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"it's only the two of us." she spoke quietly, looking over at him knowing that he was a different person when it was just him. not surrounded by his friends

he looked over at her, making eye contact for the first time "why'd you follow me?" he asked looking back down "i don't know." putting her hair behind her ear

"why are you dating chiara?" she asked as he shrugged "to make sure everyone knows i'm not gay." he spoke, she raised her eyebrows "so you asked her?"

"can you mind your fucking business for once, romano?" he yelled saying her last name, not her first name. not even her nickname.

"why didn't you ask me?" she whispered as he didn't respond, "i-" he spoke, he didn't even know why he didn't ask her instead

"did you even like me?" she asked as she fidgeted with her ring "everyone likes you, lavender. your perfect." he spoke before he got up, she opened her mouth

before she could speak "i don't wanna say anything stupid before i regret it" she sat there, watching him walk away

as much as it pained her to see him walk away, she thought that maybe this was how it was supposed to go, they were never supposed to be together

she got up, dusting off her pants and texting cami she was going to walk home and she'll see her at school tomorrow, she shut her phone off and walked

as she entered her house, it was still empty. she took her shoes off before she went to bed. dreading going to school and seeing them together.


everyone was standing in the hall together, their whole friend group was there. lavender talked to cami as she didn't know what else to do

"do you wanna talk about last night?" cami asked quietly so the other don't hear, lavender shook her head "maybe later, in private?" cami smiled rubbing lavenders arm to comfort her

as lavender looked up, chiara walked over to them. brando smiled at her, kissing her as she stood next to him "hey" she spoke as everyone greeted her

lavender and cami didn't say anything, even niccoló didn't speak. "what were you saying, vitto?" lorenzo asked breaking the silence

lavender looked at chiara and brando, there she was, holding hands with brando. my brando, was all lavender could think about before lorenzo tapped her shoulder

"i can walk you to class?" he asked as she smiled, nodding before the bell rang. everyone heading to class. "i noticed you were uncomfortable" he shrugged

"thanks lorenzo, it means a lot" she smiled looking up at him as he nodded, looking into her class as she smiled walking to her seat

next to cami, and behind fabio. "are you guys going to the party tonight?" cami asked as lavender nodded "yeah, vitto invited me"

"how are you guys, still talking?" lav asked as cami nodded, "yeah, he's a good guy" she smiled as lav was happy her friend was happy

"fabio, are you going to the party tonight?" she asked her friend as he shrugged turning back at his friends

"don't know, alessandro asked me to talk" he spoke looking down, making lavender then her head "are you guys fighting?" she asked as he licked his lips

"yeah, i'm guessing he is ending it tonight" he spoke sadly as lavender and cami frowned "good. it means there's a much better guy out there for you" cami smiled as fabio smiled back

"you're right, he wasn't worth my time" before he turned back around. lavender and cami stayed silent working on their assignment.

"what are you wearing tonight?" lav asked as she was curious "probably a nice sweater and jeans" lavender nodded "okay, i'll probably wear the same" as cami nodded

the bell ringing, she packed her bag and walked to the locker rooms with cami. "your quitting too right?" cami asked as lav nodded "i only joined because of you"

as they walked inside the locker rooms, monica was upset they were quitting "camilla and lavender, you guys are one of the best we have."

"thanks, but we made up our mind" cami spoke "are you sure?" she asked again as they both nodded their heads before walking to their lockers

lavender opened hers and started emptying it out, cami following her actions "you guys are quitting?" chiara asked putting on her shirt

"since when do you care?" cami sassed "just sucks, you guys are good" lavender staying silent, she couldn't even speak to chiara without thinking of brando

"yeah but your better, we can barely beat you" cami shrugged lavender nodding her head, cami looked down at lavender before speaking "how are things with brando?"

lavender froze, before shaking her head "we're good, thanks" chiara spoke, lavenders heart dropping. she was hoping she would admit they were just in a fake relationship, guess not.

"well looks like we're running in the same circle again" cami said smiling before she closed her locker, lavender closed hers as well. looking at chiara

"hey? real talk im a little bit worried" she spoke "why?" lavender asked speaking for the first time since she walked near chiara

"he recorded a video of me and someone, i was on top of them." she spoke as cami and lavender looked down, not expecting this from chiara

"yeah i know, it was stupid of me" she spoke "especially, if you don't trust him" lavender squinted her eyes "it's not about trust, i feel embarrassed.. i don't know i just wish there was a way to delete it."

"i can try to find out his passcode for you." cami smiled "you'd really do that?" chiara asked smiling "yeah, nico probably knows it"

"thank you" chiara spoke "so your only with brando because he has that video?" lavender asked as she nodded ashamed

lavender nodded slowly, looking at cami. they both walked out of the locker room, "not what i was expecting" lav spoke as cami agreed

"don't worry, lav." she spoke as lavender didn't say anything, "i'll see you at the party" smiling at cami who smirked at her, lavender smile grew bigger knowing cami had a plan for the


do we still want brando 💕💕

this is my longest story yet, i'm surprised i haven't stopped uploading

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