Stay the night

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Once Robin had gotten in the shower Nancy fell back on the bed, her thoughts and her heart racing.

She knew her crush on Robin was getting stronger and stronger but she also knew she couldn't act on it. 

Robin deserved the very best 

"And I can't give her what she deserves, I'm a mess" thought Nancy

 With Johnathon still creeping into Nancy's life against her wishes how could Robin ever find peace? And that's just assuming Robin even liked Nancy like Nancy liked her.

Nancy tried to get out of her worries but they kept circling around her like a tornado. 

She decided to go downstairs and get a drink of water. As she went downstairs a random little dog went up to her. She just rolled her eyes. 

It was something new everyday with Mike.

Nancy sat down in one of the chairs in the kitchen and drank some water to calm herself down. She noticed Max sitting up on one of the counters.

"Sorry, I hope you don't mind that I'm here" said Max

Staring off into space Nancy replied, "No, you're fine"

"But are you?" asked Max, looking closer at Nancy

Nancy sat up straighter, "Yeah, why?"

Max bit into the sand-which she was holding, "You just seem out of it"

Nancy sighed, "Max, do you ever feel like somebody is too good for you but you still want them so badly?"

Max cocked her head in confusion

Nancy looked down and apologized, "Sorry, didn't mean to be asking philosophical relationship questions to a 13 year old"

Max said, "Okay that was a bit rude. I'm 15 just so ya know!"

Nancy crossed her arms, "Just forget I said anything"

Max jumped off the counter, "Well if you were going to let me finish...what I was going to say is that you should go for it. Because chances are they feel like you're too good for them too. I know I don't really know you all the well but just so you know I'm actually in a bit of a situation like that myself. See I was with this guys and I kinda want to get back together with him. So, take my word for it and just go for it"

"How'd it go for you?"

"Well I didn't do it yet. We're just talking about it" admitted Max, "You knew I was dating Lucas right? Was that what you were asking when you said about somebody being too good for me?"

"No, of course not! I was honestly just thinking about myself and my own...crush whom I feel is too good for me.  I forgot about you and Lucas being a thing" admitted Nancy

Max smiled, "So, enough about me. Who's the guy you've got your eye on? Will already told us that you and Johnathon called it quits"

Nancy took another sip of water to avoid responding.

Max winked, "It's definitely Steve, right?"

Nancy coughed, nearly choking on on her water, "No, it's definitely not Steve"

"You don't want to talk about do you?" realized Max

"Yeah not really. I thought I did but it's scary to" Nancy played with the loose fabrics on her nightgown

Max patted her shoulder, "Let me know if you need anything. I can't imagine Mike is a brother who an open-ear for listening" she added with a smirk

"You are right on that" chuckled Nancy


Nancy eventually made her way up to her room and it wasn't too long until Robin was out fo the shower. 

Even without any of her makeup on, Nancy thought Robin still looked drop-dead gorgeous. Her shoulder-length dirty blonde hair was just the right amount of messy and her smile was tearing Nancy apart inside. But no one would ever know. Nancy was good at masking her feelings, or at least she tried to be.

"Hey Robin" she said, softly, putting the book she was reading down

"Hey Nance!" Robin bounded onto the bed, nearly barreling into Nancy while doing so

"You're crazy" Nancy said, laughing

"You're crazier" said Robin, looking into Nancy's deep blue eyes.

Their faces were inches apart and realizing this Nancy quickly sat up, pulling herself back away from Robin

Trying to break the tension, Nancy held up the book she was 'reading' that she actually stole from Mike's room before heading upstairs. She had to make it look like she was doing something other than just waiting around for Robin

"Have you ever read 'White Fang'?" asked Nancy

Robin revealed, "I can't say I have but I should. It always sounded good. I didn't take you to be a girl who likes wolf stories but then again, you're full of surprises, Wheeler"

"You have no idea..." 

"So Nancy!" Robin said, interrupting Nancy's thoughts, "Are you ready for bed? Did you want to talk more about what happened or...?"

"No, it's fine. Thank you, I don't want to think about him anymore" Nancy murmured

"I get it. I'm here for you okay?" 

"I'm here for you too. And umm hey Robin would you want to possibly stay the night?" offered Nancy

Robin asked, excitedly, "Like a sleepover?"

"Yes! I mean I know it's so late that we should really just head to bed now but maybe we can have breakfast together tomorrow and have a fun morning?" Nancy suggested, hoping she didn't sound too obvious that she wanted to spend every waking second of her day with Robin

Robin squealed, "Yay! This is gonna be so fun! I actually never had a sleepover before"

"You haven't?"

"No, this would be my first" 

"Well, I hope it's everything you dreamed it'd be" purred Nancy

Robin gave a shy smile, "I'm just happy to be hanging out with the coolest person I know. Sorry, is that weird?"

Nancy inhaled sharply, "No, it's not weird at all"

There wasn't much left of the night. Nancy brushed her teeth in a daze and once the lights were out and her and Robin were alone together in bed it wasn't what Nancy expected at all.

She thought she'd be giddy and content and comfortable but being in bed with Robin just pulled at her heartstrings in the worst way. She couldn't be with her like that. Girls couldn't be with girls that easily right? And she was such a mess right now she couldn't put Robin through all her shit.

A tear rolled down Nancy's cheek as she tried her hardest to hold back her tears thinking about how badly she wanted Robin and how they could probably never be together. She was so close to her, she wanted to cuddle with her and drown her in compliments and kisses. Nancy held her nightgown over her mouth to try and stop herself from crying.

The crickets outside sang their summer tune but to Nancy it sounded almost more melancholy that night somehow.

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