Late Night Adventures

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"Come on guys. We are going to be late." Rosy says in her motherly tone.

"Trust me. I also don't want to leave but we can't stay here forever."

The others groan and I laugh.

Emma calls me on facetime. Perfect timing.

"Yo Emms. Look what I did to your room." I run to her room and show her the mess I made.

"You better clean that up before you get back here Nicholas Russo."

"Wait where did the Oswald disappear to?"

"I'm not joking Os. Clean that mess up. I hope the rest of the house is clean."

"More or less. You know what? I would have gladly cleaned this place up but, oh shoot. My flight leaves in 2 hours. Got to go. Byeee."

"Oswald! Mum, Os made a mess of my room in Paris." She whines on the other end and I end the call with a laugh.

"Why are you being wicked to Emma?" Rosy smacks my arm and tries as much as possible to clean the room up.

"It's a sibling thing. I know you do that with Ross."

"Well that's true but Ross is annoying."

"And you think Emma isn't? I've lived with her for most of my life. I think I know how annoying she can get."

"Agree to disagree." She puts one last clothing in the closet.

"Good enough. Let's go."

We arrive at the airport and get on board the plane.

Soon enough we're back home.

"So are we really back home?" Rosy asks and I laugh at her while the others glare.

"You were the one forcing us to come back." Danie smacks her arm with a pillow.

Where the heck did that come from?

"It's not too late. Let's go back." Rosy starts making her way towards the direction we just came from but I hold her back.

"We have school in three days. We need to prepare. Only a few more months and we can all go to Paris whenever we want." I say convincingly, trying to strike a deal.

"I guess that's a fair deal."

"Great. Now let's go. Your house then off to that party."

"I call dibs on that really cute blue dress I saw in your closet." Danie directs to Rosy.

"No. I'm taking it." Bennie whines then they start arguing.

"Girls, girls, GIRLS!" They pay attention to Rosy now.

"My mom donated that dress a month ago."

"Wait what." Bennie and Danie start to fake cry.

My phone rings and I pick it up.

"What do you want now? I fixed the problem in France. It's me time now."

"You're only a few months from taking over the business completely. You shouldn't be thinking of 'me time'."

"Exactly. It's still months away so I have plenty of time before that. I'm not attending any meeting now and that's final." I end the call frustratedly.

This man is unbelievable.

"Work?" Rosy asks.

"Nah. Not today. Let's get ready for the party."

We all get ready at the William's.

We arrive at the Clover's mansion where the party is being held but there's no music. That's weird.

"Russo. Williams. Girls." Matthew Clover acknowledges.

"I didn't know you were coming over. Why are you guys dressed up?"

"Um the party?" Danie asks

"The party is next week." We all turn to look at Ross once Matt says that.

"Wait really? It could have sworn the text said this week."

He rereads the text.

"Ohhh. My bad." He chuckles nervously

"You guys can stay if you want."

"Thanks but we'll get going now. See you at school on Monday."

We all say our goodbyes and leave.

"Really Ross? Really?"

"It was a simple mistake. Anyone could have made it."

"We're not letting this party dress go to waste. We're having fun."

We get to Rosy's and I spot my dad's car there.

"Good day Mr.Russo. I've been ordered to take you home for something really important."

Oh for the sake of my sanity. This man should leave me alone.

"You go ahead and have fun. I'll join you guys when I'm done with work."

Pecking Rosy on the cheek, I sit in the car. I get home and walk into his office with a straight face.

"She finally let go off you, huh?"

"I'm here. What's the meeting about?"

"The project is going to be launched in a month's time."


"That's it?" He nods.

"And you couldn't have waited till I got home to say that? I have a feeling you just don't want me hanging out with my friends."

"He finally catches on. Well since you're here you might as well go through these documents. Get a head start."

I roll my eyes at him and snatch the files off his desk.

I text the others that I won't be able to make it today.

After two hours I am almost done with the work. My phone vibrates and I pick it up to check the text.

Love❤: Are you still working?

Me: I'm almost done, why?

Love❤: I want to sneak out 👉👈.

I laugh and reply with, "I'll be there in 30."

I finish up with work and drop it off in his office, picking my car keys on the way.

I text Rosy when I get there and she walks out the front door in her cute pyjamas. She didn't even bother to change.

"Hey PJ girl."

"Hi sweatshirt boy."

I chuckle at that.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know."

Oh I know the perfect place. I smile at her and drive off to the one place I know she has come to love.

Os drives for sometime and I realise the road looks familiar.

"The hidden beauty." I whisper under my breath.

"Is that what you call this place now?"

I nod. "But it is. No one acknowledges it but us. It's even more beautiful at night."

"Do you still have the Canon camera in your car?"

"I should think so. Why?"

I get back into the car in search of the camera.

"Got it."

I try taking pictures but they all turn out horrible.

"Ugh. I'm so bad at this. I can't even take these pictures correctly."


Os stands behind me and helps.

"Why does this picture look so good?"

He chuckles and lets go off me. I turn to him with a pout and he laughs.

"Now try taking one of me."

I do what he showed me.

"Not bad." He says when I show it to him and adjusts some things on the camera.

"Now let me take one of the PJ girl."

I pose funnily and he laughs before taking the picture.

After taking a few more, I return the camera to the car and join Os on the hood of the car.

We watch a movie and after sometime I doze off on Oswald's shoulder.

"Rosy wake up. Let's get you home." I hear Oswald's distant voice.

"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.


I sit in his lap and bury my face in his neck, giving in to sleep again.

"No Rosy. You have to get home."

I stare at him with a pout and he kisses it.

He tries to move away but I pull him back.

We make out heavily until we are finally out of breath.

"Awake now?"

"Yup." I answer and he gets up, walking towards the passenger seat.

He places me in and walks over to his side.

"Are you staying?" I ask once he gets to the house.

"I don't think so. See you tomorrow Rosy."

I peck his cheek and walk out.

I open the door slowly and carefully but it creaks.

Why is everything so loud at night?

I make it to the bottom of the stairs and heave a breath of relief.

Immediately I step on the first stair, I hear my name.

Uh oh

"Hey Josh. What are you doing up?"

He shows me a glass of water he has in hand.

"I couldn't sleep. Where are you from and why is your hair so messed up?"

He looks at me confused

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

I make my way up the stairs before I remember one more thing.

"Oh and Josh?"


"Don't tell mom and dad about this."

I say and walk to my room, going straight to bed.

Hello my lovely readers. New day, new update. Well not really. I'm in a good mood so I decided to give an update.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share.

Xoxo- Detia❤

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