Chapter 11

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Keefe whistled to himself as he approached the front door and knocked on it. Keefe tapped his foot against the ground as he awaited for Sophie to answer the door.

This was his first date with Sophie and... god, Rayni kept teasing him as she helped him get ready in the Neverseen base. Tam was also there, but he seemed to stay silent majority of the time, only smiling a few times at some of Rayni's comments.
Keefe really wanted to talk to Tam, check up on him, but Rayni told him to get going before he'd be late for the date and screw up his entire assignment.

So, here he was. At Havenfield, ready to take Sophie out on a date.
And Keefe was just... dreading it.

The door opened and Keefe smiled at Sophie who actually looked quite nice. She wore a nice red dress, she had a little bit of make-up on her face but not much, Edaline must have convinced her to put on some make-up.

"Hey, you look nice." Keefe said, placing a hand out.
Sophie took Keefe's hand and Keefe bowed down, kissing the back of Sophie's hand. Sophie smiled as Keefe stood back up.
"You clean up nicely yourself." Sophie said, stepping out of the house as she shut the door.
"Why thank you." Keefe smiled as he used his spare hand to dig for a crystal to the city of Atlantis.

"So, you ready to go?"


"Soo, are you and Keefe not on speaking terms or something?" Rayni asked, looking over at Tam who was sat on Keefe's bed, scribbling something in a notebook.
"Why do you ask?" Tam glanced at Rayni, who was rifling through Keefe's desk, looking for something.

Rayni opened up a drawer and took out a lot of sketchbooks, notebooks, files, random papers and she began to look through that pile.

"You were really quiet while Keefe was getting ready for his date. You didn't even make any comments, or laugh at any of my comments!" Rayni exclaimed, sounding a little offended near the end of her sentence.
Tam smiled and he rolled his eyes.
"I just... I'm not in a teasing mood." Tam said, shrugging.

"Because you like Keefe and you're jealous he's not going on a date with you?" Rayni questioned, looking at Tam.
Tam was still writing in his notebook.
"Yes, it's because I'm jealous and-" Tam began, actually about to be honest but he stopped himself.
Tam blinked and his cheeks turned red as he looked at Rayni who raised her eyebrows at Tam, grinning mischievously.

Tam gulped.
"I-I didn't... I was just being sarcastic-!" Tam exclaimed, trying to come up with something.
"Sure you were." Rayni rolled her eyes.
"Relax, Tam! I won't tell Keefe, even though it's obvious."
Tam scowled and Rayni seemed to laugh.

Tam stayed silent as he now watched Rayni looking through Keefe's belongings.

"What are you even looking for?" Tam asked.
"Keefe's diary." Rayni stated.
"Keefe has a diary?" Tam furrowed his eyebrows.
Rayni shot a grin at Tam.

"I catch him writing in it sometimes, he always tells me it's classified information for his assignment, but like... I know when he's lying, it's a diary." Rayni said.
"And it must be here somewhere..."
Rayni looked back at the pile and she picked up one book that was a wine red colour, which was different to all the other notebooks as they were all black or navy blue.
"Ooh~? I think I found it."

Rayni held the red notebook in her hand and she went over, sitting down next to Tam. Tam shut his own notebook and set it down on his lap.
"Why are we reading through his diary?" Tam asked.
"Because Keefe doesn't like opening up." Rayni said.
Tam furrowed his eyebrows.
"Really? He and I talk about a lot of deep stuff." Tam said, a little suspicious.

Rayni looked at Tam.
"Yeah, Keefe likes you back." Rayni said, looking back at the notebook and opening it up.
Tam scoffed.
"Rayni-" Tam began.
"He doesn't even open up to me!" Rayni exclaimed.

"And... I'm like a sister to him, y'know? He definitely likes you back."
Tam stayed silent as Rayni looked at the first page of Keefe's diary.

"Oh, this is priceless."
"You really shouldn't be invading Keefe's privacy-"

"Oh? Your name is mentioned in his... third entry?"

Tam looked at the page which Rayni was looking at.
"Must've been when you guys first really met, this mentions something about your ability of being able to read someone's potential for darkness." Rayni said, skimming over the words.
Tam gently took the diary from Rayni's hand and Rayni let Tam take it.

Tam read over the page.
'Ugh, this is so stupid. I know Elwin told me that writing in this journal (I refuse to call this a diary, that's embarrassing!!) will help but... I don't know. I'm glad he doesn't ask me to let him read it though. Otherwise my whole cover would be blown.

Speaking of which, nearly got my cover blown when Bangs Boy was demanding to read everyone's potential for darkness. Thank god I didn't do it. He would've instantly told the others and my mother would not have been happy...
I don't even want to imagine what she'd do to me if I got my cover blown...

I don't know how I feel about Tam as well. Sophie trusts him, but why? He just seems like an angsty teenage boy with daddy and mommy issues. Then again, I'm one to talk, huh?

Tam is weird. I dunno, I need to figure out if he's worth talking to for finding out more information or if I should just ignore him.

I don't have much to put here.... I guess that's it really. I should really get working on my assignment.'

Tam blinked and he raised his eyebrows.
"That's why he was so adamant about me not reading his potential for darkness..." Tam mumbled to himself.

