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"Look at you, loser, where are your friends?" Beth insulted with a smirk with her two friends behind each side of her.

They were both currently in school, Amelia's dad had decided to transfer Beth there unfortunately, despite Amelia not wanting Beth to move there.

Beth immediately got a reputation as the 'popular mean rich girl' so no one messed with her and she would always bully Amelia which became a habit and had everyone following her footsteps and bulling Amelia along with her.

"Better to have no friends than fake friends" Amelia shrugged. "Where are your real friends? Oh wait!" She gasped in surprise. "You don't have any real friends" Amelia commented as they both gave each other a glare before Amy decided to walk away from her.

Throughout the whole day, all she's been receiving was hurtful and mean comments by Beth and others in her class. Beth really managed to get the whole school to hate her even though she hasn't done anything wrong.


"Why were you horrible to Beth during school, Amelia?" Her father asked as soon as she stepped into the room.

"I wasn't-" She tried explaining but of course, she was interrupted by her dad slapping his hand against her cheek, leaving a red handmark onto her cheek instantly.

"My Beth wouldn't lie about it so stop making excuses. If I hear you've been horrible to her, it'll be worse" He warned, her lips wobbled and she kept her eyes on the floor while keeping her mouth shut. "Understood?" He asked which she nodded timidly

"Now get ready, I have a business party to go to" He demanded before muttering under his breath another sentence "even though I don't want you coming"

He moved away, she let out a sigh of relief once he was out of her sight, normally he would do worse and she was glad he didn't do anything more than a slap.


"I want you on your best behaviour, Amelia, and I mean it. If I found out you've been causing trouble, I won't be happy and you know what will happen" He reminded sternly which Amy nodded timidly. "I want words"

"Yes dad, I won't cause any trouble" She assured as she applied lipgloss onto her lips while looking into her small mirror.

"Alright, you both look wonderful" Her father admitted to both Beth and Ella, causing Amelia to lower her head and let out a sigh.

She tried to do everything to make her dad proud but he never realised it. She was the disappointment of the family after all.

"Really, Mia? That ugly dress?" Beth scoffed in disgust which turned into all of them making fun of the dress she was wearing.

She looked down at the dress she was wearing. She didn't see anything wrong with the dress. It was a beautiful white dress with flower petals on it. Half of her front back was showing and she had her hair down which covered her open back. She had two straps which may have made it seem simple but she liked it even if her family mocked it.

Besides, her dad didn't inform her of the party until an hour ago so she had to find any dress she had in her wardrobe but even if he did inform her, she doubt she would've gotten a different dress.


Amelia sat on the table, stirring her little umbrella in her apple juice while watching the loud chatter and laughter as people danced, reminding her of how lonely she was but she wasn't going to think about that. She was there for a different reason and that was to steal people's money.

Well... that wasn't why she was actually here, she was here because her dad forced her to come but she figured an advantage of going was the huge amount of people coming.

She looked around the hall and nodded to herself, impressed with the amount of work done for this party. They hung chandeliers up, napkins on every table with a fork and a knife on each side.

The price of this party must've cost a fortune and it made Amelia shake her head with disbelief. The money they used for this party could've been used for something better to help people but rich people always had to waste their money on anything as long as it benefited or included them which is why she hated spoiled, rich people.

She noticed there was a purse next to her on the chair so she looked around the room to see that everyone was too busy minding their own business and had the chance to grab it and open it under the table before grabbing the money that was in there and shoving it in her purse instead.

She put the lady's purse back on the seat before getting up, planning on "dancing". As she was dancing, she started targeting the men as they had pockets in their trousers, making it easier for her.

It was absolutely crowded, she didn't understand how anyone could want to dance without any space but she carried on deciding as the light flickered with different lights shining onto the dancing floor.

She pretended to drop something before pulling the wallet out of three men's trousers and putting it quickly into her bag before getting up.

