Part 10: Salvation

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Apollyon watched as her army pack their things and ready themselves for the march ahead. She saw Jürgen help an officer put food into satchels that would be put on their horses. When they finished the officer thanked Jürgen for his help and waved goodbye. Jürgen also waved goodbye.

Apollyon waved over one of her guards. The guard she waved over stood beside Apollyon and listened.

Apollyon: "Get Jürgen a horse. He will ride with Erzebet, Vortiger and I"

The guard nodded and left.

Apollyon: "When is the right time to tell you?"

Apollyon shook her head and went into her tent. She went to a wooden box and lifted the top of it open. She took out a small dagger that had a name on the guard. She smiled under her helmet when she saw the name.

'From: Astrea'

Apollyon: "One day... one day you two will meet"

Apollyon closed the box and left the tent. The guard she had ordered a few minutes ago came up to her and spoke.

???: "All of the soldiers are ready to leave, master"

Apollyon: "Good. Let's move"

The guard nodded and turned to the large crowd below.


The army of Blackstone soldiers marched out of the clearing and into the snow covered Valkenheim forest. Erzebet and Vortiger caught up to Apollyon but Jürgen was nowhere to be seen.

'Had he run?'

Thought Apollyon.

Erzebet: "There he is"

Erzebet was looking behind her and saw Jürgen slowly riding but to the three.

Jürgen: "Sorry I'm late"

Apollyon looked to her son and then looked back to the untraveled path ahead.

Apollyon: "Do not worry about it Young Wolf"

Vortiger looked at Erzebet confused. What did she just call Jürgen?

Vortiger: "What does that mean?"

Apollyon: "Young Wolf?"

Vortiger nodded.

Apollyon: "Please Vortiger just put the pieces together"

Erzebet: "Jürgen is a young and strong man. Yet he has much to learn"

Apollyon nodded.

Vortiger: "Oh..."

Erzebet playfully punched Vortiger in the shoulder.

Erzebet: "I thought my love was smarter"

Vortiger jokingly tried to push Erzebet off her horse.

With all of that Jürgen kept looking forward. He had a straight face and a look in his eyes. Apollyon had only seen the look Jürgen had in his eyes once before. His father had the same look when herself and Hans were defending a religious caravan from an attack.

Apollyon: "What is on your mind Jürgen?"

Jürgen blinked as if coming out of a trance and spoke.

Jürgen: "I've been thinking about some things"

Apollyon: "What kind of things?"

He looked down to his hands then back up to the path ahead.

Jürgen: "I feel like I don't know myself anymore. Am I truly a Warden after what I did? What is my purpose? Who arm I? Questions that I think I'll never be able to answer"

Apollyon thought for a moment then spoke.

Apollyon: "I know who you are"

Jürgen rolled his eyes in his mind then spoke.

Jürgen: "Who am I then?"

Apollyon: "You are a strong and smart young man, Jürgen. Though you have much to learn I believe you can achieve something beyond the code of Chivalry and all of that Warden nonsense"

Jürgen: "You think so?"

Apollyon looked to Jürgen and spoke.

Apollyon: "I know so. You are the son of Hans Müller are you not?"

Jürgen was surprised that Apollyon answered the way she did. Jürgen showed a slight smile. Apollyon looked normal on the outside but melted on the inside. She felt happy knowing she had lifted her son up a little.

Erzebet: "Where to next, Apollyon?"

Apollyon: "We are coming up on a Viking stronghold. When he set up camp near it I will need to speak with Mercy"

Erzebet nodded.


After hours of riding on horse back the Blackstone army finally made it to the location they were meant to set up camp. The soldiers began putting up their tents and lighting fires.

Apollyon had her tent set up at the highest point, being above the rest.

Jürgen was unpacking his belongings from his horse until he heard a familiar voice from behind.

Alan: "Jürgen?"

Jürgen turned around and saw Alan walking to him.

Jürgen: "Hello Alan. What brings you to me?"

Alan: "I have orders so I came to let you know"

Jürgen: "Go ahead"

Jürgen took the last of his food from his satchel and turned to Alan.

Alan: "Holden, Stone and I will be in a meeting with Apollyon. Apollyon wants you there"

Jürgen: "See you there then"

Alan nodded and left. Jürgen began setting up his fire near a large tree. After lighting the fire Jürgen began to cook a chunk of beef on the fire, using his clean sword to rotate the meat.

Jürgen ate his food and leaned back onto the tree he had set up his small camp near. He put his hands behind his head and sighed, closing his eyes.

Faint whispering began to creep into Jürgen's mind as he began to drift asleep. Eventually Jürgen fell asleep completely.


I woke up in a dark forest. The grass, trees and bushes around me were black but weren't burned. In front of me was a clearing. I walked into the clearing and looked around. There was no one. There was no one here except for me.

