Chapter fourteen

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Today is the funeral service for all of your fallen comrades. It is being held in wall Sina in a nice garden. Hundreds of people turned up to mourn the death of their family or friend that had been lost that expedition.
Hanji and Levi reads out of all the names of the identified fallen.
All you heard was "blah blah blah Petra Ral blah blah blah" you heard some other familiar names too, but none of them you knew personally.
At he mention of Petra, you could see her parents burst out into tears, while Levi squad hung their head low, Oluo couldn't fight back his tears. He really had a thing for Petra. Even Levi was looking his version of sad.
"I can't believe Petra died."

"She shouldn't of died Eren. I should of been the one who died. She sacrificed her life for me"

"Oh..." Is all that he could say

~time skip brought to you by smiling Titans~

It was dusk when the service finally finished, Hanji and Mike had organised a afternoon tea so everyone could eat and mourn, and some more eating for Sasha.
everyone started leaving and headed home, including you.

It was almost dark, about half an hour and it would be almost impossible to see 10m in front of you. 'It's getting late, I'm gonna be a genius and take a shortcut' you head toward an alleyway, not quite going into it but a bit too close to it for comfort.
You heard something move in the alleyway. You stopped, frozen in fear.
"My dear (y/n), oh why did it have to come to this? I can't believe that stoic son of a bïtch got to you first." You sharply turn around to see a tall man, his face shaded by the dark grey Cape and hood he was wearing.

"Do you mind following me?"

"E-Erwin! NO stay away!"

"Don't force me to do this. Just follow me so this won't make it any harder for the both of us."

"Never." At the instant you denied going with him, he cupped his hand over your mouth and grabbed you.
*bite* "LET GO OF ME!" You managed to break free and make a break for it, but he was faster than you. He grabbed you and held a sharp dagger to your throat. He dragged you into the dark, silent alleyway.

"I'm sorry (y/n)" he pressed you against the wall. He could feel your breathing getting heavier and faster. "Tsk tsk (y/n). It's okay. Don't be scared of me. Embrace the warmth of my body, it's cold."

"It's NOT COLD." You say through gritted teeth.

"It is now" he lowers the dagger down to your leg, bringing his hand up quickly, slashing your dress. Your dress is ripped, exposing your whole left side. You scream, hoping, praying someone will hear you.

"Screaming won't do you any good (y/n)" he whispers into your ear.
He kisses your cheek, repetitively, he starts kissing your neck, leaving hickeys.
"L-Levi" you stutter.

"DAMNIT (y/n)! STOP SAYING LEVI!" 'Ooops. Eyebrow villain it's pissed.' You think to yourself.
"Hehe, I love Levi though. He's short and adorable"

"Hear that you big ass tree? Get off mah guuurl." It was Levi. He looked a bit relaxed and sloppy in his walking. 'Uh oh. He's drunk off his ass.'

"Oh Levi, you have made this too easy to kick your but. I've been wanting to do this for ages."
Erwin lets go of you, striding towards Levi. Levi swiftly tip-toes up to Erwin with his hands above his head like a ballerina.

"Levi? What are you doing?" Erwin stands infront of Levi.

"Dancing" Levi spins and sticks his leg out, basically sweeping Erwin off his feet. Erwin falls flat on his back.

"Why do all the girls like you and not me?" Erwin says almost sadly.

"Bitch, I'm fabulous" Levi fabulous kicks Erwin and knocks him out.


"Hmm yea wha..?" Levi says snapping out of his drunken trance.

"You need dancing lessons."

"Ha yea.. Was it bad for a first attempt?"

"Nope. It was beautiful" you say wiping away a fake tear.
Levi walks up to you and holds out one of his hands.
"Are you alright? He didn't try anythingdidhe?" He slurs his last words, the alcohol kicking in more.

"No, don't worry, nothing happen because you saved me." He links his arm with yours.

"Shall we?" He says gesturing to get out and away from the alleyway.

"We shall." You walk off with Levi back to HQ.

"I guess this is goodnight, Levi"

"NuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUU! You areee staaa *hiccup* sstayingg with meh."



"Your drunk"

"Oh... Ooops. Still come with me."

"Fine." You both walk back to his room.
"I'll sleep on the couch."

"No. It's cold and I have no spare blankets." He gestures you to lay next to him, it is starting to get a little chilly.

"Goodnighttttt (y/n)" you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck.

"Night Levi kitten"

"What did you saAay?"


"I love you (y/n), I have never said that to anyone and meant it like this. Don't ever leave my side again." You could feel warm tears tripping onto your forehead.

"L-Levi? Are you crying?" He was drunk, so he had no control of his emotions.

"No. Yes maybe. Dont tell anyone or your dead." He sniffs.

"Okay." You wipe away his tears and peck him on the cheek before falling asleep in his arms.


Sorry guys for not updating in a while! I was busy. Sorry I really do t have any other excuse. 😕
~I hope you liked this Chappy and don't forget to vote!~

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