Chapter 17 Bretts death

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It was the first Quidditch  game of the season; Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I was sitting with the Gryffindors of course.

"Guys what's Harry doing?!" Ron shouted at us.

"Look! I think Snape is jinxing his broom!" Hermione yelled, looking through her binoculars, "ill be right back!"

She got up and started running to the Slytherins side. I saw Fred and George stopping bludgers from hitting Harry. Harry had no control over his broom. He was hanging on with one arm. I looked over at Snape and noticed his robes were on fire.

"Ron! She's set his robes on fire! I love that girl."

Harry finally gained control of his broom and continued looking for the snitch. He ended up catching it in his mouth. The Gryffindors had a party in their common room. Fred and I snuck through one of the secret passages that were on the Marauders map to Hogsmead and bought butterbeer while George got food from the kitchen.

"Awesome catch Harry! Exciting first game huh?" I said as Harry, Claire, and I sat next to the fire.

"Yeah. What happened anyways? With my broom?"

"Snape was jinxing it but Hermione set his robes on fire to stop him," Claire said, laughing.

"So Harry. Since you don't have an older sister, youre going to have to deal with your older cousin," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"You have any love interests? Any crushes? How about you and Mione?"

"Oh no. She's almost like a sister to me. Im not really interested in anyone. And the only reason anyone is interested in me is because I survived Voldemort."

"You never asked me about my love life and you ARE my older sister!" Claire whined.

"Well youre with Brett. I already knew that."

"He broke up with me! And you don't even care."

"Told you it wouldn't last. You were only nine sissy.."

"He said he didn't want to date me because we can't kiss while Im away at school.."

"He said WHAT?!?" Big sister mode kicked in.

"He told me on the first day of school. Well... He told mom and dad to tell me actually..." she started tearing up.


"Im.. Going to go..." Harry said, slowly backing away from us.

"I swear we didn't do it!" Fred said as he sat across from me.

"It wasnt you two. Did you even see Claire? Are you just going to ignore her Fred?" George was already comforting her. George was always more compassionate.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

I told them what Claire told me and I could see the anger in their eyes grow with every word.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Nothing! Don't hurt him! You'll ruin whatever chance I have with him!" Claire yelled.

"You don't want a chance with him! Hes a disgusting prat that doesn't want a relationship with you! Do you understand?" I yelled back.

"So what are you going to do then..?" she said.

"Lets send him a toilet seat. Tell him hes a piece of shit and deserves to live in a toilet," Fred said.

"Why do you have an obsession with toilet seats, dude?"

"'Dude'?" George asked.

"Oh.. My pen-pal from California says it. Its like a platonic pet name."

"She's not a pen-pal if you found her on the internet," Claire said.

"Youre talking to strangers you found on the internet?!? Youre the one who told me that's something you DON'T do!" Fred said.

"Oh come on Freddie. Im 13. I know not to give my information away. She only knows my first name and that Im in London. Weren't we talking about how we're going to kill Brett?"

"Don't kill him!!" Claire yelled. We got a couple of awkward looks.

"Shhh! We're not actually going to kill him sis. Calm yourself."

"Me and Fred have been working on a new product. It'll make your tongue grow at least 6 feet long."

"But we don't have a cure for that one yet."

"I have an idea," I said, smiling.

"What is it?" Fred, George, and Claire asked.

I just smiled in reply.


"Harry, Ron. Are you sure you two don't want to come stay with us over Christmas break? Fred and George are coming with."

"We'd love to but Hermiones making us search for.... Stuff. Plus I don't think your parents want two extra boys at there house... Let alone four." Harry said. He was talking about Nicholas Flamel, but he didn't want Percy to know.

"Well... Youre not wrong."

"What about you Perc? Christmas is a time for family. Don't spend it being a prefect!" George said. I quickly shot him an annoyed look. I spend enough time with Percy. I don't need him nagging me at home too.

"Yeah.. Percy.. Id love you to spend Christmas break with my family. Im sure they would absolutely love you..." I said very sarcastically.

"Thanks for the invite but I think Im going to keep an eye on Ron." Percy replied.

"Your loss!" Claire said.

"Wanna go help me pack, Claire? Emma's going to be too busy packing her own stuff."

"And you think Im not??"

"You already packed. You always pack ahead of time!"

"And you always wait until the last minute. Remember that time you went to New York with band and you stayed up all night telling yourself you were going to pack but you didn't start packing until 4AM?"

"And I had to leave at 4:30? Yeah. I didn't get sleep until two hours into the plane ride. Good times... Good times..."

"You haven't packed?? The train leaves in an hour!" Fred said.

"Did you not just hear the New York story? I have 30 minutes more than I had then!"

"Come on. Ill help," Claire said reluctantly.

"Thanks Claire Bear!"

"Never call me that again."


"I spy with my little eye.... Something..... Black and orange!"

"Bonnie.." Fred, George, and Claire mumbled.

"You can't keep picking Bonnie Stevi," Claire said.

"Well there's nothing else!" I whined.

"Then go to sleep," George suggested.

"Okie dokie," I said as I laid my feet on Georges lap and my head in Fred's.

"Do you really have to use me as a leg rest?"

"Its comfy Georgieeee!"

"Yeah yeah.."

I love my boys.


A/N Im sorry if I sound too mature for a 13 year old or whatever. Im 18 and I like skipped those early teen years so idk how teens act. So just tell me if there's something I should change about Stevi (13) or Claire (11).

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