That was until I heard a few sticks break behind me. I turned around and saw a black figure with a hood covering their head standing in front of me.

???: "You made it"

The figure stood still and spoke again.

???: "We heard your cry for help. For strength"

The figure moved slowly towards me.

???: "We have answered. We are only waiting for you to take the next step"

I took a step backwards and spoke.

"W-Who are you?"

The figure stopped and flipped its hood back. What I saw shocked me.

???: "Do you not recognize us?"

What stood in front of me was... me?

I took another step backwards but tripped on a tree root. I fell back first into the Black Forest. I leaned myself up to stand but I was stopped.

The figure moved to me a little faster now, their hands were put together like a nun was praying in church.

???: " *Chuckle* We are not your friends"

The figure smirked.

???: "We are not your enemy"

The figure stood above me now and leaned forward.

???: "We are your destiny..."

I looked into the figures glowing orange eyes.

???: "We are your... Salvation"

Three figure put a hand on my head. I was rushed to a different place this time.

I jolted up and stood in the snow. I looked around and saw nothing but an empty camp. There was blood all over the snow. How the hell did I get here? How did that thing just do that?

The figure from the forest came up from behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

???: "In your life you have only known death and heartbreak"

The figure moved to my other shoulder and spoke.

???: "You had everything taken from you..."

The figure then moved in front of me and turned their back towards me. They then spoke again.

???: "Do you not think it's time for you to take something from the world?"

"What are you getting at?"

???: "What WE are getting at is YOU need to become more. You are destined to be more than a simple Knight in an army of thousands"

I looked down to my feet.

"What do you mean by becoming more?"

The figure turned to me and grinned.

???: "Open the box you found in that abandoned home. That is your first step"

The world around me began to be consumed by darkness as the figure walked away.


The figure stopped and looked back to me.

???: "Until we meet again. Young Wolf"

The darkness consumed me.


I woke up and gasped for air. Once I could breathe normally I stood up and leaned against the tree I had been sleeping on.

I heard snow from around the tree crunch. I look around the tree and saw Alan. I also saw it was the afternoon. Had It really been that long?

Alan spoke which pulled me from my thoughts.

Alan: "Ready?"

"For what again?"

Alan looked at me confused.

Alan: "For the meeting"

"Oh yeah"

I moved away from the tree and stood next to Alan.

"Lead the way"

Alan nodded. We walked through the large Blackstone camp and towards Apollyon's tent. When we arrived to the tent Holden was waiting for us outside.

Holden: "Great. We can finally start"

Holden opened the entrance flap to allow Alan and I inside. When Alan and I entered Apollyon had her back towards us, eating a piece of bread. Alan cleared his throat to get her attention.

Apollyon put on her helmet and turned around.

Apollyon: "You're here"

Alan and I nodded. The person who I assumed was Stone came inside the tent with Holden closely behind. The five of us stood around a table with a map of Valkenheim on top of it.

Apollyon: "Tonight Holden and I will tell each of you where you will be stationed during our attack. Go ahead Holden"

Holden: "Alan and I will stay here with Mercy and lead the main Blackstone force"

Alan nodded stood next to Holden.

Apollyon: "Jürgen. You and Stone will go with Vortiger and Erzebet to a territory farther East. Am I understood?"

Stone and I nodded.

Apollyon: "Good. A quick and easy meeting. Just the way I like them"

Apollyon waved us off. Holden, Alan, Stone and I began to exit the tent. I was the last one out but before I could leave Apollyon spoke.

Apollyon: "Jürgen I still need to speak with you"

I stopped dead in my tracks and came back inside the tent.

'What now?' I thought.

Apollyon: "Come and stand with me. I want to discuss something with you"

I walked slowly to Apollyon and stood next to her. The last time we were both alone together she nearly killed me at least twice.

I stood next to her and she spoke.


Apollyon: "What do you remember about your family Jürgen?"

Jürgen: "I actually remember a lot. I was a teenager when they were killed"

Apollyon: "Well what do you remember?"

Jürgen: "Something that comes to mind is that during the spring my mother and I would pick berries with my sister Sarah"

Apollyon: "What else?"

Jürgen: "My brother Elias and I would play tag whenever we could. He would always find ways to evade me. He even fell out of a tree and landed on me once"

Jürgen smiled a little.

Apollyon turned her head to Jürgen and spoke.

Apollyon: "Tell me about your mother"

Jürgen looked at Apollyon.

Jürgen: "All I remember about her was what I told you. She told me she loved me. Though she didn't give me the attention she did to Elias and Sarah she always made it apparent that she loved me. The person I had a real connection with was my father"

Apollyon: "I see. What was your father like?"

Jürgen was surprised Apollyon was asking these questions but he didn't mind. Actually it kind of helped him.