She decided to talk to people to make herself less suspicious so she moved away from the dance floor and decided to talk to a guy standing alone and leaning into the wall while watching people around the room.

She looked at him but her eyes trailed down to his inked neck, it fascinated her as she always thought tattoos were extraordinary as it was always something that meant to you which you kept permanent.

He had charcoal black hair, and he had a fade hairstyle which in her opinion suited him. His beard was cleanly shaved, giving her the assumption that he was an organised, mature person. Definitely was in his 20's.

"Hey, I'm Amelia, I'm David's daughter" She smiled as she pulled her hand out which he gladly shook as he looked at her with no emotion, making her feel less comfortable but to push past that feeling.

"I'm Sinister. If I'm being honest I have no idea who David is" He admitted with a shrug as he scratched the back of his neck. "I'm only here with my cousin, I don't know who these people are" He admitted.

"Your name is so sick!" She exclaimed with truth in her tone, which Sinister could tell, causing him to furrow his eyebrows of why she wasn't scared. "But anyway, now you know me! We can be friends if you want?" She suggested with a grin but her gaze went towards her dad in the dance crowd who was watching her and shook his head at her with disapproval, turning her grin to fade.

"I'm sorry, that was a bit stupid. I'm sorry to disturb you" She apologised and when she noticed her dad not looking, she decided to walk away but not before pretending to trip, causing him to catch her into his arms which gave her the advantage of getting his wallet sneakily before shoving it in her purse.

"I'm so sorry! I can be totally clumsy sometimes" She admitted with a nervous laugh as she scolded herself for being so clumsy but he gave her the same straight face he had a minute ago, unaffected by her tripping onto him.

"Can I talk to you for a second in private?" A random guy asked Amelia as he grabbed her arm but she pulled her arm away from him.

"Don't touch me. Why do you want to talk to me? That's so creepy, you pervert" She scoffed as she took a good look at him. Dark and messy caramel brown hair. His white shirt was crumpled and pulled out of his trousers.

Amelia narrowed her eyes at him as she crossed her arms, showing a bit of her cleavage without realising it which their eyes travelled to before looking back at her with eyes as a sign of respect and dignity.

"He's the cousin I was telling you about. He's a dumbass but not a creep" Sinister assured with a convincing nod.

"Fine, but I swear to you, if you try anything I'll honestly punch you" She warned cautiously even though her threats were actually fake, she could never hurt a person even if she wanted to.

"Let me have a word with my cousin then I'll talk to you about it" He decided, making her nod before sitting down a random seat where there was a purse near.

"Listen, do you know that girl?" Lucas asked, coming closer to him as they looked at each other.

"Amelia. I've only just met her a minute ago" Sinister nodded as he raised one of his eyebrows in curiosity.

"Yeah, whatever her name is, she stole your wallet" Luke warned. He was dancing at the same time Amelia stole Sin's wallet but he looked over at Sinister and Amelia at the right time to see her steal it.

"That's funny. We were having a conversation, I would've noticed if she had took it" He scoffed in denial. "She seems like an annoying kind person"

"Check your pockets" Luke ordered, Sinister rolled his eyes but obeyed and searched through both of his pockets.

"That sneaky little girl" Sinister nodded with an amused and impressed smirk on his face instead of an irritated and furious look which anyone else would've had if they had found out their wallet was stolen.

"I know. She's been doing it to many people in this room. If you look her at right now, I bet she's taking money from a stranger's purse under the table" Luke explained.

Sinister looked over at her to doing exactly what Luke had said, making him nod to himself with a smirk.

"Thanks for telling me. Now I just gotta think of a way to deal with her" Sinister muttered in annoyance, clearly not in the mood to think. He had gone to the party to forget about his problems which he couldn't do it because there was no alcohol at the party. Yep, exactly! No alcohol at a adult's party.

"She would be good working for you, you know?" Luke considered as he shrugged.

"What- Lucas, she's only a child. We don't get children involved in this" Sinister reminded.

