He was light. Always happy, caring, and perceptive. Just one look from him could light up anyone's day. Hinata Shoyo, Nekoma High's resident sunshine boy. Kenma's massive crush.
Hinata was the kind of person you always wanted to be around. He attracted friends like moths to a flame. Therefore, it wasn't a surprise when he quickly climbed the social ladder.
Kenma felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to glare as his friend. Kuroo gave him a smirk.
"thinking about shorty again?"
Kenma shoved him away lightly, face burning. He wasn't wrong.
He turned back to face the teacher, droning on about some equation Kenma would never understand no matter how hard he tried. Kenma did fairly well in school, but he was pretty sure calculus might be the end of him. The only thing he truly excelled at was code, computers were easier to understand than people, he had decided.
Kenma stared at the clock longingly for the rest of the period, willing it to move faster. Finally, the bell rang. He hastily threw all his belongings into his backpack before running out of the classroom, Kuroo trailing closely behind. As the two approached their lockers Kuroo questioned, "what period do you have next?'
Kenma pulled his crumpled schedule from his locker and examined it. It read;
Creative Computing
Mr. Himiko
Room No. BS04
Oh right, I forgot we got new classes this semester. "some random code class I'm taking, Creative Computing"
Kuroo's eyes seemed to gleam for a moment as he leaned against his locker and smirked slightly. "I heard shorty's in that class." He teased.
Checking his own schedule Kuroo's lips downturned into a slight frown "I've got P.E. next, guess were splitting up"
Kenma grimaced at the thought of running around with a bunch of sweaty highschoolers, suddenly he was glad he had badly sprained his ankle earlier in the year, giving him a gym exemption.
"Have fun." Kenma said sarcastically. Grabbing his gym clothes, Kuroo walked off, rounding the corner to the gymnasium.
Hinata entered the poorly lit classroom with a yawn. Why did this class have to be in the basement? He honestly had no interest in digital stuff but needed an art cred.
He was five minutes late but the teacher hadn't arrived yet.
letting out a puff of air he down in the only empty seat next to a blond boy with grown out roots and feline features.
Keno? Kenny? Kenma? Was that his Name? Shoyo thought so. He was either Shoyo's year or one above him. He gave him a quick wave and smile. The older boy was staring at his phone with headphones in and didn't seem to notice.
Shoyo glanced over his shoulder to see what he was looking at "what game is that?"
he startled. "ah—it's just Minecraft." he stuttered out, turning red. He looked really embarrassed for some reason.
"Oh! I heard about that game! It's supposed to be really fun, right?"
The small boy outstretched his hand. "I don't think we've met before. Im Shoyo Hinata, year 2".
"Yeah I know" he muttered, eyes downcast. "Kenma Kozume, year 3". Shoyo flashed a small smile "that's what I thought!" I scooted my chair closer to his and leaned on the desk.
"what are you doing in this class?"
"Oh, well I'm pretty into code" he responded, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's so cool Kozume Senpai! I really suck at this stuff."
"Please, just call me Kenma, honorifics dont really matter to me."
"really!? In that case, call me Shoyo."
This was the first time Shoyo had seen him without that tall clack haired guy. "oh! Who's that bed headed guy you're always around? He looks scary!"
"Kuroo?" Kenma asked quietly "he may seem scary but really he's just a little loud. You should see him around Bokuto"
He stared off for a second, as if recalling a fond memory. Just then, the teacher burst through the door panting. He was pretty young, probably in his mid twenties. His glasses sat lopsided on his face, half covered by floppy green hair, his slightly button up shirt and wrinkled and untucked. After catching his breath he greeted us, "hello class! My name is Mr. Himiko, I will be your teacher this semester."
The class quickly settled and he began role call. After introduction and seating was taken care of he began the lesson plan "for your first class your only task is to get to know the person next to you. They will be your partner for the rest of the semester. You can come to me if there are any issues but I hope you all like who you're sitting with. You may start now and finish for homework"
The class slowly dissolved into quiet chatter and the small boy turned to Kenma once again.
The older boy had been very reserved but seemed to have opened up more the more the two talked. As the end of the period drew near, Shoyo didn't have nearly as much information as he needed.
"When are you free next?" He questioned. Kenma looked surprised and his cheeks flushed slightly. "umm, does this afternoon work?"
"I have gymnastics practice right after school ends, but if you're cool with it, you can probably study for an hour and we can meet up after." The ginger suggested. "B-But of course you don't have to if you don't want to. We can find another time." he quickly added.
"No, that's okay," the feline-like boy said nervously, "I can just watch you practice."
"really?! Thank you so much Kenma Senpai"
The bell rang and they headed out of the classroom together. Shoyo gave his arm a quick squeeze and ran down the hallway. "See you later Kenma!" He called back at him with a little wave. Even from far away Shoyo could see his lips curl into a small smile.
A/N 1013 words!!! Lmk if yall want a chapter 2! Sorry for the shitty writing
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