Meet the Sakamori

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School time cause Author-chan is too lazy

3rd year class - With Reiji, Ruki, Carla and Shu

A sudden knock was heard from across the homeroom getting everyone's attention. For that the homeroom teacher stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. The teacher opened the door walked out before closing it from behind.

The students then started to whisper in a low tone asking each other what was doing on and who had knocked on the door. While Reiji turned to his lazy brother and to the other two vampires, they also had an curious expression on their faces.

The door then open and the homeroom teacher then waked out with a smile, which surprised the students. The teacher walked up in front of the room and turned towards the student.

"Class." He called out. "Today we have a new student accompany us for now." He announced, before turning towards the door and nod his head gesturing the student to enter. "You may come in." He said.

Without a second to lose the student enter, its a tall young male with black punk hair with green tips and some of his bangs were over his right eye, green eyes. He wore a black leather jacket. A punk choker. The shirt is torn on the bottom and the first three buttons are unbuttoned making some of the girls to blush on the well belt chest he has. He has knee combat boots with green double straps on top knee on each boot.

"May you introduced yourself?" The teacher asked him and he sigh.

The boy stood in front of the class, hands stuffed in his pants pockets. "The name's Kage Sakamori, 18,  I have two brothers and a little sis. I'm a guitarist of a band known as 'Dance with the Devils'." When he said the name of his band everyone in the class then let out shocking gasps while the four vampires were dumbfound. The boy, Kage only narrow his eyes and continued. "So, please take care of me." With that he finished before he bowed his head.

"Thank you, Sakamori-san." The teacher thanked him. "You can have your seat in between of Sakamaki-san and Mukami-san." He informed.

Kage nod before walking towards them.

How does he know who we are?!

Both Reiji and Ruki asked themselves in their head. Kage then plop himself in his seat, he narrowed his eyes to Reiji then to Ruki before smirking in a devilish way.

Meanwhile in the 2nd year class. With Ayato, Kanato and Shin

"My name is Blaze Sakamori, I'm 17 year old, I have two brother and a younger sister, I from a band name 'Dance with the Devils' I play the bass. Please take care of me." Said the new student.

The new student is young male with orange hair with red tips, tied in a low ponytail. He wore a red cap with black flames, he wears it backward. He wore the school uniform all formal used, but he also has a black leather jacket. A punk choker. He has a black belt over his waits and had a red strap hanging on one side. He has black knee combat boots with a red strap around the ankle on each boot.

He locked his eyes on the three vampires and smirked, making them to either glare or stood their in fear, while the rest of the class was whispering on his cool he is, how hot he is, how famous he is and etc.

Meanwhile at the other 2nd year class. With Kaito and Kou

"Greetings minna~!" Greeted a very cheerful and light voice. "I'm Blaster Sakamori! I'm 17. I have two brothers and a young kawaii sister! I'm the drummer from 'Dance with the Devils' band! So~ please take care of me ~!" Said the new student with a huge grin.

The new student has not too long messy blonde hair, but in a very sexy way with blue tips. He has blue eyes. He wore a black jacket, sleeves folded at the elbows. A punk choker. A black belt over his shirt. Black knee combat boots with blue scrap on the top on each boot.

He grinned at all the squealing girls making them to blush or squeal even louder. While the three vampires were dumbfound or glaring at him and the new student smirked devilishly at them.

AGAIN meanwhile!! But in the 1st year class. With Subaru, Yuma and Azusa.

"Ohayo minna." Greeted an angelic and soft voice. "My name is Rin Sakamori. I'm 16 year old. I have three brothers. I'm an idol, a singer from a band known as 'Dance with the Devils'. Please take very good care of me." The new student said with a bow.

The new student is a beautiful young girl with long thigh black hair with red tips. Perusing blue eyes. She wore a black lace choker. Double silver chain belt. Her hair is loose and on her left side, she has black ribbon tied into a flower bow.

The three vampires starred at her shocked and a weird feeling inside of them, like as if they had seen her before. The vampires turned to each other and know that they were thinking the same thing.

Where have I seen her before?

Time skip~~~

The Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami and Sakamori family are in their free period.

The three families POV

All the Sakamaki, Mukami and the Tsukinami brothers are in a empty classroom on the top floor, talking and arguing about the new students.

"These new students are very suspicious." Reiji said pushing his classes.

"Yeah." Relayed everyone.

"That Kage guy nearly killed me, Kou and Shin in the lavatory!" Ayato growled and the other two nodded furious.

"Serious, who adds a negative sustain with another negative?!" Shin shouted.

"Ayato." Everyone replayed.

"OI!!" Ayato yelled.

"And that Blaze guy. He had tripped every girl on the classroom or in the halls, to catch them and began to flirt with them. Only when one of us are near to them and they sent the blame on us." Ruki said.

"That not worst!!" Kou yelled.

"That damn Blaster had stole every hot chick and begins to flirt with them~!" Kaito continued.

"WE'RE LOSING OUR TOUCH!!!" Both Kaito and Kou whine shouted at union.

"But, why would they do that?" Carla asked annoyed.