Rayni snatched the diary from Tam and flicked through the pages.
"Let's see if he has something more recent!"
Tam had a bad feeling about this.
"Rayni, maybe we should leave it-" Tam began.
"Oh it's fine, Tam." Rayni rolled her eyes.
"I mean, if you don't want to know what else Keefe has written about you, then... go ahead, leave."

Tam rolled his eyes. "What else would he write about me? There's not much to-"
"Today was a lot more fun than I expected. Hanging out with Tam at the arcade was actually sort of thrilling. I never expected to feel so... happy around him." Rayni read out.
Rayni stopped and looked at Tam. Tam stared at Rayni and Rayni awaited for Tam to give her the signal to read on. Tam sighed in defeat and Rayni grinned.

"Would it be weird if I said that I haven't felt like this in a while with anyone? That I haven't felt like I could truly be myself? That for some odd reason, Tam is someone I feel as though I can just... talk to without his judgement?" Rayni continued to read out.
Rayni whistled and she raised her eyebrows.
"That is very weird, Keefey."
"Shut up, keep reading." Tam said, nudging Rayni in the arm.

"We literally just began to get along today and I already feel connected to Tam. Ugh, I hate how stupid this sounds. But...why was it sort of cute when Tam found himself attached to that silly eckodon plush? I mean, he was really desperate for it. And god, I felt so bad when he didn't win our stupid competition, I had to let him take the plush, I couldn't handle it."

Rayni looked at Tam and Tam seemed to be smiling.
"... You sure Keefe doesn't like you back?" Rayni questioned.
Tam looked at Rayni.

"We're just friends." Tam said, tilting his head to the side for a moment.
Rayni frowned, "You're hopeless."

"What are you doing with my journal?"

Rayni and Tam looked over to see Keefe by the entrance of his room.
"Diary-" Rayni was about to 'correct' Keefe.
Keefe stormed over and he snatched the notebook from Rayni's hands. Rayni looked up at Keefe and she cleared her throat.
"... I'm sorry." Rayni said in a quiet voice.

Tam looked at Rayni, a little confused why she seemed intimidated. Tam looked at Keefe who was glaring at Rayni but... Tam didn't see someone who he should be afraid of.

"Out." Keefe scolded, directing this order to Rayni.
Rayni quickly got up and she walked off, as she walked by she gave Tam a 'good luck' look. Tam watched as Rayni left the room and shut the door behind her.

Tam then looked at Keefe who was looking at him, not with anger, he didn't glare at Tam like he glared at Rayni.
"...What did you read?" Keefe asked.
"One of your first entries and... the entry where you wrote of our day out at the arcade." Tam answered, not hesitating to answer.
Keefe sighed out and he set his journal/diary aside, onto his desk, and he then sat down next to Tam.

Keefe began to unbutton his shirt and Tam's gaze rested on Keefe's fingers, which delicately unbuttoned the buttons on his shirt, before Tam looked up at Keefe's face. Keefe looked tired.

"I feel like your date didn't last that long. What was that? Half an hour? Forty-five minutes?" Tam questioned.
"Sophie got a hail from Mr Forkle. He has something he wants to discuss with her." Keefe grumbled.
"That old fart just ruined my plan."

Keefe slipped off his shirt and Tam looked at Keefe, his gaze resting on Keefe's now exposed skin.
Keefe got up from the bed and he went over to a drawer which he had in his room. He opened it up and grabbed a black t-shirt, as well as his cape with the Neverseen logo.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Tam asked, trying his best not to stare.
"I don't know. Can't be good. He sounded and looked serious, wary too." Keefe said, looking at Tam as he slipped his t-shirt on.
Tam felt slightly disappointed that Keefe was dressed again but he didn't show it. Keefe draped his cape over his shoulders as he went over and sat beside Tam again.

"How was your date anyway? Other than the fact Forkle hailed your girlfriend and whisked her away." Tam said.
Keefe ran his fingers through his hair.
"Tiring." Keefe grumbled.
"I mean, ugh... the facade I have to put up just to make Sophie think I like her? Having to not show my face of disgust when she holds my hand? It's horrible, Tammy."
Keefe rested his head on Tam's shoulder. Tam tensed up for a moment but relaxed soon as he looked down at Keefe who seemed at peace.

"When are you going home?" Keefe asked.
"I don't know. I should probably go soon." Tam said, gently resting his head on top of Keefe's head.
Keefe's hand snaked into Tam's hand and he held it. Tam didn't know how to react or feel, but he let it happen. He held Keefe's hand back.

"How... how do you think your mother will feel that your date was interrupted?"
"Ugh, I don't want to think about my mother at the moment, Tam. Just shut up and let's stay like this until you go."

Tam didn't believe Keefe had feelings for him. Romantic feelings anyway. Yes, they've have their moments but Keefe is flirty with everyone. Tam hadn't seen Keefe's extent of flirtiness so Tam just assumed this is what Keefe does to everyone. He gets close to them. For fun, of course.

Keefe, on the other hand, felt anxious about the whole thing with Mr Forkle and Sophie. Just... what exactly was it that made Mr Forkle look so wary and concerned?


Word count: 2001

A/N: Keefe calls his diary a journal because he totally thinks that having a diary is embarrassing.

Next few chapters are gonna be fun, more of the characters are gonna be included :3

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