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Over the next few weeks we thrived

We started planning the wedding

We continued to work out asses off

Cleo did amazing in school, becoming smarter and smarter everyday

Michael actually succeeded in getting Crystal moved to his team- and I actually think they might just become something sooner or later

Luke and Calum chilled together, always proceeding to come and crash Ashton, Cleo and I's movie nights, but we actually enjoyed it

I loved my family

I'm so thankful that it's not just me and Cleo in a small, outdated apartment anymore

To be honest, although it was one of the worst things that's ever happened to me in my career, I'm kinda glad my fellow interns drugged me

If they hadn't have, Ashton and I would've probably never stepped out of the "boss and worker" relationship.

So thank you, Stapleton and others, I hated you for a very long time, but I'm actually quiet thankful for your stupid decisions.

I'm excited for the future, I can't wait to see all of the events we have coming

The wedding
The honeymoon
Cleo's sports and school activities
More family movie nights

And who knows, maybe further into the future Ashton and I will try again for another baby.

Only time will tell, but I'm certainly in no rush

                               The End.

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