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Beep Beep Beep
Beep Beep Beep
Beep Beep- thump

I turn of my alarm and fall off the bed. Thankfully I landed on my butt this time. The very first time I fell off the bed I was five and I lost my tooth. I get ready for school and pick out a cozy outfit. I'm glad we're not made to wear uniforms. I would die in one. All that fancy stuff would kill me.

I get downstairs and smell...

"Pancakes!" Josh exclaims. Josh is my cute little brother.

"Good morning little munchkins."

Papa greets while giving us a kiss on our foreheads. "Where's your brother?" Mama asks.

"What do you mean? He's right here."

"Don't play dumb with me I mean your older brother."

"He's only older than me by a minute."

"Exactly. I saw the beautiful world outside of Mama first" Rosalio says from behind me.

"Whatever. I still got a name before you"

"That's not true."

"Tell that to"-

"That's enough kids" Mama cuts in.

I give him a stink eye and take a delicious plate of pancakes. Rosalio is my twin brother. We argue a lot but we both know we love each other and are willing to have each other's backs anytime.

I dig into my food and the table suddenly becomes quiet. Then Josh speaks up.

"Mama, will I have a ride today or is daddy gonna drop me off"

"I'm taking you, Josh. I work there after all"

I get up for some coffee and slip on nothing. Luckily, dad caught me before I hit the ground.

"Watch your steps"

" Yes Papa"

"She'd probably fall at school today" Rosalio says

"No I won't"
"Yes you would"
"No I won't"
"Yes you would"
"No I won't"
"No you won't"
"Yes I will!"

"Told you."

"You tricked me."

"Okay that's enough. Let's get going or you'd be late." Dad says

"Why can't I take my car?" Rosalio asks.

"Because I have to meet the principal so we're better off using one car."

"And how will I come home?"

"Just take the bus with me." I say.

"I'd rather die."

"We shall see."

"Bye mom. Bye Josh. Love you" I say and walk out the door.

Dad and Rosalio join me in the car and we're off to school

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