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knocking on camis door, niccoló answered it, moving to the side as he welcomed the girl in, she gave him a warm smile before spotting his parents

"lavender! we missed you" they spoke as they hugged the young girl, she smiled "i've missed you guys too, thank you for letting me stay over" camis mom smiled "anytime, cami is in her room."

she nodded as she walked to camis room, who sat on her bed. smiling as she saw her best friend walk in, "you seem really happy.." lavender spoke suspiciously

"i.. some what slept with damiano?" lavender gasped "no way?!" she yelled as she sat down on camis bed dropping her bag as they laughed

"we just kissed that's all, we didn't go all the way. seemed like he was thinking about something or someone" she said disappointed as lavender thought of chiara

"maybe he's going through something, everyone's a bitch to him." she shrugged as cami nodded "you never told me why you asked if i ever liked brando?" she smirked

lavender put her face in her hands "i just thought since chiara liked niccoló, if you ever liked his best friend" shrugging her shoulders before grabbing her phone

"yeah no, he's a jerk like you said" before lavender clicked on ludovica story and it showed her and chiara at a club

"since when do they hangout?" lav asked as cami rolled her eyes "i guess since brandos party. speaking of brando, he's staying over i guess" she metioned as lav nodded

"wanna watch a movie?" lav suggested as cami smiled "yeah i'll grab the snacks and put them in the living room, do you wanna ask my brother?"

"yeah that's fine" as they walked out of camis room, they both changed before leaving the room. now in pajamas and in shirts

she knocked on niccolós door, then opened it. she spotted brando and nico playing video games infront of his tv, they turned to see who walked in before nico groaned

"what do you want? can't you see we're in the middle of something" he spoke annoyed as brando stayed silent

"me and cami are watching a movie in the living room if you guys wanna join" before she closed the door, sitting on the couch as cami picked a movie

"i don't even know what to watch" she spoke as brando and nico came by and sat on the couch, brando next to lav and nico next to brando

"holy shit, just put on a movie" the curly haired boy spoke as nico agreed, lavender got more comfortable on the couch, sightly leaning towards brando

"the conjuring?" lav asked as cami agreed before she put it on, they all watched the movie for a while.


"i'm gonna go to bed" niccoló spoke as he got up "brando, are you gonna stay here?" he asked as brando nodded "yeah for a bit"

"i'm gonna go to bed as well, lav?" "i wanna finish the movie, i'll be there soon" she spoke as cami nodded walking to her room

lavender and brando were still sitting on the couch, it was silent between the two. the only noise was the tv that played the horror movie

"are you gonna fix my bandages or just used an excuse to spend more time with me?" brando asked lavender as she rolled her eyes, smiling before looking over to the boy

"come on, stupid" as she got up grabbing his hand, leading him to the bathroom. she closed the door behind them and grabbed wipes from the cabinets

she sat on the counter to get a better view of his nose, he went between her legs. "this might hurt". she spoke as she grabbed his cheek, with one hand and the other took off the tape he had on his nose

he scrunched his nose, obviously it hurt but he acted like he was fine, she grabbed a cotton ball and some disinfectant spray and cleaned his face up

she smiled as he already looked better, he clearly didn't do a good job cleaning it. "you already look better" she spoke breaking the silence

"do you still want bandages on it?" she asked making eye contact with him, shaking his head no "nah it's fine" before she nodded

biting her lip as she was the one who was nervous this time, as the two kept the eye contact and the silence filling the room made her have butterflies

he looked down to her lips and back to her eyes as she djd the same to him, before he could lean in. she looked down "i should go to camis room"

she hopped off the counter and opened the door "goodnight brando" she smiled as he smiled back, but it was more of a disappointed smile

she could tell he wanted to make a move and she ruined it, but how could she trust him knowing he did such horrible things to ludovica when they had a fling? how would she know he wouldn't do the same to her?

she walked into camis room, and went under the covers. thinking of the events that just occurred


is this good???? i can't tell if i hate it or not

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