[ 21 ]

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I tried not to think about my dream and the truth about Pranpriya. I don't want Lisa to see me sad.

I go out with Ray in my house as I heard the bell rang. Pranpriya standing outside the gate and her back facing me.

"Good Morning" I greeted her. She faced me and I saw so much sadness in her eyes though she is smiling at me.

"Good Morning Jennie and Kuma" she said with excitement it in her voice but her face show otherwise. I want to ask what is wrong but I think it's better to give her time to tell me by herself.

"Let's go" I said.

She nod and pick up Kuma to carry him.

"You should let him walk on his own so he can exercise too." I suggested.

"No, I want to carry him. I will him so I want to carry and hug him." she said hugging Kuma as we walk.

"Will?" I asked.

She laughs before correcting herself.

"I mean I missed him. It's been long since I saw him." she said smiling sadly with a pout.

"It's just 2 days ago, you know. You're dramatic." I teased.

"Still~~" she whined and pouting.

"You're a baby." I teased more and pinch her right cheek.

"Your baby." she said which took me by surprise.

"I-I mean You Are a baby than me." she said emphasizing the you and are. Though I saw her cheeks grows pinkish as I blush myself so I look straight ahead avoiding her eyes.


"Jennie" she called me as we walk silently.

"Yes?" I faced her. She looks shy and contemplating if she will say whatever she is about to say.

"What is it?" I asked again trying to encourage her to say it.

"Are you free this Saturday?" she said like a whisper that I won't hear it if I'm not this close to her. Her eyes is in her feet.

I realize where this is going and I felt a smile grew in my lips. She looks cute being shy inviting me to go out. I decided to tease her a bit.

"I think so.. why?" I said.

"Well. If you are, maybe you can go with me somewhere." she said shyly looking anywhere but me.

"Are you inviting me in a date?" I teased while smiling.

"A-ah.. w-well... I guess" she said as her cheeks grow more redder.

I laugh heavily and she looks at me wondering why I am laughing.

"You're cute being shy and all. Anyway, I'm surely be glad to go out on a date with you." I said emphasizing the last three words.

She smile widely and muttered 'Yes'.

I can't wait for Saturday to come.


I'm very happy. Jennie and I will going on a date. I will treasure every moment with you, Jennie.

I, Pranpriya, will treasure these moments with you.

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