"How are you just going to tear us apart, Blaize?!? They deserve to be raised around magic! You can't run away from all of your problems!"
"I will raise them how I want them to be raised, Remus. You have no say."
"Blaize, I know you're hurt. I am too. But you know you can't hide them from their powers. Please, Blaize. Let me help raise them. They're my godchildren."
"Stevi is your godchild. Claire no longer has a godfather."
"You believe Sirius did it?"
"Why else would I take both the children?"
"I'm sorry, Remus."
"Stevi, wake up. You fell asleep again."
Emma shook me awake at the end of history of magic. I wish I could stay awake, since we do have our OWLs this year. It's just so boring!
"Thanks Emma. Hey I'm going to go talk to Professor Lupin about something, alright? You three go on without me."
"Alright, sis. You sure you're okay?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah. I promise. Love you."
I grabbed my bag and left. I was practically running to Moonys room. I didn't even realize I walked past Fred and George until I felt a hand grab my shoulder.
"Georgie! You scared me!" I yelled, hitting him.
"Stevi, seriously what's going on?" Fred asked, grabbing my hands.
"I have to go. I need to ask Professor Lupin something about the OWLs."
"Stevi, defense against the dark arts is your best subject. Please talk to me."
"I can't, Freddie. I promised."
I tried to get away but he held tighter.
"Stevi if he's doing anything to you you have to tell me."
"It's not like that! It's fine. I promise."
"Stevi, you're worrying me."
"I'll talk to him about it. Freddie, do you trust me?"
"Yes, of course, but-"
"There shouldn't be any buts Fred. I swear, I'll find you after I talk to him. Trust me."
"I do."
He kissed me and I held him close. I feel horrible about this. Secrets never stay a secret. They always come out.
"I love you both."
"We love you too," George said, as I walked away from my two favorite people in the world.
When I got to Moonys classroom he explained to me who Sirius is. How he used to be best friends with my family and how he used to be my sister's godfather. He told me how Sirius helped him with his special "circumstance". He explained how Sirius killed all of those people and how he now escaped from Askaban and he might come back for Claire, Harry, and me.
"So he's padfoot?"
"Yes. And your uncle James was prongs."
"Then who's wormtail?"
"Peter Pettigrew. Sirius killed him. All that was left was his finger."
"Why does that name sound so familiar?"
"You probably heard it in one of your dreams."
"I'm so sorry. You've lost everyone, haven't you?"
"I haven't lost you, Stevi. And I'm not going to. You're all I have left."
"Could I tell Fred and George about you? Please. I swear they won't say anything to anyone!"
"Are you sure that would be a good idea?"
"I'm pretty sure Fred thinks I'm cheating on him with you. So I'd say it's a good idea. You can trust them."
"Aren't they the two getting you in so much trouble? I don't know if I can trust them."
"You love them and you know it! You'd hate it if I was dating a goody goody smart boy like Diggory," I said, smiling.
"Youre not wrong."
"If you trust me, you can trust them."
"Okay. Just be smart about it."
"Am I ever not smart?? Don't answer that."
"Alright, Stevi. I got to get ready for my next class. See you soon."
"See you soon."
I hoped off the table I was sitting on and made my way to the Gryffindor common room.
"Can you please tell us what's going on?" Fred begged.
"Not here. Let's go to the tree? You too, Georgie."
The three of us walked outside to the tree, that stood right beside the lake and had a perfect view of the sunset.
"So what's going on?" George asked.
I explained to them how Lupin was my godfather and how we were just catching up with each other. I left out Sirius and Peter and how he was 1/4 of the Marauders.
"Why didn't you just tell us?" Fred asked.
"Well Lupin thought people would think he favors me. And he didn't want people knowing he was so close to the Potter's."
I looked around to make sure no one was near us. It was clear... for the most part. But I saw an animal watching us from the forest. A large black dog.
"We have to go inside," I said, quickly standing up.
"Is everything okay?" George asked, cautiously standing up.
I quickly started walking back to the castle, Fred and George closely following. When we got back inside I instructed both Fred and George to make sure Claire and Harry was okay. I was surprised they didn't ask questions. They must know something is wrong. Then I went to Dumbledore.
"Stevi, where are you going? It's almost curfew?" Moony asked, catching up with me.
"I need to see Dumbledore. Now," I said, as I continued walking towards Dumbledores office.
"Why? What's going on?"
"I don't know. I'm freaking out. I don't know what to do."
"Is everything okay?"
I whipped around and straightened up to Lupins level.
"No! Why the fuck would I be freaking out right now if I was fine?!?"
"Ms. White. Please come into my office," Dumbledore said from behind me.
"Thank you!"
"You too, Remus. Please."
I rolled my eyes and followed Dumbledore up to his office. When we got there, he motioned for us to sit. Lupin sat down in a chair, but I collapsed to the ground. This was the second time I've had a panic attack in this office. I'm sure Dumbledore hates me for it.
For a while the room was silent, besides my muffled cries. I finally pulled myself together and straightened up.
"I saw Black. Sirius Black. In the forest."
"Stevi, why didn't you tell me?!" Lupin asked.
"I just did! Don't yell at me, Remus!"
"So, Anabelle. Padfoot was talking quite fondly of you the other day. Do you still fancy him?" I heard Uncle Remus say.
I was supposed to be in my room, sleeping, but I heard Daddy say Uncle Moony was coming over.
"Moony... I'm in love with someone else," Mommy said.
"You're not in love, Anabelle. You just feel like you have to marry that muggle because you've had a kid with him!"
"I'm sorry but, you're too late. We've already gotten married."
"Anabelle, why didn't you tell me?!" Uncle Moony yelled at my mommy.
"I just did! Don't yell at me, Remus!"
My mom started running upstairs because Claire started crying.
"Stevi? Are you alright?" Dumbledore asked.
"She just remembered another part of her past, Albus," Lupin explained.
"I'm so sorry, Uncle Moony."
I ran over to the only paternal figure I felt close to anymore and hugged him.
"Stevi, it's alright. You didn't do anything."
"Why did she marry him? Did she actually love him? Was it really only because my sister and... me... wait..."
"Stevi, you will have to talk about this later. Why were you in the forest and when did you see Sirius," Dumbledore asked.
"I was out by the tree, in front of the lake. I was looking around and I saw him looking at me from the forest. He was in animagus form."
"How do you know his animagus?" Dumbledore asked.
"I remember his eyes. And even as a dog he has that shaggy black hair. I know it was him. Trust me."
"I'll send an alert to the professors. You may get back to your dorm now, Ms. White."
I nodded and slowly started leaving, trying to see if Dumbledore or Moony would say anything else.
"The conversation is done, Stevi. I'll see you in class tomorrow," Moony said. I could hear him laugh as I left.
I walked back to the Slytherin common room and hung out with Emma, Scott, and Mitch. They were practicing for a show that was coming up soon. Their voices always calmed me. I knew they would achieve their goals one day. If only I could say the same about me. I guess the first step is to find some goals I want to achieve...
A/N: Hey guys... sorry if the ending sucks.. I had most of this chapter written already so I figured I could try to take my mind off things by writing...
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