"She's a child who's stealing for whatever reason. She could get caught this way. If she works for you, it'll benefit both both of you. We'll make sure she doesn't get caught and that she's protected. Besides, what other reason would she steal people's wallets for? Obviously for money, and I bet she'll take our offer for consideration straight away" He convinced.

Sinister bit the inside of his cheek in thought before rolling his eyes expressively and nodding, Sinister smiled.

"Fine, but we can't put her in danger, Lucas, and I mean it. If she's in danger then it's your problem" He lectured which Lucas agreed he wouldn't.

"Let me do most of the talking and if you have anything else to say then you can discuss it with her" Luke suggested which Sinister shrugged, not caring who talked first.

They noticed she had moved over to another table from the one they saw her on before and so they started walking over to her.

She didn't notice them coming and so when she heard them cough, she quickly dropped the purse before putting her attention on them with a fake smile.

"I know where we can go" Luke mumbled before Amelia stood up and followed them to a room before they closed the door.

"We know you stole from Sinister and from a lot of people in there" Luke started, pausing to hear her response.

"So what if I did? It's none of your business. It ain't my fault you guys are idiots who can't notice when their wallets are gone" She scoffed rudely whilst giving them a blank stare.

"Listen here, you little girl-" Sinister began, gritting his teeth as Amelia was starting to get on his nervous. Lucas interrupted him by calling his name to calm him down, which made Sinister sigh but nod.

"Listen" Luke demanded softly as he put his hand out as a gesture, causing Amelia to flinch slightly and to step away from him, not realising the chair behind her, which made her fall to her feet.

Luke instantly went closer to help her but her pleads not to stopped him. "Stay- stay away from me!" She exclaimed as she moved herself against the floor further away from them.

"Lo-look I'm sorry, I'll give you all the money if you want- just please don't hit me" She apologised as her breathing turned shallow.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. We're not going to hurt you. Sinister, step back from her, give her some space" Luke demanded from his cousin which Sinister nodded as he took a few steps back.

"I think you would like working for me. What I do isn't a good job but I will ensure that you do not get caught and if you ever did I will make sure I'm supporting you with a lawyer" Sinister assured as Amelia stood up, brushing the dust off her dress.

"What job is it that you want me to do?" She asked.

"A drug dealer. I know that sounds shady but-"

"I'm in, how much do I get out of it?" She asked with curiosity.

"I told you she'd be in" Luke smirked to his cousin. "Three percent" Luke stated.

"You're kidding me, right? If you make it eight percent you'll have a deal" She negotiated with a shrug.

"Four percent" He tried convincing but she shook her head. "Fine, eight percent" He allowed with a nod. "If I find you extra loyal, I can promote you to a better position which we'll discuss further on" Sinister explained, she nodded.

"You've got yourself a deal" Amelia smirked, coming closer towards him before pulling her hand out which he shook, both of them nodding at each other.

Whilst he was shaking her hand, he didn't realise Amelia used her other hand to drop a piece of paper that had her number in it into his blazer pocket.

The door opened and Amelia's dad appeared, causing her to pull away from Sinister's hand. "I was just telling Lucas and Sinister about the great things you've done for your business" Amelia lied as she hoped she wouldn't get told off.

"Amelia, you've been a nuisance since you've come here, go home" her father insulted with a disappointed sigh.

"I'm sorry, dad" she apologised as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Beth has been such an angel and what have you done? Flirted with every guy here especially my business partners! I'll deal with you when I get home" He scolded.

"Dad, I was just being nice like you asked-" She tried explaining while looking at him with her soft, gentle eyes but he interrupted her.

"I don't want to hear your excuses" He dismissed before slamming the door.

There was an awkward pause before Amelia sighed. "I should get home. Thanks for offering me the job. I put my number in your pocket by the way" She half-heartedly smiled.

"Jeez, you really are sneaky" Sinister commented with an impressed nod.

