Chapter 10: Kade

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I was still processing the idea of having a mate the next day when the phone rang.

"Kade Reith of the potent pack," I said gruffly.
"Cameron Lynch," the voice said, making me straighten up.
"Why have you called?" I asked.
"What have you decided about our deal?" He asked.
"I was thinking," I said, getting interrupted.
"Which is never a good sign," Cameron interrupted.
"Instead of opening the cafe or something of the sort why not build an orphanage?" I asked.
"And what good will that be?" He asked.
"Lots of children will have a home," I said.
"That's not a good idea," he said bluntly.
"Why not?" I argued.
"You don't want to build up enemies do you?" He asked.
"But why would I be building enemies?" I asked.
"Do you really think children would tell you which pack they belong to? That's a very bad idea," he said.
"But I still think it's good," I said.
"Why the hell are you arguing with me?" He growled.

That made me pause and actually think. Why the hell was I arguing with a Slayer? The head Slayer of all times?

"Sorry I am just not feeling good," I sighed.
"Well don't take out your bad mood on me," Cameron snapped.
"Sorry. I need money for the cafe," I said.
"How much?" He asked.
"I will make up the payment and email it to you," I said.
"I need you to work something out for me," he said.

I knew there must be a reason for him to call me. He wasn't simply calling for the deal.

"What is it?" I asked.
"There's something going on in the northern areas," Cameron said.
"What?" I asked.
"We don't know that yet. But people have been mysteriously disappearing," he said.
"People don't just disappear. That's ridiculous," I scoffed.
"There has been no sign of killings or murders," he said.
"Oh come on. It must have been nothing," I said.
"People don't just disappear. Are you going to do the work or not?" He growled.
"Ok ok. Geez. You don't need to growl everytime," I said.
"Mind your tone!" He snapped.
"Ok fine. I will do it," I said.

With that the call ended and I stared at the phone in my hand. He didn't even say goodbye. How rude. Shaking my head I resumed my work. I was reading a report by one of the packs when my phone rang.

"What?" I snapped irritated.
"Kade it's me."

My eyes widened as Damien started yipping inside my head. It was Paisley.

"What do you want?" I asked.
"You," was her answer.
"Don't play games with me," I said.
"I want to move to your pack," Paisley said.
"Why?" I asked, relaxing in my chair.
"Duh I am your mate. I have a right to be there," she scoffed.
"You do know that I haven't accepted you nor rejected you," I warned.
"What's there to reject about me?" She asked.

Attitude and bossiness, I thought.

"What does your dad say about this?" I asked.
"Oh he will agree to whatever I wish," she said.

Spoilt brat, I thought.

"Well then I will talk to your dad first and then decide whether you will come here or not," I said.

With that I hung up the phone and stared out of the window. In the distance I could see Zoey playing with the kids and couldn't help smiling. She was getring along really well with the pack members. And they all seemed to like her. If I wanted Paisley to come here I needed to tell them about her. They needed to accept her first for me to actually accept her as my mate.

Gather in the backyard everyone. There will be a meeting in about 15 minutes, I mindlinked the pack.

When I first got the title as Alpha at the age of fifteen it was the worst thing for me. Raising Julia up and working as Alpha eas not easy for only me to handle. But I did and I think I did a pretty good job of both of them. I know my parents would be proud. Atleast my mom would be. If she was here.

I shook my head to get out of these dark thoughts and got up. I walked to my room thinking about what I was going to tell the pack.

"Why have you called for a meeting?" Julia asked.
"I need to address a few things," I said.
"About what?" She asked.
"You will know with the rest of the pack," I said.
"Well I wanted to take Zoey shopping today," she said.
"What for?" I asked.
"Girl shopping," she grinned.
"And for that you need my card?" I asked.
"Yup. But don't tell Zoey. She doesn't feel comfortable taking your money," she said.
"Fine. Don't go too overboard," I said, only half joking.
"Zoey is a very realistic shopper. She doesn't buy thjngs which she knows she wonn't wear after the first time," she said.
"Well now you must be happy that you found a real friend," I said.
"Yeah. Zoey's a breath of fresh air from all that fakeness," she scoffed.
I laughed as I said, "enjoy then."

