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"I can't believe you guys are graduating today."

"Mom, you're even happier than we are." I laugh at my mom's reaction.

"Dear, how are you holding up?" Lisa asks Danie. We've all been pretty much taking care of her. She hasn't gone very weak yet. Thank God. We spend every little time we can with her.

She didn't want the help Nessa was willing to offer. To be honest, I think she was only holding up to complete high school. She's our Valedictorian after all.

She has prepared a great speech and it fits perfectly for our graduating class.

"Let's go take our seats."

I hold hands with Os and we walk to our seats.

The principal begins the ceremony. Same procedure as every year.

"Now before the Valedictorian delivers her speech, we would like to call upon Rosetta Williams, the outgoing president of the Bully Wipers committee to deliver a speech as well."

Wait what? Did I just hear my name? Why am I just knowing about this now? A headsup would have been great. I stare at Os and he nods at me, letting go off my hand.

An impromptu speech it is.

I can do this. There isn't much I need to say. All they need to know is to use their voice to save themselves, a loved one and even a bully.

"Fellow students, I don't have a long speech prepared to deliver and honestly I don't need a long speech for this. All there is to know and do is in these simple words. Use Your Voice. No matter how minuscule you might think it is, use it. You can't wipe out bullying by crossing your arms and sitting on the fence staring at it unfold right before your eyes. Because speaking up won't just save you or the people you love. Believe it or not, it saves the bullies from themselves. From self destruction. From excess pain and suppression. Use your voice. Needless to say that this should not be used as an opportunity to be disrespectful. You can speak up, you should speak up but be mindful of your words. What you say cab make or break a person. You are here to help them, not hurt them. We can all help put an end to bullying. One voice at a time. Thank you."

Now that took a lot out of me.

"Thank you too Miss Williams. It goes without saying that your committee has helped a lot in minimising bullying in this school and Primewood High will forever be grateful. We hope that the new president will uphold the good name of the committee you and your team worked so hard on. Now, the Valedictorian speech."

Daniella delivers her speech to perfection and we're all quite impressed.

"Graduation party!!!!!" Bennie shouts excitedly.

"I think I'll head home. You guys go have some fun." Danie says. She looks exhausted.

"I'll go with you." Ross says too.

"How about we all hang out together? We don't need to attend the graduation party. As long as we are together, it's going to be fun." Os suggests and we all agree.

"You guys are so sweet." She pinches his cheek. Usually, he'll slap her hand away and glare at her. Instead, he just shakes his head.

"You are lucky I have no energy to cat fight." He says with a fake glare and she sticks her tongue out at him.

We spend the rest of the day together, sharing memories with one another, remembering the good times and bad.

"Remember when the twins decided to sing us a song so we all jumped into the pool to avoid them?" Bennie asks, laughing loudly.

"Or the time when Rosy and Os locked themselves up in the closet to get away from us. Ah good times." Ross reminisces.

"We can't forget the time Bennie got her wisdom teeth removed." Danie adds.

"At least I didn't act like a baby like someone did." Bennie defends while averting her gaze to Os.

Os turned into a massive baby after his wisdom teeth was pulled out. I left him for just five minutes and he started crying and ranting to his teddy bear, calling it Ross.

"Calm down. Breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth." I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear Ross' voice.

Cough cough.

I lead her to the bathroom.

"Danie?" I call out helping her clean up the blood.

"It's almost time. I'll be leaving soon."

"No don't say that. Guys! A little help here." I support her up with tears brimming my eyes.

"I'll call our parents. Let's take her to the hospital for now." Os proposes.

"I'll drive." Bennie offers when she sees Ross picking the car keys. He shakes his head.

"Ross, you can't drive in your condition. Stay in the back with Danie. I'll come along with Os in his car." He sighs and gets into the car with her.

"Just called them. They are on their way." Os informs and joins me near the car.

"The others just left. Let's get going."

Oh Daniella, please stay strong.

I wonder what's going on in Bennie's car right now.

No Daniella. You can't leave so soon. We still have so much to discuss. I can't lose you too.

"Bennie, why have you stopped. Come on, step on the gas."

"Ross, we're at a red light. This is exactly why we didn't let you drive."

"Rosalio, calm down. We'll get there soon." Danie speaks up for the first time since we got into the car.

She shut her eyes for a very long time. Thankfully, I could still feel her heartbeat.

"Don't cry. You'll make me sad too and you know I'm an ugly crier."

"Leave it to Danie to crack jokes at this time. When will you ever be serious, Danie?" I smile down at her.

"Now that's more like it. Be happy Ross."

"How? How can I be happy when I know  you're in so much pain, Danie?"

"Just close your eyes. Bam, happy place."

"Oh Danie. Daniella Espinoza. What will I ever do without you?" I place my forehead gently on hers.

"Umm live?" She answers. I give her a weird look.

"Ross, you better not be planning to grow old with 50 cats and no partner."

"Nah, just 5 dogs and a really wise sensei."

She flicks my nose.

"What was that for?" I ask while rubbing my now red nose.

"You're cough cough." She starts to wheeze and I panick.

"Ross calm down. You'll only make matters worse.  Bennie advices.

Right. I know what to do.

"Focus on your breathing Daniella."

Shouldn't we be there by now? Hang in there Daniella. Please, for me. For my sake.

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