Chapter 2 Youre a witch, Stevi

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Claire and I followed our mom to the living room. She was gorgeous. She had blond hair which went to mid-back. She was petite; about 5'4". She had gorgeous hazel eyes and a natural blush, caused by broken capillaries in her cheeks. She's very insecure about it, but I believe its the most beautiful thing about her.

When we reached the living room I saw my dad sitting on the couch. His face was pale and there was sadness in his eyes. I've never seen him like this. Hes always happy and constantly joking.

Hes 6'2" and skinny yet very buff. He has beautiful grey-blue eyes; which now seemed just empty grey. He has grey hair, almost white.

I rushed past my mom to my dad. It physically hurt me to see him unhappy.

"Dad? Dad are you okay? Its okay Dad. I promise. Lets just talk. Deep conversation time." I smirked as I said 'deep conversation.' Its our inside joke. Our family doesn't like getting too deep in thoughts.

He let out a short, fake laugh. "We really do need to talk, Stevi." He glanced at Claire, "you too Claire bear. Come sit by your sister."

Me and Claire looked at each other. We never really had family talks. We knew this wasnt going to be good. Our mom sat next to my dad.

"Stevi, Claire. It hurts me to say this... And I've tried to hide it from you because I hate to admit it. And I'm sorry for trying to hide it from you. But, Im not your biological mother girls," she said this with tears in her eyes, trying to hold back cries. I could tell she was afraid of our answers.

"Mom... What do you mean?.." I asked.

My dad answered, "your birth mother was killed. A very powerful wizard attacked her and our family.. The night of your third birthday."

"Wow Dad... Way to be blunt," I joked. Joking is my defense system. I can't be serious. Anytime things get serious I joke. My dad noticed this.

"Stevi.. I know youre scared. Im sorry we didn't tell you earlier," he glanced at Claire. She was pale white, "Claire bear... Come here," he pulled Claire into a hug and I could hear her muffled cries.

"So.. Who was our mom? What happened that night? And what do you mean 'powerful wizard'? Those letters weren't a prank then?" I needed answers.

"One at a time, honey. All your questions will be answered in time," my mom said calmly.

"Okay.. Who was our mom?" I asked. That was the most important question at the time.

"Your mothers name was Anabelle Potter. She was James Potters sister. She was a witch, as you are. And Claire is. She and her brother were two of the best witches and wizards of their age," my dad said this with tears in his eyes. I cringed at seeing my dad crying.

" what h..happened that night?" I said, choking on silent cries.

"James and Lily, his wife, had a beautiful house. Lily was an amazing cook and allowed us to have your birthday dinner at their house. I got called into work that night so I left right before... The incident.. I will always regret leaving. What happened after I left.. Well... Voldemort found youre aunt and uncles house. You, Claire, and Harry, your cousin, were upstairs playing. Your aunt, uncle, and your mother went upstairs to protect you three. Your uncle tried to fight off Voldemort for as long as possible. Voldemort got away from your uncle and tried to kill Harry, Claire, and you. Your aunt got in front of Harry, causing magic much stronger than anything Voldemort could produce; love. Your mother blocked the spell for hitting Claire and James blocked the spell from you. I got to the house and took you and Claire away before anyone else knew you two were still alive.." My dad ended, tears streaming down his face. I look at my mom, who was also crying.

"So... Um.. Why did you leave Harry?"

"I was so horrified at the scene. All I could think of was getting you and Claire away from it. I hadn't heard Harry's cries and assumed the worst had happened."

I tried to comprehend what I had just heard. Then Claire broke my thought process.

"So youre not my mom?? Why didn't you tell us, Neeko?!?" Claire practically screamed at our mom, putting emphasis on her first name.

I hit my sister, "CLAIRE!! How dare you! You know damn well she's our mother. Remember what Nana told us? 'Family doesn't start in blood. Nor does it end there.' Im sorry, Mom. She's just confused." I walked over to my mom and hugged her, feeling her cry into my shoulder. I don't care if she didn't give birth to me. That doesn't make her less of my mom.

"Im sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean it.." Claire said very shakily. She was crying again.

"No, Claire. Its okay. I should've told you two. I knew it had to come out eventually." My mom said wiping away her tears.

"So... Im a witch?"

"Yes.. You are," my dad, " and I asked Dumbledore to keep it a secret. The fact that your mother was a witch."

"So no one besides Dumbledore knows our mom is Anabelle Potter?" Claire asked.

"Yes that is correct. Do you two have anymore questions?"
I looked at Claire. She shook her head no. I did the same.

There was a moment of silence.

"Im going to go make breakfast. Would either of you want anything?" my mom asked, breaking the silence.

"No thanks. Im not hungry," Claire and I said in synch.

I looked at Claire. She always ate when she had the chance. She must be really hurt.

"Then you should go get ready. That Hagrid fellow will be here at noon."

I looked at the clock. It was already ten. All of this happened in just four hours? It felt like a lot longer.

Me and my sis walked back to our room.

"Im sorry, Stevi.." Claire said as soon as I closed the door.

"Oh Claire.. Its okay," I walked over to her and pulled her down on the bed and cuddled her as she cried, "its okay sissy. It'll be okay. Look at me," I held her face in my hands, "its okay. Mom still loves you just as much as she ever has."

"Im not talking about that, Stevi."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Im sorry for never believing you. Im sorry for making it seem like you were crazy. Im sorry I was such a bad sister." She choked on her words trying to hold back more tears.

"Oh sissy its okay. Its okay. Let it out. You can cry. You made me stronger sissy. Don't apologize for that. Its okay."

"Lets get ready. Ill pick out your outfit," she smiled and wiped away her tears. I've never been good at fashion. She loves dressing me up.

"Thanks sis." I kissed her forehead and we started getting ready. Everything will be fine.


A/N: Oh my goodness two new Potters??? I know I know. Cliché. I need the Potter privileges though. Sorry! Leave comments! Critique! Halp me!
P.S Sorry its not that interesting yet. Im just doing background. I think next chapter is Diagon Ally. I'm excited :D

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