After Julia left with my credit card I thought about where to start. I knew I should have told Julia about Alpha Xavier's daughter being my mate but I didn't know why I held back. I tell Julia everything; there's no secret between us. She's all I have.

We have got Paisley now, Damien said.
Where does that put Zoey? I questioned.
This isn't about Zoey, he said.
You didn't agree to bring Zoey here with nothing planned, I scoffed.
Don't mix Paisley and Zoey together, he sais.
You are such a two-faced wolf, I scoffed.
I am a part of you nuthead, he said.
Well I don't know what game are you playing, I sighed.
I know what I am doing. So just shut up and go along with what I say, he said.
Why the hell does everybody order me around? I wondered.
Because we love ordering you around, he chuckled.

The backyard was buzzing with people and children as I made my way towards the front of the pack to give my speech. I scanned the crowd and saw Zoey and Julia standing in the middle next to the building. Zoey looked fantastic.

Her black hair were held lose around her shoulders and framed her childish face perfectly well. Her smile lit up her entire face. Julia was right; Zoey was a natural. I turned my attention back to the pack as they quieted down.

"As you all know I have called you here for a reason," I began in my Alpha voice.

I kept looking at Zoey to gauge her reaction. I wanted to see what she thought of me finding my soul mate.

"Today I have called upon you to tell you that I have found my mate who's soon going to be your luna," I said, not beating around tue bush and going straight to the point.

There was a buzzing noise in the crowd as they all whispered amongst each other. They weren't doing a very good job of it either. I turned to look at Zoey and found her looking back at me. She seemed happy about me finding my mate.

"Silence!" I shouted.

Once the crowd had settled down, I began," I hacen't accepted her yet nor rejected her. I will leave that up to you."
"Who's she?" A man shouted.
"Alpha Xavier's daughter from the dreary pack," I answered.

The crowd started talking again amongst themselves.

"She wants to come here to see how our pack is run," I said.

Again I turned to look at Zoey but she was busy talking to Julia.

"When is she coming?" A woman asked.
"Where is she going to stay?" Another asked.
"I think in two days time. And she will stay at the pack house and visit you in the village to gwt ro know you better," I said.
"That's it for today. Enjoy the rest of your day," I finished my speech.

The crowd dispered until only Chris, Julia and Zoey were left.

"Why didn't you tell me you found your mate?" Julia asked, as soon as I reached them.
"I forgot," I said.
"You forgot or you weren't going yo tell me?" She asked.
"Julia. Your brother's very busy. Being an Alpha is no easy feat. He must have forgotten," Zoey said.
"Oh come on Jules. I will take you out for icecream," I said.
"Not so easy," Jules said.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"You will take Zoey and me shopping. Zach was willing to come with us but I think he should stay at home," she said.
"Julia you know I hate shopping," I groaned.
"Fine do it your way then," she turned her back to me.
"He did say he will take you for icecream," Zoey pointed out.
"Why are you taking my brother's side?" Jules asked.
"Well probably because he helped me," Zoey said.
"Great. My only friend is taking my brother's side," Julia said.
"Ok fine. I will take you two shopping," I sighed.
"Yay!" Julia turned around and hugged me tight.
"And try to befriend Alpha Xavier's daughter when she comes ok?" I asked.
"Don't worry we will make her feel at home," Zoey said.

Chris soon left because Melissa was calling him and Julia was leaving.

"Are you happy I found my mate?" I asked, just as Zoey was about to follow Julia.
"Well of course I am. Why wouldn't I be happy for you?" Zoey asked.
"Ok then," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

Zoey gave me a weird look before leaving me standing alone in the backyard. Why was I having mixed up feelings about both of them?

Here's the next update guys! Sorry for the long due! I was having end of session term and was swamped with books. But now I am kind of finished and will try to update as regularly as possible. Thank you for your support!♥️♥️♥️♥️

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