May 1997
Beyoncé looked at herself in the mirror and analyzed her entire body. Besides the vomiting that she figured was from stress, she didn't feel pregnant.
She must admit, her stomach wasn't as flat anymore which caused her to believe that she was indeed pregnant, but she couldn't remember a time her and Shawn slipped up.
She heard a knock on her bedroom door and instantly pulled her shirt down. She had been wearing nothing but big clothes, afraid that her parents would notice her belly.
"Let's try this.." Kelly said, walking into Beyoncé's room with pickles and a kind of dipping sauce. Beyoncé frowned and shook her head.
"That's so disgusting, but come in and close the door. I need to ask you something."
Kelly did as she said and sat at the desk that wasn't occupied by Beyoncé's many clothes and shoes lying around.
She lifted her shirt and Kelly stared at her belly, "What?" Kelly asked.
"Do I really look pregnant?" She whispered.
Kelly slowly nodded. Beyoncé's belly was bigger than usual so she figured she had to be far along.
"When was the last time you had sex?"
Beyoncé shrugged, "I don't know.. months ago."
"Since when did you start letting him fuck you raw and not tell me?"
Beyoncé rolled her eyes and plopped down on the bed, "You be wanting to know everything. I might as well film a sextape and let you watch."
Kelly laughed and shook her head, "That's so not true. I just like hearing people sex stories. So when did this start?"
"Shawn and I only used condoms twice since we started having sex. I eventually made my mom put me on that birth control pill. I lied and said my period cramps had gotten worse and it worked."
"Why the hell are you not using condoms?"
Beyoncé shrugged, "It feels better." She laid back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. In no time, she was in tears as she thought about what she was going to do."
"Kelly, we graduate high school tomorrow and going off to college... what am I going to do with a baby? My daddy is going to literally kill me and my mom too."
Kelly shook her head, "It feels better without a condom right? Just remember that when you're ready to give birth."
Beyoncé rolled her eyes and turned her back towards Kelly. She rubbed her stomach and cried even harder. She didn't want to be pregnant at all. She has seen plenty of females in her class to become pregnant and not do anything with their life. She didn't want to be one of them girls.
She finally stood up and wiped her tears, "Is the clinic open?" She asked, making Kelly's eyes widen.
"Clinic for what? An abortion?"
She nodded, "Yeah. Do you have their number? Do I have to make an appointment?"
Kelly looked at her crazy, "Bitch I was never pregnant so how would I know?"
Beyoncé rolled her eyes and slid on her Gucci sandals, "Well come with me so we can find out. And oh, can I have a pickle?"
She reached her hand in the jar and pulled out two of the pickles before leaving her room. She knocked on her parents' room door and soon the door opened.
"Kelly and I are about to hang out." Beyoncé said to her mother. Tina looked at them and slowly nodded.
"You know graduation is tomorrow so be careful and be home before it gets too dark so you can rest."
Beyoncé nodded, "We will. See ya."
They made it to Beyoncé's car and she drove off. She was super nervous about going to the clinic, but she prayed it was open and everything worked out.
Beyoncé nervously looked at Kelly as she laid back on the table. She was surprised that she even made it this far in the process.
Instead of her health insurance covering everything, she paid in cash so it wouldn't be tracked. Her father found out everything and she didn't need him finding out she came to a women's clinic to have an abortion.
"I can't believe you're doing this.." Kelly said shaking her head.
"So you rather me have the baby and live a horrible life? I have a life ahead of me Kelly. I'm going to Yale! What am I gonna do with a baby at Yale?"
Kelly rolled her eyes. She was totally against abortion and didn't see herself having one, no matter what kind of life she had ahead of her.
"It's so stupid though. You laid down and had unprotected sex with him, now you being a hypocrite instead of owning up to your shit."
"Kelly, my daddy will kill me."
Kelly shrugged, "Trust me, he won't. You're 18 and about to be out of his house. He can't tell you anything."
Beyoncé heavily sighed. She went into deep thought until the doctor came in, breaking her away.
"Good afternoon ladies!" She said, "What can I do for you?" The woman looked at Beyoncé with a smile.
