Secret Conversation

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"Rosy, Rosy, Rosetta!"
I wake up abruptly to see Rosalio staring down at me. I give him a confused look.

"You fell asleep and started crying in your sleep." He explains

I look around to see that I'm on the couch.

"But- but. Os-Os-"

"Yeah, speaking of him, I just got a call from Nessa that he's awake and he's asking of you."

"But-but didn't his father take him to a far away place to get away from me?"

"Umm, I'm pretty sure he didn't. Mr. Russo hasn't been in that hospital since Os got there."

I sigh in relief. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go."

"Let me just inform mom about our whereabouts. She's dropping Aunt Mila and our cousins off."

"Wait, that part wasn't a dream?"

"No. You fell asleep right after playing Scrabble."

"I did? Uh... let's just get going, okay?"

Inside, I'm bursting with joy. Oswald isn't leaving me. Oswald is staying here with me.


"Rosy, are you okay?" Rosalio asks

"Yeah, I'm fine?" I brush it off

"How'd you-"

"Don't ask." I cut him short.

We get into the car and I rub my forehead.

If you're wondering what happened, I'm not going to tell you. Okay, fine. I'll tell you.

Out of excitement, I forgot that the front door opens in and not out so you probably know what happened next.

The pain seems to vanish completely when Rosalio pulls up in front of St. John's hospital. I jump out immediately, not waiting for the car to come to a complete stop. I let my legs lead me to room 295. I'm pretty sure that's the fastest I've run without tripping on something.

I spot Nessa, Liam and Emma around Os' bed. They make way when they see me and that's when my eyes land on Oswald.

I walk slowly towards the bed, not believing my eyes but when I touch his face, I know that this is damn real.

I am taken aback by his next move but I let loose and kiss him back. We pull away and I whisper, "I missed you" to him.

"Oh I know."

Gotta admit I missed his cocky side too.

"It wasn't entirely bad though. I did get countless love declarations so..." He smirks

"How'd you?-" he shushes me with his finger and I feel a whole different sensation from when my harasser did it.

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder, Rosy."

He's about to kiss me again when some people interrupt.

"That's enough PDA for one day."
"No, not in front of me!"

The former by Liam and the latter by Rosalio. They both speak at the same time.

I pull back blushing and turn to face more people than I remember seeing when I first walked in.

"Bennie? Danie? How long have you guys been in here?"

"Long enough to see you two almost make babies on a hospital bed." Bennie comments.

"That wasn't gonna happen." I manage to let out through my flushed face. I'm pretty sure a tomato would be jealous right now.

Just as I get off the bed, my dad walks into the room. Phew, that was close. He gives me a weird look but goes to ask Os how he's doing.

I ignore that and walk towards the girls.

Bennie smacks my arm.

"Ow. What was that for?" I pout

"That was for not telling me you knew Liam Alonzo,and this," she pinches me hard, "Is for not getting some fashion tips from Emma Russo."

She doesn't let go off my forearm until I let out a yelp.

"Are you okay?" Nessa asks with concern lacing her voice and they all turn to look at me.

"She's fine. Aren't you, Rosy?" Bennie smiles wickedly and I give her a stink eye before replying with 'perfect'

Everyone talks randomly until it gets really late. Slowly, the room loses weight. Os and I are the only two left.

"So... aren't you gonna tell me how you knew about what I said to you while in coma?" I ask

"You do know that a comatose person can be able to hear and understand what goes on around him but just can't respond, right?" He says

My mouth forms an o

"I thought that only happens in movies."

He shakes his head and taps his bedside.

"Isn't that bed too small for the both of us?" I ask now, realising how tiny the bed is.

"You didn't think that when you almost made babies with me on it some hours ago." He smirks

"Hey!" I cross my arms over my chest and act angry. Turning my back to him, I walk towards the door, pretending to leave him behind.

"Come on Rosy. I was just joking."

I stop walking but I don't turn around.

"Come on. I'll do anything you ask. ANYTHING"

I smirk at that before turning round. Oh he's gonna regret saying that.

"That smirk tells me I've made a really bad decision but it's worth it." He smiles back at me.

I walk back to his side and he pulls me closer. We cuddle for sometime and I decide to tell him about the nightmare.

He gives me a big bear hug, kisses my forehead and whispers in my ear, "Even if he tried to take me away, I'd wake up real quick and run back to you. I'm not leaving you Rosy. We're stuck together like Macaroni and Cheese."

"Huh?" I look up at him. "That's a weird combination to compare our inseparability with." I say through laughter.

"You get what I mean."

"Yeah, I do."

"Come on. Sleep. It's 10 pm. My girlfriend shouldn't be up this late. It's not good for her brain development."

"I'm always up past 11pm." I roll my eyes.

I don't remember the time I fell asleep but the loud whispers of people in the room wakes me up.

"I don't think I've ever hated you this much before." Oswald seethes out.

"All you're gonna do is smirk at me? Unbelievable. You know what? I won't even wait to be 18. Right from here, I'm moving mom far away from you and when I'm done, I'll move too!"

Ouch. That hurt. I thought he said he's not going to leave me.

"And you think my lovesick wife would like to leave me behind?" Mr. Russo asks. "After all, the only wrong I did was ask that guy to keep your girlfriend just for a little while. At least until you came to your senses and acted like the future owner of my business empire. "

"Unbelievable. You know what? I'm done with you. You may not have had my girlfriend kidnapped but encouraging that jerk to keep her in hiding and do her nasty is where I draw the line. I am not going to let you harm Rosy again." Os stands up for me in the most adorable way ever.

"You keep calling that for her. You literally have her in your hospital bed."

"I am done having this conversation with you. I'm getting a restraining order on her behalf."

"And you think that's gonna stop me? You better try harder son. Wa..."

I accidentally move a bit and the bed squeaks.

"Go before you wake her up. GO!" Os whisper shouts and I pretend to be waking up.

I open my eyes completely to find Os' father gone.

"Were you talking to someone?" I ask

"No, Rosy. Go back to bed. It's only 3am."

"Fine." I fake a yawn and "fall" back asleep.

I can't actually fall asleep knowing that Oswald's father has it out for me so bad.

I toss and turn until sleep finally finds it's way back to me.

Phew. Now that was a drag. Anyway, here you go. This chapter took over 3 weeks and it's not even my best yet.

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