He likes me, I like him. End of story.

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I asked Rosy to meet me at my place once I got home. She asked me whether there was a problem. I just told her to meet me then I'd explain everything.

She got here about 30 minutes later and cut to the chase.

"So what was so urgent that you needed to see me in person? Won't your dad have a problem with me being here?" She asks

"I already told you my mom has made him okay with it. You still insisted but that's not why I called you here"

"Speak up"

"It's about Levi"

"What about him?" She asks

"I was on my way to the locker room when I heard him and his friends talking in there. I was just going to enter when I heard your name so I stayed to listen." I start.

"And?" She asks.

"Rosy, this may be hard to believe but you're just a dare to him Rosy" I say and she looks shocked. I sighed in relief, thinking she believes me.

"So what I'm getting is, you eavesdropped on Levi's conversation? I can't believe your guts Oswald. Why can't you get that I'm with Levi now and I'm happy? Did you really have to make up a story just to get my attention? You're the worst. I made a huge mistake coming over. Stay out of my life and let me be." she says, quite annoyed at me and leaves my room.

Was I wrong to care about the girl I like and have her back?
If only you could see what he has hidden under that smirk of his Rosy. If only. I sigh and sit on my bed listening to some music to drown out the pain.

I can't believe Oswald would make something up just to get between Levi and I. All along I thought he wanted to patch things up and be friends. Guess I was wrong.

I take a walk to the park and just lounge around for sometime before I head home. Once I get there, I freshen up and call Bennie. I inform her about everything Oswald said and guess what she told me? She believes him.

Which friend does that? She's supposed to have my back.

"Look. It's your life and you live it how you want but please as your friend and sister by heart, my advice is to be careful around him. Don't do something you'll regret later. And keep what Oswald said in mind." She advises.

"Whatever." I say pissed. "I have a date this Saturday. Will you help me pick out a dress or not?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. At what time is your date?" She inquires.

"Umm 3"

"Okay. I'll be there at 9am" she says.


"What are friends for?" She asks and we engage in some small talk before we say our goodbyes and hang up.

It's 7:30 pm. I didn't have dinner so I go down to find something to eat. I whip something quick for myself and take it. Once I'm done, I clear the dishes and head to the living room. Rosalio was there watching Family Feud. I join him.

We chat about random stuff while the show was going on then he popped up a question.

"Would you and Oswald just make up already? I see how he looks at you Rosy. He really likes you" he says.

"I know but I'm with Levi remember?"

"He may be my friend but I don't trust him." He says

"Why is everyone talking like that today? First Oswald and now you? I've had enough of this crap. Levi likes me. I like him too. End of story" I say

"What did Oswald say?" He asks and I know my brother isn't going to drop it until I tell him so I do

"He was saying something about me being a dare to Levi. A story he clearly made up to get between Levi and I" I tell him

"And how did he know that?" He asks.

"He said something about hearing Levi and his friends discuss me in the locker room after soccer practice"

"Could be true. I saw Levi and two of his friends exit the locker room together after practice" he states.

"So? They could have been doing anything there" I defend

"Just be careful around him. I hate seeing you cry. We don't want a replay of Jack"

"Don't bring him up. Please. He's in my past. I'm happier with Levi so let's just end this conversation here" he nods to this and we divert our attention back to the show

I go to my room around 9pm and decide to learn a bit before I sleep.


Saturday comes quickly and I'm getting ready for my date with Levi. Bennie arrived and came along with dresses for me to pick and choose. I selected a yellow dress with sunflower prints. This will go well with my white knee boots so I picked just that and slung my yellow and white patterned purse over my shoulder. I was ready to go but my lips were getting a little chapped so I only applied a litte lip gloss and that was it. I was ready to leave.

Levi picked me up when it was 2:50 pm and he took me to an ice cream shop. We ordered our ice cream. I went for the boring old mint and chocolate chip and he went for and he went for the cookie n' cream ice cream.

The day went on and he'd say a thing or two to make me laugh. I was happy. I looked up to see him staring at me with a look I can't quite decipher.

"You're pretty" he says out loud

"Thanks" I whisper and I think I heard something along the lines of "but I need to prove my point" being whispered. I just brush it off. We finish up and he drops me off at home.

Two updates in one day just because I love you guys.

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