"So I was wondering if I could take a pregnancy test to see if I'm really pregnant and then I want to know how far along I am."
The woman nodded, "Sure, well it's a process to doing all of this. You'll have to urinate inside of this small cup and we'll run a test that could take thirty minutes at the most for the results to come back. Is that okay with you?"
Beyoncé nodded, "Yeah... I have nothing else to do."
Once she completed the process, her and Kelly sat in the room together not saying a word. Kelly was upset that Beyoncé was even thinking about an abortion and Beyoncé was upset that Kelly wasn't seeing things from her point of view.
Having a baby wasn't good for her right now, or anytime soon. She was moving hours away from her family to go to college and had no clue how she would raise a baby being that far on her own.
She was also afraid to tell Shawn. Seeing how he reacted to his ex-girlfriend being pregnant kind of terrified her. She didn't want to raise a child on her own, especially after all they had been through.
The thirty minutes passed and the nurse came back with the results. Beyoncé could feel her chest tightening as the nurse began to talk.
"Well you are indeed pregnant ma'am. Would you like to know how far along you are?"
Beyoncé wiped away her tears and nodded her head. She looked towards Kelly who was looking back at her with the same sad expression. They both were afraid.
Beyoncé watched closely as the woman turned on the machine and began hooking things up. She instructed Beyoncé to pull her shirt up and she did. She laid the warm gel on Beyoncé's stomach and began the process. Beyoncé laid back on the table with her eyes closed. She didn't want to see anything and just wanted the entire process to be over.
"Oh Jesus, you're in for a surprise." The woman said, making both Beyoncé and Kelly look at one another.
"What kind of surprise?" Beyoncé asked nervously.
The woman looked at her with a smile, "You're having twins!"
"Are you going to her graduation?" Gloria asked her son as she sat the plate in front of him. Shawn stared at the food and licked his lips at how good it looked. It's been awhile since he had a nice breakfast to start his day.
"Who graduation?"
Gloria looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Don't be like that.. You know who I'm talking about."
He shrugged. Since Beyoncé stopped talking to him, he tried moving on from it. That was his first heartbreak and he hate they had to end that way. He knew she didn't want break up with him, but she did it anyway and that's what hurt him the most.
She made promises that she wouldn't let her father or anyone else get in the way of them being together, but look what happened.
Since their breakup, Shawn had a lot going for himself. He finally had a job at a plant making cars where he was making real money with good benefits. It wasn't a job he saw himself doing forever, but it paid well.
He was trying to save up for a car of his own. He was tired of asking for rides and walking to work. It drained him and he just wanted something he could call his.
"What I'm going to her graduation for? We not together."
"To show your support Shawn!" Gloria said, "Your sister is going and you should too."
Shawn rolled his eyes. Deep down, he did want to see Beyoncé again but he didn't want things to seem awkward.
"I'll think about it."
Gloria sat down across from him, "You don't have much time to think. The graduation starts in an hour."
Shawn found himself sitting in the gymnasium watching her. She was Valedictorian so she couldn't be missed. Throughout her speech, he kept his eyes on her. He only found the need to break away when she stated which college she would be attending.
"For the next four years of my life, I will be attending The Yale University where I will study BioChemistry..."
He heard nothing else after that. He couldn't believe that she was going that far away from home with no intentions of seeing or talking to him again. He sighed and rubbed his face. It was hard to take in the fact that she was moving far away. Even though they weren't together at the moment, he still wanted her close to home. Now he knew for sure that he wouldn't see her again.
Once the graduation was over, he found his sister and they waited outside to see everyone leave. They held conversation here and there, until Shaunie finally brought something to his attention.
"There she is!" She said pointing, "Let's go say hi."
Shaunie had graduated the year before, but she was still fairly close to Beyoncé. They talked almost everyday and felt like sisters more than anything.
"You can go say hi, I'm good." Shawn said, shrugging her off.
Shaunie rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, "Stop being that way. We gonna go speak.. together!"
