Chapter 15

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"You think I'M a spy?!"
Fitz had stormed over, Dex following behind, towards Sophie and the rest of their friends at a table in the cafeteria.

Sophie glared at Dex.
"You told him?!" Sophie scowled.
"Well-" Dex began.
"No! Now everyone here knows because this idiot couldn't keep his mouth shut!" Sophie exclaimed, pointing at Fitz.
"Idiot-?!" Fitz began.

"Woah, woah, relax guys." Biana frowned, noticing how angry both Sophie and Fitz looked.
"First of all, there's a spy?"
All eyes turned to Sophie and Sophie sighed.
"Mr Forkle told me a few days ago. It's...I didn't tell anyone but Dex and Keefe because I wanted to see who has been acting the most suspicious." Sophie explained, looking at everyone.

"Ohh, okay... right, and what if Dex or Keefe is the spy?" Marella raised an eyebrow at Sophie.
Sophie scoffed.
"Okay, yeah, my boyfriend is the spy-" Sophie began.
"I don't recall you guys becoming official." Tam smiled at Sophie.
Keefe glanced at Tam, seeing how he seemed to be feeling jealous once again.
Sophie's cheeks turned red.
"W-Well... Uhm... Keefe can't be the spy! He and I have... something going on!" Sophie exclaimed.

"And Dex? Marella, look at him. I don't think the Neverseen would be looking for someone... a little scrawny."
Dex scoffed.

"Okay, fuck you, I could totally be the spy??" Dex glared at Sophie.
"I'm a technopath! My ability can be very useful! So, I don't think the Neverseen particularly cares if you're buff or scrawny!"

"Ah, so he admits it!" Marella exclaimed, looking at Dex.
"W-what?" Dex frowned, looking at Marella.
"Okay, do not come for Dex like that!" Fitz slammed his hands on the table.
"Dex could never be the spy!"
"What if you two are the spies?" Marella raised her eyebrows, glancing between Fitz and Dex.

"Forkle said that there was one spy-" Sophie began.
"And how does he know that there isn't more than one?" Marella questioned.
"Okay, why would two people from our friend group be spies?" Tam scoffed, looking at Marella.
"Yeah, I mean... we would know, there would be signs, right?" Biana questioned, glancing about.

"Yeah! Like Fitz and Dex being all buddy-buddy recently!" Marella exclaimed.
Fitz scowled.
"Okay, we're being all 'buddy-buddy' because I'm moving on from Sophie? Thanks?? I literally experienced a break up and I have found someone who is-" Fitz began.

Fitz stopped himself as he looked at Dex. Dex raised his eyebrows, his cheeks red.
"No, go on." Dex said, grinning a little and crossing his arms.
Fitz's cheeks turned red and he cleared his throat, looking away.
"Yeah, okay, we're going to talk later on." Fitz said, directing it to Dex but not facing him.

"... Yeahh, they're not the spies." Biana said, looking at Marella.
"I mean, I have witnessed how they act at Everglen, and I'm sure the triplets would agree that they are as sickening and as obvious as they are in Everglen at Rimeshire."
Marella huffed.

"Okay, maybe they can be ruled out." Marella said, looking away.

"What if you're the spy, Marella?" Sophie tilted her head at the other blonde female.
Marella scoffed.
"Excuse me?" Marella raised her eyebrows.
"Linh, are you hearing this?"

Marella turned to Linh who seemed to be silent, thinking about something as she stared at Tam. Marella furrowed her eyebrows and she gently took Linh's hand. Linh snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at Marella.

"Mmh?" Linh hummed, interlocking their fingers.
"Sophie thinks I'm the spy." Marella said, glancing at Sophie.
Linh rolled her eyes as she looked at Sophie.
"Soph, why would Marella be the spy?" Linh questioned.

Tam didn't know how to feel that his sister was staring at him as everyone at the table argued. Tam looked at his hands and fiddled with them. Did Linh know?

Keefe looked at Tam, noticing he seemed to be worried about something but he couldn't really ask if Tam was okay at this moment. He'd have to talk to Tam later on.

"She is a pyrokinetic and working with an ex-member of the Neverseen!" Sophie exclaimed.
"Yeah, an ex-member!" Marella scowled back.
"And Linh is always there with me when I'm practicing with Fintan! She wouldn't let that happen!"

"Unless if Linh is also a spy and there are two spies!"
"Oh my god, you are so annoying!!"
"I am just trying to make sure our group is safe! That we rat out the traitor and tell the Black Swan who this person is!!"

"That is ENOUGH!"

Everyone at the table shut up as they looked over to see Magnate Leto glaring at everyone at their table.
"My office. Everyone, now." Magnate Leto scowled, looking at every single person individually before walking off.
"Great, Forkle's pissed-" Marella began to whisper.
"Shut up." Sophie scowled, getting up.
Keefe got up and he wrapped an arm around Sophie's shoulder.

Sophie and Keefe followed behind Fitz and Dex who were already making their way to Magnate Leto's office, and apparently holding hands.
Biana got up and sighed as she quickly followed behind the couples. Linh and Marella also got up.
Marella looked at Tam.
"C'mon Tam." Marella said, ruffling Tam's hair.
Tam grumbled as he fixed his hair, getting up.

Tam caught Linh's gaze as they were about to go after their friends and... let's just say her expression was not filled with the love and warmth it usually was filled with.

Yep, Tam was screwed.


Word count: 920

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