Jürgen: "He was the greatest. Him and I would spend the most time together between Elias, Sarah and I. Him and I would go for walks and go fishing. Once him and I fought each other with wooden swords. He kicked my ass but he helped me get better. He was my hero"

Jürgen then looked down. He sighed and then looked back up. He had tears welling in his eyes.

Jürgen: "But you know what happened to my family"

Apollyon felt a dark feeling in her heart.

Apollyon: "Where were you raised?"

Jürgen: "Near the Ice Coast and Sow Mesa. Right in between  The Underlands and The Fold"

It was then that standing next to her son that Apollyon realized something she didn't want to admit was the truth. It was her fault...


Elias and I were eating our dinner with the rest of the soldiers outside of the village church. Father Rosas welcomed the weary Red Laurels with open arms into the cathedral. A large feast was set up once they came along with Elias and Daubeny.

When we finished eating we left the cathedral and went to the top of the outer walls that protected the village. Elias and I looked out to the setting sun.

Elias: "I can't believe you're alive, Sarah"

I looked over to Elias.

"I can say the same for you Elias. It's been years since I saw you"

Elias looked down to his feet.

Elias: "I assume we're all that's left out our family"

He looked back up to the setting sun and unsheathed his Gladius. He looked at the blade and put it back in its sheath.

"Not quite"

Elias looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

Elias: "What?"

"Elias... a few days ago maybe even a few weeks ago this village's Warden left. I investigated the reason behind it and was left with questions. My questions led me to father Rosas. I asked him who the Warden was"

Elias put a hand on my shoulder.

Elias: "Sarah. Who is the Warden?"

I felt tears begin to form in my eyes.

"The Wardens name is Jürgen, Elias. Our brother could still be alive"

Elias was frozen in place. I was about to snap my fingers in his face but he blinked before I could.

Elias: "I thought I was the only one..."

Elias squatted and covered his face.

"So did I Elias. But now that I've found you and have some evidence that points to Jürgen being alive I think we can finally be together again. As a family again"

Elias stood up and hugged me tightly. He began crying into my shoulder.

Elias: "I know it may be awkward to have your little brother crying into your shoulder but I just can't help myself. It's been so long!"

I hugged Elias back and stroked the back of his head.

"It's okay to cry Elias. It's normal even for a situation like this. I cried when I found out that Jürgen may have been alive. I especially cried when you came out of thin air"

After a few minutes Elias had calmed down. Him and I released our hug and stood face if one another.

Elias: "We need to find him"

I looked at Elias in the eyes and put my hands on his arms.

"We will. I promise you. But first we need to help these villagers and reclaim Daubeny's fortress"

Elias nodded and wiped his nose with his left arm.


Warlord: "Are you sure you want us to do this?"

Apollyon: "Yes. I'm going to pay you well along with the supplies you'll get from the village. You'd be seen as insane if you didn't take this deal"

Raider: "But doing it to a village who has done no harm to us?"

Apollyon slammed her knife onto the wooden table with a map of Ashfeld on it and looked to the Viking leaders.

"Since when did the Viking clans become soft?!"

The Viking leaders froze and looked at Apollyon.

Apollyon: "DO IT"

The Viking leaders nodded and left the war room. They had been escorted to the Blackstone fortress because Apollyon had wanted them to. She said she was going to get her revenge. This was how.

After a few minutes of standing over the table the Viking Warlord came inside to ask one final question before heading off.

Warlord: "Do you still need the boy?"

Apollyon: "Yes. Bring him to me alive without any scratches and I will pay you extra. If he even says you did anything to him I will kill you all without mercy"

The Warlord nodded and left quickly.

Apollyon looked at where her knife landed. It landed directly on where she wanted the Vikings to attack. It was a village near the Ice Coast and Sow Mesa. Right in between  The Underlands and The Fold.

-To be continued-

Hello readers! I'd like to say that I'm home and safe from my hiking / camping trip that I went on with my wife. If you got any notifications on my stories being updated or checked my account and saw anything being changed then I'd like to tell you that I had my brother do a few things here and there while I was away. So that's why you may have gotten those. If not then the more you know I guess. Anyways I'd like to thank you all for the votes, comments and all around support for this story. I truly appreciate it.

The music above the title is what I was listening to while writing this part and a part to another story that may even be out already. Anyways I'd like to ask any of you if you are willing to answer a simple question. What recently announced movies or video games are you hyped about? When will it / they release? Also, why are you hyped about them? I'm really excited for The Batman (2022) to release. I'm also super excited for Battlefield 2042 to release as well although I'm most likely not going to play much of it because responsibilities are a thing. Not that there is anything wrong with having responsibilities it's just that they can get in the way of a lot of things that I enjoy doing.

Anyways I would also like to add this down here because this was how I was able to really see where Jürgen had grown up when he was a child and teenager. This is a map of Ashfeld I had found on Google.

Anyways have a good day, night or weekend and stay safe. Talk to you all later!

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