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We leave the girls to pack as Ross and I also get our stuff ready.

"Dude, Danie has been acting really weird lately. She sleeps a lot and still claims to be tired and it's evident that she's losing weight. She doesn't eat much anymore. Now that's really weird because I know she loves her food. I'm worried."

"We don't want to assume anything now. She'll tell us when she's ready. Maybe her asthma is resurfacing and that's stressing her."

"Yeah. You're probably right. She was complaining about some chest pains a few days ago. Well, let's get packing."

I already have my bag set so I help Ross pack instead. We pick random stuff, most of them highly unnecessary.

"Bro, what are we going to use this ladybug action figure for?" He asks

"I honestly have no idea."

" I'll just drop it in." He shrugs and puts more action figures in the bag.

"Boys, I hope you're packing all your necessities." His mom calls from downstairs and we shout back a yes while chuckling to ourselves.

"Let's check up on the girls." I suggest when we're done and he rolls his eyes at me.

"We both know you just want to see my sister."

"That is true." I admit nonchalantly.

"Whipped." He whispers under his breath and I tackle him, having a mini match with him.

"At least I'm admitting that. Everyone knows you have a thing for Danie. When was the last time you had a fling?" I ask with a smirk on my face as that shuts him up.

"Let's just go." He ignores my question and we walk to the girls' room.

"What are you girls giggling about?" I poke my head through the doorway.

"Yeah girls, what's so funny? You were supposed to give me a makeover yet you won't let me see how it looks." Bennie whines and the girls part ways.

Ross and I look at each other and back at Bennie before we laugh out loud. Ross ends up on the floor and I help him up.

She moves quickly to the mirror and screams so loudly that some birds fly away.

"What did you girls do? You were supposed to give me the absolute makeover of cuteness not turn me into a clown."

"Hold up." Rosy runs out and comes back in with a red clown nose, placing it right on Bennie's nose. Danie gets a wig and they place it on her head.

"Done. Now you look like a clown."

At this point we're all wheezing as Bennie fumes with anger

"What's all the commotion ab- oh my goodess. Who did that to you, dear." We all snicker as Rosy's mom comes in.

Bennie points to the girls and they act all innocent with Rosy touching her chest and asking "me?" Before laughing which only makes us laugh more.

"It was supposed to be the perfect makeover but I smudged too much lipstick and just like that it turned into who can give the worst makeover." Danie explains

"You should have at least given me a heads up before."

"But where's the fun in that?" Rosy asks and we all laugh again.

"Okay all of you, OUT NOW! I need to fix this mess. Shoo." She pushes us all out and we move to the living room.

Rosy sits in my lap and Danie sits next to Ross.

There's a random series playing on the television but no one seems to be paying attention to it. Bennie walks back out minutes later looking better than she did before.

"Rosy, Elliot cancelled on me." Josh comes down the stairs with a disappointed look on his face and takes a seat beside us.

"Hey um can we play some soccer with my brother today? He was really looking forward to it but his friend cancelled and I know he really likes to play." Rosy whispers to me

"Of course."

She gets out of my grasp and walks to the basement for the balls I assume.

I frown and follow her there, making sure she doesn't know that I'm behind her. I stand leaning against the doorway and wait for her to turn around and see me.

She picks up two balls but drops them with a shriek as she turns around to see me.

"Gosh, you scared me. What are you doing down here?" She asks, picking up the balls again.

I back her up against a wall and whisper into her ear, "You left without a kiss."

"But- but Josh was sit-ting right there." She fumbles with her words as I fan her neck with my breath.

I look back at her and smile at the blush that creeps to her cheeks before walking out of there.

I just love messing with her sometimes.

Did he just-

Ugh. He just teased me and left. Oh I'm surely getting payback for that.

I spot him with his back towards me and I throw a ball right at him but I miss. Curse my poor aim.

He turns around with a surprised look on his face.

"Did you just throw a ball at me? They're meant for kicking, not for throwing, Rosy." He says with a chuckle and I mumble idiot under my breath.

I wait for him to get a little closer and throw the other ball at him, hitting him right in the chest.

He grunts. "That was a good throw."

"That's payback for what you did."

"What did I do?" He asks, closing the gap between us. This time, I try not to let it affect me. I stay rooted in my spot and cross my arms over my chest.

"You left me hanging in there."

"You could just have it now." He says and I draw my lips in, earning a laugh from him.

"Come on." He drapes his arms around me.

"Break it up!" Ross shouts, throwing a ball in our direction. 

Os rolls his eyes, catching it while I blush furiously.

"Pretty good reflexes you've got there, Russo." Ross says, impressed.

"Were you really going to hit me with it?" I question and snatch the ball from Os.

Ross runs out and I run after him, ready to throw the ball at him.

"Guys." Os calls and I glare at Ross who pokes his tongue out at me.

We walk back to where he is to hear what he has to say.

"So. The girls are going to be on one team and the guys on the other. We aren't up to number so we'll just have to improvise with the game. The main aim is to score a goal. You will still be penalised if you use your hands."

Bennie raises her hand in disbelief.

"No hands?" She asks and the guys laugh at her. She has probably never paid attention to any game before. It's weird because she has been to every single one of Rosalio's matches.

"More importantly, it's not fair that you guys get to be on one team. You all have some level of experience. We are novices." Danie complains and I agree.

"Well, sucks for you." Rosalio comments and walks away with a ball in hand.

Mom blows the whistle and immediately the game begins, Bennie hits the ball with her hand.

I facepalm. Rosalio laughs and Danie mumbles, "Oh we're certainly going to lose."

"Foul." Dad calls out. "Penalty kick for the boys."

Josh does the honours and scores a goal.

Now that's a nice way to begin the game.

At some point we're all tired and sweaty so we end the game at 5-1.

Yes, the girls scored a goal. Well technically, Danie did. She's the most sporty one among us.

And I fell just twice this time.

We get in and freshen up.

"I know you could have scored that goal but you intentionally passed the ball to me." I tell Os once we get back downstairs.

"No I didn't. I just missed."

I roll my eyes at him. "You didn't have to go easy on me. I suck at it but I love to watch you play." I tell him, playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"Well, I wanted to. You almost had that one goal though." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Oh please. I was so far off."

"Ugh. You guys are making me sick."

Of course, Ross just had to ruin the moment.

We ignore him and continue to act lovey dovey all night.

Hey hey hey. Two updates in one day.

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Xoxo- Detia❤

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