"Hey, Claire?" I looked over at her. She was reading some potions book Hermione gave her.
"Has Harry or Ron written to you?"
"No... neither has Liana. Have Fred or George written you?"
"Do you think we did something?"
"I guess we'll find out tomorrow, won't we?"
"Yeah. I guess we will."
The Weasley's were supposed to pick Claire and me up tomorrow so we could get ready for next year at the Burrow. I can't believe Fred, George, and I are already in our fourth year. It seems like just yesterday I noticed that ginger staring at me in the great hall.
"Stevi!" I heard Fred yell from the living room.
I ran out of my room and into the living room. I wrapped my arms around Freds neck and he pulled me into him around my waist.
"Freddie. I thought you forgot about me!"
"What do you mean? I've been writing to you all summer! You weren't replying and I got worried!"
"I haven't gotten a single letter from you! I thought you didn't want to talk to me!"
"Harry hasn't been replying either, Stevi," Ron said, as him and George appeared in our living room.
"We think someone's been intercepting our letters," George said.
"Claire hasn't gotten any from her friend, Liana, either," I told them.
"Something's not right. Dad said Harry got an official warning for using magic in front of muggles."
"We have to go get him! He wouldnt use magic. He knows it's against the rules!" I yelled, as I realized something bad could be happening.
"We will. Tonight. We have a plan," Ron said.
"Hem-hem," Mom cleared her throat.
"Oh! Um... Mommmmyyyyy. My beloved, gorgeous, Mother. I love you so so much and I would never do anything to harm myself or others!"
"Mhm... I find that hard to believe. Maybe I should ask Brett?"
"He deserved that!" Claire yelled.
"Not the point, Claire. Just don't do anything that'll give your father a heart attack."
"I went against Voldemort one on one and he didn't have a heart attack so I think we're good," I said, extremely sassy.
"Stevi!" Fred and mom yelled.
"What?!? Me and Claire need to pack. Stop staring at me!"
I grabbed Claires wrist and pulled her into our room.
"What's her problem? She knows our cousin might be in danger and she gets mad at me for saying we should do something?!? 'Oh I know Harry is with his horrible relatives who starve him and treat him like an unwanted dog, but help him and you're in trouble!'"
"Stevi, you know that's not what she meant. She's more worried about you than Harry and if we try to help him we might be in more trouble than we were last year."
"Then you stay at the Burrow. I'm going to get my cousin."
"Hey Harry! You call a taxi?" I said as Harry opened his window.
"Thank Merlin you guys are here. Do you see this? They put bars on my door!"
"Less chatting. Let's go. Here tie this around the bars."
I handed him some rope and he tied it around the bars, multiple times. Once he was finished Fred drove straight forward and the bars broke off. George and Ron pulled them into the car as Fred reversed back to the window.
"Well come on then. We haven't got all day," George said.
"My trunk is in the cupboard under the stairs and I'm locked in!"
"You're telling me you've never learned to pick a lock? I'll be right back. Freddie, come with me? His trunk will be too heavy."
"Be quiet guys. My aunt and uncle are asleep in the room next door. And the bottom stair creeks!" He whispered as I picked his lock with the bobby pin I always keep in my hair.
Fred and I tip-toed down the stairs, skipping the last step. We made it into the cupboard without a single sound. Then Fred closed the door and pinned me against a wall.
"Freddie! We don't have time!" I hissed.
"I haven't seen you all summer, Pet."
Before I could answer, his lips met mine. I tried to push him away but he held me tighter. Actually, who am I kidding. I barely tried. I melted into the kiss. We were in our own world. His warm body against my shivering cold body. His hands wrapped around my wrists, pinning me in place.
"Fred! Stevi! Hurry up!" We heard Harry hiss from above us.
Fred and I laughed and grabbed Harry's trunk.
"Dont forget about the bottom step," Fred whispered as he started walking up the stairs.
We got the trunk into the car, Fred and I pushing it while Ron and George pulled. Harry grabbed Hedwig and climbed in the backseat with Ron and George. Hedwig screeched, telling us she wanted to be let out.
"Fred, drive! It's my Uncle!" Harry yelled, as a very large man burst through Harry's door.
"PETUNIA HES GETTING AWAY!" The man yelled, lunging towards the car as Fred drove away into the night sky.
I looked back and saw three heads sticking out of Harry's window. Stupid muggles. Still haven't invented flying cars.
"Let's hope Mom isn't up yet," I said as five of us walked into the Burrow.
"Where HAVE you been?!" Molly said as soon as we got into the kitchen, "oh Harry dear, nice to see you. You can go set your things in Ron's room."
"I'll show him around!" I said, trying to get out of this lecture.
"Sit! You're in as much trouble as they are, Stevi. Just because I didn't give birth to you doesnt mean you're not my daughter. You're practically my step daughter anyways."
"Oh, Molly. You're making me blush!" I really should stop joking at serious times. It's going to get me killed.
"I wake up and see all four beds EMPTY. No note. No CAR. What in Merlin's name were you THINKING!"
"Harry was in trouble! He wouldnt use magic outside of school! They locked him in his room! With bars on his window!"
"Sounds like they have the right idea! Maybe I'll do the same to you four!"
"Good morning my Weasley family!" Arthur said, as he walked inside.
"Saved by the bell," I whispered to Fred.
"Your kids drove that enchanted car of yours to go get Harry!" Molly yelled. Harry walked back into the kitchen, cautiously.
"Well how was it?!?" Arthur asked, excited.
"Oh it was great! So easy to drive!"
"So smooth! The turns were very nice!"
"It was beautiful! Such a nice view!"
Molly glared at him.
"Oh! Uh, I mean, I'm very disappointed. Don't do it again," he said winking.
"Stevi! You told me you wouldn't go! I was so worried!" Claire said, running down the stairs with Ginny following. Except the second Ginny saw Harry, she slowly ran back upstairs.
"You can't expect me not to save him! You know how they treat him Claire! Now go help Gin."
Claire glared at me for a minute then reluctantly ran upstairs.
After breakfast we showed Harry around the house. He was fascinated by the clock that told us where all of the Weasley's were at the moment.
"And this is George, Fred, and my room! Look! That's your aunt, my mom. And there's your parents behind her." I said, handing him a picture my dad gave me for my birthday one year.
Harry stared at it for a while.
"You can have it, Harry. I have another one. Happy Birthday."
"Thank you, Stevi. It means a lot."
"Of course, Harry."
We spent the rest of the day talking about our summers, watching movies, and playing games. It was nice being part a family where I belong. Back home I'm just the black sheep. Even Claire fits in at home. But here, we're all equal. She has Ginny, Ron, and Harry, and I have Fred and George. Even Percy fits in, every family needs that responsible child.
"Hey, Babe. What's on your mind?" Fred asked, as he sat down next to me and handed me the bowl of popcorn. We decided to watch Mulan.
"Just about how amazing you are." I kissed his nose.
"Not as amazing as you." He kissed my cheek.
"Not as amazing as us."
"Gross," George and Claire mumbled.
"Awwwww," Ginny and Harry said at the same time. Ginny immediately started blushing and ran out of the room to "help Molly clean."
We laughed and Fred pulled me closer. By the end of the night Fred and I were cuddled together on a mattress on the floor in front of an old TV from the 90s. I couldn't think of a better life.
A/N: Awwwwwwwwwww omg sted? Frevi? Idk someone come up with a ship name. Anyways... they're so cuuuuuute. Ugh. Goals.
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