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"You and I both know that this isn't your fault" Calum spoke calmly, taking my hands into his own.

I couldn't help but feel that it was.

"Is Ash mad-" "no Payton, he isn't mad at all, he has a lot of emotions going through him, just like you do" Calum spoke to me.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I spoke, closing my eyes as I let my head hit the back on the bed.

We luckily got to the bathroom where I almost immediately threw up, letting tears run as I did


I held her hair back, rubbing her back gently.

She was reacting badly to the anesthesia, which wasn't uncommon, but that meant she had to stay at the hospital longer, which we all didn't want.

Word was spreading fast, I knew for sure that one intern knew, but I wasn't sure whether he told the others or not.

I knew the chief had been told, I was nervous to see his response, but I damn sure didn't tell Payton any of this.

"Are you in pain?" I asked her once we got her back in bed and on nausea medicines.

"I'm just sore" she barely spoke.

I got cooling rags, resting them on her belly.

You could tell she was different

She wasn't smiling like normal
She was barely speaking

She just kept deep into thought, her eyes staring into space.

Michael soon joined us, clearing this throat.

"Ash is about an hour away, the nurses are getting her discharge papers ready, but the chief would like to speak to Ash and Payton, so I'm not sure what you guys want to do" he spoke slowly.

Payton's eyes moved to mine.

"He's going to fire me." She spoke, tears glazing over her eyes.

"He's not-" "he told me to not get pregnant for at least three years" her voice cracked.

I knew he wouldn't fire her, he couldn't .

"Payton, I promise you- you will not lose your job" I spoke, pulling her into a gentle hug.

"Calum" Michael spoke quietly.

I looked to him as I continued to hold her closely.

"Ashton asked that you call him" he spoke, making me nod, slowly pulling away from her.

"I'll be right back" I spoke to her.

"Tell him I said I'm sorry-" "he knows that this isn't your fault, Payton."

I went outside, calling him.

"Hey" he spoke, sounding purely concerned.

"Hey ash" I breathed our.

"How is she? Michael told me she was crying and throwing up, he said her heart rate dropped before surgery, I don't even know what fucking happened- he just called me and said she miscarried, please tell me what happened." He panicked.

"Ashton, relax- you're driving" I reminded him, hearing him clear his throat, taking a deep breath.

"I'm okay- just please tell me."

"I asked her to scrub into a surgery with me, she told me she was having cramps but she pushed it off as her period and she came with me" I spoke.

"We started the surgery and she was doing great, about halfway through she asked me if I was hot, which concerned me, but I didn't think too much about it."

"I noticed as I got ready to close that her body was swaying, I looked to her face and saw that she was pale, I thought she was just having trouble adjusting to the mask, so I made her step out, as I left to scrub out I talked to her and she told me she felt that something was wrong with her and right after that she passed out, she fell straight into my arms."

"So I ran her to the ER, we started a work up and as I got her blood pressure a nurse pointed out that she was bleeding, so I immediately got them to make a private OR, we shut the viewing room, no interns, just surgeons and nurses and I performed the D&C and her vitals are steady, we did have some sickness, but we stopped it." I spoke slowly.

"How is she mentally?" He asked.

"She's having some trouble." I spoke honestly.

"She's blaming herself, she keeps apologizing. She thinks the chief is going to fire her, she's scared that you hate her, she's going through a lot of emotions right now" I spoke.

"Please let me talk to her Calum."

I brought the phone into the room.

"Want to talk to Ash?" I asked her as she laid on her side, Luke checking her blood pressure.

She immediately nodded, making me hand her my phone, which she brought to her ear.

"Hey" she spoke slowly, her voice instantly cracking.

Within seconds I saw her facial expression change, she brought her free hand over her face, hiding her crying from me.

"I'm so sorry" she cried out.

We could hear Ashton- but we couldn't make out what he was saying.

He spoke to her as she stayed quiet for several minutes

"I love you Ash" She hiccuped lightly.

"I'll see you soon" she spoke after another moment.

She handed my phone back to me, making me speak again.

"I have a pair of her leggings and one of my shirts behind my desk in my office, I don't know if the leggings will hurt her stomach or not, but if it does I think she has some shorts in her locker in the locker room, could you please get them for her?" He asked me, almost desperate.

"Of course." I didn't hesitate.

"Thank you for taking care of her Cal, I'm sorry I'm not here for this-"

"Ashton, you have no reason to apologize."

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