Author's Note:
Will Kaden confess something else to confess to Caitlyn???...
Kaden's POV:
Never in my life had I ever felt so angry as this.
Never in my life had I been so protective of a human.
Never in my life had I ever been in love or jealous like this.
Is this love?
Or is it just me?
I felt the horror if I hadn't noticed what that bastard was up to.
I walked outside near the gate and everything looked fine.
I turned and looked at Finn in confusion. Everything seemed normal.
"Sir, look." He pointed his chin to the guards.
Except knives were stabbed through their stomach and they lay there with their eyes, looking lifeless.
They were dead.
I felt like something bad is going to happen...
If I don't go upstairs.
To Caitlyn's room.
And there is only one person capable of not only trying to take Caitlyn away from me and claiming her as his.
"Guess who did this, sir," Finn said confirming my suspicions.
If he did this...
Then he is heading to Caitlyn's room... take her away from me...
"That fucking bastard!" Without wasting time I ran back inside and I felt Finn following from behind me.
We climbed up the stairs and I ran straight to Caitlyn's room. As soon as I saw the doors of her room, I didn't waste any time and barged through the doors.
Only to see Sean standing outside of the window, which was open...
And extending his hand to Caitlyn...
...offering her the chance to escape...
I felt my eyes glowing red with rage.
Sean grabbed Caitlyn's arm at the same time I charged at him. I stopped just in time when he slammed the window quickly at my face and dragged Caitlyn while she was screaming.
Out of rage, I punched my fist through the window, not minding the pain of the glass shattering as I hopped off and ran toward Sean who was holding onto Caitlyn as he ran.
"Sean! What are you doing!" I heard her scream.
I shook my head, blocking the possible thoughts that would send chills up my spine.
Losing Caitlyn was like losing a piece of me; it is in someone else's control. But for some reason, I couldn't shake out the anger as I put all my anger at her.
Why didn't she scream for help?
Did she want to escape?
And here I am, grabbing Caitlyn and dragging her back to her room.
Though, I thought I notice something slip inside her hand before all of this shit happened...
When the doors of Caitlyn's room opened, I threw her on the bed. Before I could snap at her, I saw something that made my heart sink when I saw a piece of paper on the floor.
It can't be.
I walked toward it and kneeled and picked it up.
A note.
From Sean.
Dear Caitlyn,
I know that you don't want to be there and he is keeping you hostage. I will help get you out of there. I promise.
I do not break promises.
Especially to the one who I love and care about.
And you can believe me since I will be waiting at your window.
That fucking bitch!
He had planned this all along before he even came here!
I felt my fangs retract themselves. Feeling them in my mouth.
Ready to strike and bite into something.
But first...
"You got this fucking piece of shit from Sean and you didn't tell me!" I roared at Caitlyn, feeling a sting of betrayal and distrust.
She narrowed her eyebrows. "I didn't think it would involve me being nearly kidnapped! And what's wrong with me getting a note?"
I glared at her. "You got this, you..." I tried to take a few deep breaths, controlling my anger but it was becoming hopeless. "read it...and you didn't even bother telling me?!"
"And what's so bad about not telling you?! HUH!?" She yelled at me ad she got off of the bed.
"If you would have said something, none of this would happen!"
"And since when did you care about me?! I thought you want me gone!"
I blinked at her.
"Want you gone?! Who said I want you gone?!"
She glared at me. "You clearly look like you want to get rid of me."
"Are you a dumbass or something? Fuck no!"
This girl-!
"It looked very much like that to me." She rolled her eyes.
This girl is fucking unbelievable.
Caitlyn's POV:
I can't believe I am arguing with the Blood Prince over this!
"What happens if I say it wasn't what you think it looked?" He yelled at me.
"And who am I to give a fuck about what you think or say?!"
He narrowed his eyebrows, the color of his eyes still not going away and getting even a darker shade of red as we continue arguing.
"This is all your fault you fucking dumbass!"
The fuck?!
"Leave me alone! Goddamn it!" I shouted at him. "How is it all my fault!?"
"If only you listen to me, none of this would happen!" He shouted back.
"None of what would happen?!" I deadpanned him.
"You wouldn't be taken by him!" Since when did he care?
"And since when did you care for my safety?!" I asked the same question again.
Kaden looked very much like he wanted to scream or do something. "This fucking ass...since the day I claimed you as my blood servant!"
"Is that what you think of me?! A FUCKING BLOOD SERVANT? Wow no wonder Sean wanted me to-"
"I didn't want you to get in trouble because I fucking care for you, dumbass!"
"What?!" I felt my cheeks turning pink.
Keep it cool and ignore those lies, I thought.
I rolled my eyes to cover my flustered cheeks, which I had a feeling Kaden could see. "Like I'm gonna believe-!" He climbed onto the bed, grabbed me by the nape of my neck, and slammed his lips onto mine.
I wanted to push him back but I couldn't bear to do it...
... especially over something like this...
I felt his tongue sweeping inside my mouth and I felt my heart flutter.
And he pulled back, letting me go. "Now you understand..." He said, panting. "how I feel every time I am with you."
I didn't say anything.
So this is what he was hiding from me...
...his feelings toward me...
But how long?
I slammed my lips into him, and I could feel his surprise but then he kissed me back, hard and rough. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. We were like this for a few more minutes before I pulled back.