"How are you getting home?" Luke asked. "Because I'm actually leaving now so if you want me to give you a ride I wouldn't mind. This party is shit anyway, there's no alcohol" He grumbled in disgust.

"Tell me about it. I'll be fine thank you, I'll walk home" She mumbled.

"You're obviously stubborn, we're giving you a ride, if you really think we're going to let you walk in heels then you're crazy" Marcus commented.

"Fine, thank you, hold on let me get these wallets out" She mumbled before putting the bag on the table and opening it. She pulled out all the wallets and purses she took tonight, causing Luke and Marcus to widen their eyes about the amount of wallets stolen.

She opened each wallet and took the money out before putting the wallet on the table and the money in her bag. After she was done, she passed Sinister's wallet to him, not stealing any of his money.

"You're the only exception. You're lucky I'm even giving you back your money. Normally, I'd run off" Amelia admitted to Sinister which he nodded but stayed quiet.

She walked out of the room and her eyes landed to the stairs where this blond haired guy was leading a women up the stairs while holding her. There was clearly something wrong with her which Amelia didn't know what but she had an idea that her drink was spiked considering there was no alcohol at the party.

"Do you know those two people that just went up the stairs. Is that women his wife or anything to do with a relationship?" She asked both of them.

"No idea" Sinister shrugged, not having a clue about who these people are.

"I don't think she is. I remember her telling me she just broke up with her boyfriend" He remembered with a nod.

"You can leave without me" She mumbled before walking towards those stairs but some security guard stopped her by stepping forward.

Sinister and Luke at each other with comprehension but continued to stay in their place as they felt that Amelia had her own privacy to do her own things.

"You can't go upstairs, young lady" He put his hand out against the stairs.

"There's something wrong with that lady. She was either drunk or drugged. He's obviously going to take advantage of her"

"This is his party and I am ordered to ensure that no one comes up these stairs" He shrugged carelessly, Marcus and Luke decided to see if everything was okay so they walked towards her.

She looked up the stairs and back at him before kneeing him down in the balls before running up the stairs.

Sinister and Lucien gaped as they looked at each other with surprise, most definitely not expecting that. They had no idea what was going on but decided to follow after her. As soon as they got into the room she was in, Sinister slipped a small smile when they saw her holding a woman up before covering his smile up with a straight face.

"You are absolutely sick! You spiked her! Honestly, you are a huge-" her mouth stopped when her dad barged into the room.

"Is she causing you trouble, Jordan?" Her father asked before grabbing Amelia's arm aggressively and pulling her towards the door.

"Yes, your daughter stopped me from getting laid tonight, David. You should teach her to stay quiet" Jordan snapped as he pulled his pants back up.

"I'm- I'm sorry, dad- I- I- I wasn't thinking. I'll- I'll be quiet, I- I promise" She assured as tears came to her eyes and she frantically nodded, hoping she wouldn't get beat for it, she knew this punishment would be way worse than only a snap

"Amelia, I have been kind all evening. I've had enough of this rebellion, of course when I get home I'll have to teach you to be better" He sternly stated, making her nod obediently while keeping her eyes to the floor.

"I'm sorry, dad. Please don't. She was- he put something in her drink" She pleaded as a few tears slipped out but he ignored her.

"It's none of your business, Amelia!" He yelled, her lips wobbled and tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of her punishment. "Apologise to him then head straight home, don't make this any worse on yourself" He warned before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry, Jordan. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe it was the alcohol I brought, I must've drank too much so I'm sorry" She sincerely apologised as her lips puckered up and she wiped her eyes.

"Next time, act like a fucking lady and know your place" Jordan argued, she clenched her jaw in anger and puckered her lips to control herself from not saying anything before nodding.

"She actually did the right thing. You shouldn't take advantage of a woman especially if she's not in the right headspace" Sinister shook his head in disbelief, he couldn't believe how ignorant he was.

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