The walk towards Beyoncé felt like forever. All Shawn could think about was the way she'll react to seeing him. They haven't seen or spoken to one another in months.
Once they were close enough to her, he couldn't do anything but take in her beauty. He couldn't believe how beautiful and mature she looked. She had this glow about her that made him think that she was happy without him.
Beyoncé turned around and gasped when she saw him and his sister. Shaunie instantly pulled her into a hug and hugged her tightly.
"I'm so proud of you sis!" Shaunie greeted, "I can't believe you're going to Yale. What did you make on your ACT?"
Beyoncé laughed, "I made a 36."
"Ugh, you're so smart and I'm so proud of you. I told you that good things will come to you."
Beyoncé nodded before turning her attention towards Shawn. Her family was around, but she didn't too much care what her father had to say. She missed him so much that her heart ached just by staring at him.
Shawn looked at her and gave her a head nod, "Congratulations."
She softly smiled, "Thanks.."
She didn't know what else to say and Shawn didn't either, so he walked away. Beyoncé looked at Shaunie with a sad expression. She expected more out of him than a head nod and a congratulations, but she somewhat understood.
"He's still mad at me?" Beyoncé asked.
Shaunie slowly nodded, "Yeah, he's just in his feelings. I really want you two to talk things out. I know you didn't really want to break up with him."
"I didn't," Beyoncé said, "And we do need to talk. I have to tell him something very important."
They both looked towards Shawn. He caught their stare and frowned. "What?" He asked.
Shaunie looked at Beyoncé and Beyoncé kept her eyes on him, "Can I talk to you?"
Shawn nodded, "Yeah, talk."
She sighed, "Not right here Shawn.."
"Oh I forgot.. Your pops here and you can't be seen with me."
Beyoncé shook her head, "It's not even like that. I just want to talk to you. Can we go somewhere quietly?"
Before she could get a response out of him, she grabbed his hand and led him far away from everyone else. She made sure that they were the only ones around before she began talking.
"I missed you," She said with tears in her eyes, "I regret breaking things off with you and I hope you can forgive me."
Shawn shook his head and clenched his jaw, "You left me when I really needed you the most. I was going through some shit and all I wanted was to be with my girl and be told that everything would be okay. You really didn't give a fuck about me."
"Shawn I care a lot about you and you know that."
"No Bey, I really don't. You go months without talking to me because your fuck ass daddy told you to? Man, fuck him. If you really loved and cared for me like you say you do, you wouldn't have cared what your daddy said."
She frowned, "I was protecting you Shawn! My daddy would have you killed and I would rather not talk to you for four months than not talk to you at all because you dead or something."
Shawn stared at her and she stared back at him with glossy eyes. She wiped away her tears and heavily sighed, "I don't want to argue with you. That's the last thing on my mind right now. I have something important to tell you but I don't know how to say it."
"What is it now?" Shawn questioned, putting his hands in his pockets.
She looked up at him for a quick second before looking down again, "I'm pregnant Shawn.."
"No you're not Bey, stop lying to me right now."
"Why would I lie about something like that!?"
Shawn looked at her, not believing what she was saying. He was not expecting for her to flat out tell him that she was pregnant. He definitely wasn't prepared for that.
"Show me proof." He said, looking at her intensely.
She rolled her eyes and unzipped her graduation gown. She put her hand over her small, yet growing belly and then stared at him.
"Is this enough proof for you? Are you going to deny the baby being yours too?"
Shawn shook his head. He knew she wasn't one of those girls, so he knew for sure that the kid was his and no one else. He was the only guy Beyoncé has ever been with.
He placed his hand over hers which was laying on her stomach. "What you going to do?" He asked.
"Well I'm three months and some weeks. Kind of too late for an abortion so I have no other choice. I'm starting to show and to make it no better, I'm having twins."
Shawn mouth opened, "Beyoncé... are you serious right now?"
"Why would I lie? I'm just as nervous and scared as you. I don't know how I suppose to raise two little humans, go to college, and – "
"It's okay.." Shawn said pulling her into a hug, "I'm going to be there for you every step of the way. I promise."
Thank you all for reading!
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