind. I find it cute that she thinks I haven't noticed her trying to stealthily steal my cake.

She looks up at me to see me staring but I don't look away.

"Oops. How did that get there?" She asks, referring to her fork in my cake and I just laugh, shaking my head at her pretend innocence.

"You can have it if you want." I say and she immediately grabs my plate.

We all laugh at that and go back to making plans for the trip.

"So, we're staying for as long as we want but we have to be back before school starts back up in three weeks because we have a game during the first week of reopening." I state and the others nod in agreement.

I watch Rosy as she eats and she looks up at me, feeding me some of her cake since she finished mine. I smile at her and take it, my eyes not leaving hers for a second.

I wipe some cake off the corner of her lips and she blushes. Gosh, this girl is driving me crazy.

"You guys. We're right here." Ross brings me out of my thoughts and I look back at him, rolling my eyes.

Rosy blushes even more and buries her face in my chest.

"You guys are so cute together. " Danie says for the tenth time in just one day.

After a few minutes, Danie and Ross also end up getting lost in their own world.

Rosy quickly exchanges her ice cream for mine since hers is almost done.

"I saw that." I chuckle and she acts all innocent again.

"Saw what? I'm just eating my ice cream." She defends and I chuckle even more.

"You guys are making me feel even more single with every passing second." Bennie pouts and we all laugh at her.

"Danie, we have a mission. We're finding Bennie a bae." Rosy exclaims joyously and both of them start looking around the bakery.

"How about that guy sitting close to the window?" Rosy suggests.

"Too old." Was Bennie's reply

"How about the cashier?" Danie asks

"Too young."

"How about the guy ordering now?"

"Too cute."

"How is that a bad thing?" I ask

"Too many girls will be all over him. I can't handle the competition." She answers and I roll my eyes.

"I give up." Danie says with a yawn while Rosy still looks around.

After a while, she also gives up. Bennie is just too picky, and she doesn't seem to be ready for a relationship yet.

"Danie, you haven't touched your cake yet." Rosy observes

"I just don't have an appetite for cake now." She answers with a smile though you can clearly see that there's something more to it. No one points it out though.

"That's okay. I can have it packaged for you." I say and Rosy's smile falls.

"I think Rosy would rather have it." Danie is about to hand the cake over to Rosy but I stop her.

She pouts at me but I shake my head.

"You've had enough sweets for one day. I don't want you getting all hyper."


"No buts." I give her a stern look and she looks away from me, crossing her arms over her chest. I'm not letting her have it.

"Meanie." She mumbles and I chuckle at her childish behaviour.

I get the cake packaged for Danie.

"Have you been eating at all recently? You look like you've lost weight. It's not too visible but it's still there." Ross questions Danie but she just brushes it off.

After a while, Ross drops Bennie and Danie off while I take Rosy to my place.

She walks straight to the kitchen and I roll my eyes at that, going into my room.

Rosy walks in with a plate of the cake I specifically told her not to have.

"Rosy. You're not having that cake." I tell her.

She sends a fork full of cake closer to her mouth and I give her a look that says 'don't do it.'

She puts the cake in her mouth and smiles in victory. Oh don't celebrate just yet.

I smirk at her and walk towards her slowly.

Her facial expression changes as I get closer. She looks down at the cake.

"Look at me, Rosy." I order and she does as I say.

"You're not having that cake." She walks back until she makes a connection with the wall, trapping herself.

I reach for the plate and before I can grab it she grumbles, "Fine."

What she does next surprises me.

She slaps the plate of cake on my face and runs out of the room.

I gasp in shock. "Don't think you're getting away with this, Rosy." I shout after her and I hear her hearty laughter fill the hallway.

I wipe as much cake off my face as possible and chase after her.

She moves quickly around the house and ends up getting into my room again. Right where I want her.

I get in before she can lock it and do that myself.

Now she's trapped. I smirk at her and walk towards her again. This time, I pin her hands above her head against the wall to prevent her from escaping.

"You shouldn't have eaten the cake, Rosy." I say in a low tone.

"I- I only took one bite." She defends herself.

"But I asked you not to. You have been very naughty, Rosy."

I bring my lips closer to hers and she closes her eyes but I don't kiss her. Instead, I decide to tease her a little.

My lips linger and she opens her eyes, staring straight into mine. I smirk at her and kiss her jaw, making my way down to her neck.

She gasps in surprise and I smirk at that before pulling back slightly.

I leave her flushed and walk to the bathroom to take a nice shower.

"You, you jerk." Rosy whines and flops onto the bed and I laugh at that.

After the shower, I join Rosy on the bed only in my sweatpants.

She leaves to take a shower too and comes back in my shirt. It looks good on her.

She picks up the book she was initially reading.

I realise she's reading The Miller's Daughter by Margaret Dickinson. Good read.

I pick out a novel too and we both sit in silence, enjoying our books.

"I'm thirsty. Want anything?" I ask Rosy after sometime.

"Water would do." She replies and I get off the bed to get her some water.

"So, you finally came out from that hospital." A voice says from behind me as I get a glass of fruit juice for myself.

"Why do you care?" I ask while setting both glasses on a tray, careful not to spill any.

"So I guess the gold digger is around." He says instead and I drop the tray back on the counter.

"Call my girlfriend that one more time and I will not take it lightly with you." I warn him, looking him dead in the eye.

I pick up the tray and make my way towards the stairs as he chuckles to himself. I control myself as much as possible, dropping the tray on the bedside table in anger.

"What happened?" Rosy asks, worry evident in her voice and on her face.

"Mr. Russo happened." I reply, balling my hands into fists.

She touches my hand and I calm down a bit. She always manages to calm me down with just a touch.

I sit beside her and she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Don't let him get to you, Os. Nothing he says or does can bring us apart anymore."

I turn around and hug her tightly.

"Thank you for putting up with me and my messed up family. I love you."

"Of course. I love you too." I stare into her eyes and kiss her, expressing my gratitude through it.

Someone barges in at that moment.

"Oh for feck's sake. Get out of my room, guys!" I yell at the twins for coming in unannounced.

"Oops. Sorry guys." Emma apologises and walks out, dragging Liam along.

"Don't forget to use protection!" Liam shouts out before the door is closed and Rosy blushes uncontrollably.

"Why do they always assume we're doing it?" She asks and I smirk.

"Maybe we should." I say and she blushes even more.

"Oh shut up." She hits my chest playfully and I chuckle at her flushed face.

She reaches for my juice on the tray but I stop her.

"Didn't you ask for water?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I did but I want your juice now." She tries to reach for it again.

"Well you're not having it. You've had too many sweets today." I tell her again and she sighs.

"Fine." She picks up the water, not putting up a fight and I look at her surprised.

"You're not arguing?" I ask.

"Nope. I guess you're right. I need to take a break from sweets." She replies.

"Look who's acting mature now." I tease and pinch her cheeks while she swats my arm away.

I kiss her cheek and get back to reading, not even touching the juice once.

Update!!!!!!!!!! Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo.

Okay so... enjoy the chapter.

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Xoxo- Detia ❤

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