"Who knows." Both Reiji and Ruki replayed.

"Except... For that girl... Karin-chan." Azusa spoke.

"She didn't do anything bad to any of us." Continued Kanato.

"Yet!" Both Subaru and Yuma growled in union.

"But she seems very nice." Kanato exclaimed with a frown.

"Like they say." Kou stated. "Never judge a book by its cover."

Everyone nodded in agreement but both Kanato and Azusa only frowned and look down.

All of the sudden their little reunion was interrupted by a loud crash and the door flew across the room. This made all 12 boys to turn quickly around and face straight where the door used to be.

They were shock on seeing who was in the door way. The Sakamori boys.

Its seems that Kage was the one who had kicked the door with full force.

Blaze let out a sigh while rolling his eyes. "Kage, it wasn't necessary to kick the door." He spoked annoyed. "The door was unlocked." He scrolled him.

Kage then swan his foot down, with hand in his pants pockets. He clicked his tongue. "What ever you say, Blaze." He said.

"Wah~ Kage-kun, you meany!" Blaster whined, popping his head over Kage shoulder. "I wanted to open the door~!" He pouted.

Kage scoffed. "Well, you might never open this door." He said with a grin looking over his shoulders at Blaster.

"Because you killed the poor thing!!" Blaster yelled with a pout. "What had the door ever do to you?!" He asked yelling.

"Behave you two!" Blaze spoked out a bit annoyed. "Remember why we're here." He said turning to them.

"Sorry/Gomen." They both said union.

Blaze nodded at them before turning to the 12 vampires. He had a calm but bored expression. "Sorry for a bad behavior of my brothers." He spoke with a very short bow. "We haven't introduced yourself properly. My name is Blaze Sakamori, second son." He gestured himself. "This is Kage, the eldest." Kage only clicked his tongue annoyed. "And Blaster, the third son." Blaster waved his hand in the air like a child.

"We--" Reiji was cut off by Blaze who raised his hand.

"Don't need to introduced yourself." Blaze said lowering his hand.

"We already know you." Continue Kage with a grin. "Every one of you." He added.

"And on what you've done this past few month on a certain blondie." Blaster added with a fake sad look and everyone froze on the mention of the person, Blaster then turned his frown into a devilish smirk. "But she did deserved it~" He said in a deep and deadly tone.

"What you want?!" Ayato growled stepping up.

"Who us?" Blaze asked. "Oh, nothing." He said with a grin.

"We only want to warn you that..." Kage then paused himself for a second.

"If you don't want to get hurt..." Blaster continued.

"Don't get in our way." They three said in union while their eyes glowed like flames of their eye color.

"Nii-san!!" Called out a female voice down the halls while footsteps were getting closer each second.

Everyone then turned their attention at the halls, but when the Sakamori boys where about to turn around too a sudden black figure flew across the room and attacked Kage from behind almost making him to fall forward, but he luckily hold his balance.

"OI?!" Kage yelled surprise on his attacker.

Everyone look down at Kage back and saw the Sakamori girl, hugging him from behind. She had a playful frown while looking up at him.

"You meany!" She exclaimed at three boys. "You forgotten to gave me my sweet!" She whined.

"Eh?!" Kage exclaimed confused.

The girl then turned to the other 12 boys that were in there. She smiled brightly, let go of Kage before running toward them. The Sakamori boys eyes widen on seeing their sister running up to them. The girl stopped in front of the 12 boy and smiled brightly at them.

"Hello!" She exclaimed brightly surprising all of them. "My name is Karin Sakamori. By any chance, are you Nii-san new friends?" She asked them.

"Oi, Karin come back here!" Kage ordered her.

"Hai~!" She replayed not denying his ordered.

Karin ran up to her brothers, Kage opened his arms with a slim smile showing his fangs. Karin didn't hesitant and ran up to his open arms. She wrapped her arms around his torso and he wrapped his around her shoulders, almost bending down cause of the small height of the girl. This shocked the 12 vampires see what seems like the tough guy, Kage hug someone like that way.

"If you excuse us." Blaze spoke with a blank and bored expression looking up at the vampires. "We better get going now." He said turning around.

Rin look up at Kage. "Give me a Piggie back ride!" She said demanded in a playful way.

Kage clicked his tongue, eyes closed and a grin before he unwrapped his arms from her and she did the same. Kage then turned around, back facing her and kneeled down almost to her height. Karin didn't wasted any second before hopping to his back, a hand on his shoulder and the other in the air into a fist.

"Let's go horsey!" She exclaimed brightly.

The three brothers laughed at her behavior, before Kage easily pushed himself up and began to walk out if the room, followed by his brothers behind. But before they were completely out of their sight, they three turned their heads a bit to a side, looking behind them over their shoulders and sent the Sakamaki, Mukami and the Tsukinami brothers either a devilish smirk or a grin, before disappearing in thin air.

The Sakamaki, the Mukami and the Tsukinami brothers were in deep silence and froze in their spot, surprised on the event that just happen.

"THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!?!" Shouted Ayato, Subaru, Kou, Yuma and Shin confused and shocked.

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