"Now I understand," I muttered as I pressed my forehead against his, catching my breath.
I could feel him smirking. "So what does this mean? You like me back too?" I could feel my cheeks burning again.
Ugh, Kaden!
"I thought it was obvious," I said, hoping that my answer was enough.
He pulled back and shook his head. "Unless you say it, then I'm convinced..." He smirked at me. "Darling."
I felt my heart pounding.
"SHUT UP!" I playfully shove him away from me.
Since when has he ever flirted with anyone?
Much less to me!?
He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.
"I..." How is saying this harder than it should be?
Kaden's face turned from amusement to now...heartbroken. Did he think I would say no and deny how I felt about him?
"I-You know what? Never...mind." He said, his voice shaking.
He did actually think I would say no!
Oh, Kaden!
He got off of the bed and was about to walk away, I shouted out. "I love you, big idiot!" I confessed with a flustered look on my face.
He stopped in his tracks, his back still facing me. It felt like an eternity with him standing, just as I felt my hopes vanishing, Kaden leaped back onto the bed and scooped me into his arms, and kissed me. "I love you too! Oh...thank god." He said as he buried his face in my neck.
"Did you think I would say no?" I said.
"I...thought you would say that you wanted to yourself." He mumbled.
"You were wrong about that," I said with a grin as I touched his hair for the first time.
It was...fluffy...
And extremely soft!
"So you love me too...right?"
"I said it already and I'll say it again, I love you too idiot," I said. "I can't believe you have to keep asking me that when we literally just kiss like three times already."
"I...just want to make sure you were alright...with loving me and all."
Kaden must have had no one to love since he seemed to have a little bit of experience when it comes to caring for someone.
Did he never have a chance to care or love?
I kissed his forehead. "I'm perfectly fine with you and love you." He looked up and looked at me.
But just to be sure...
I took a deep breath, knowing that Kaden might become a little bit shy with the question.
"Since when did you love me?"
Kaden's POV:
I can't fucking believe it.
It actually happens.
Never in my life did I ever feel so happy.
Never in my life had I ever felt so overjoyed in my life.
Never in my life...did I think...I would be so overjoyed...
...because of a human...a girl.
Finally releasing that weight on my shoulders, wondering to death if she feels the same way...she actually does feel the same way as I do.
I could feel Ian's excitement as well as his teasing, Told you, Kaden but what did you say 'NOoO I don't like-'
For God's sake be quiet!
I'm just stating facts.
Gods I-
"Since when did you love me?"
I looked at Caitlyn.
That question...was a difficult one to answer.
If you pass this one, you will be able to overcome what is going to happen in the future, Ian informed me. Might as well tell the truth. He suggested.
For once, I decided to accept Ian's help and advice.
"Since...the day I saved you from those assholes and you decided to run and bumped into that bastard." Not daring to say his name as it will only cause my anger to rise again.
Please don't leave me, Caitlyn after just being with you for the first time, I pleaded silently.
Just as I thought that her silence meant that she had changed her mind and wanted me from her life, I felt something warm on my lips.
I sat there in shock as she wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me, soft and tender. My shock quickly went away as I grabbed her and pull her into my arms I kissed her back but harder.
All I could think of was this was her way of saying yes.
And I felt a new feeling...
This warm feeling is like an electric shock, spreading through my body.
Before she came into my life, this never happen to me.
Caitlyn was like a virus that covers me with her scent and infected me with something that I thought I would never feel or care about.
She was my Caitlyn.
And mine only.
Caitlyn's POV:
I can't believe what I heard.
"Since...the day I saved you from those assholes and you decided to run and bumped into that bastard."
I couldn't believe that he felt about me in that way.
But...he looked fine...
But then again...that would explain the angry look on his face whenever Sean would have grabbed my arm, touch me or even talk or flirt with me.
He was jealous!
But wait...the Blood Prince was jealous?!
I couldn't help but laugh while still being on somewhat sitting on Kaden's lap. He rose a brow. "Mind telling me what's so funny?"
"Now that explains why you were always glaring at Sean like you wanted to rip his throat," I giggled. "You were jealous!"
Kaden frowned. "I thought it...was obvious."
"Well sorry but your ways of showing emotion aren't 'obvious' to me, in the past," I added when Kaden glared at me.
"But...still I now want to rip his throat off," He let out a low growl.
Uh oh.
I slapped him on the chest, playfully. "Hey," I warned.
"Hey what? Wait don't tell me you actually plan to let that asshole get away with what he has done to you?!"
So dramatic, I rolled my eyes. "Of course, I'm not going to let that asshole get away but nor will I let you go out and get yourself killed!"
"I'm called the Blood Prince for a reason," Kaden warned me.
"Yeah, yeah I could see that."
I heard Kaden sigh and he was right, this argument is taking us nowhere.
"Let's forget about all that for a moment."
I rose a brow at Kaden as he buried his face in my neck. "Why?"
"You dumb...I just want to focus on us, just for right now." Kaden changed his words when he notice me glaring at him, daring him to call me that but then I could see the secret smile that he was trying to hide.
The first time I ever saw his smile.
He looks so much better like this.
So peaceful and caring.
I run my hands through his hair, feeling them on my fingers.
It's so soft.
"Alright," I said with a warm smile on my face.
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