I woke up in Ashton's arms, the hotel room feeling more than cold.
I slowly sat up to not wake him, reaching over him and grabbing the shirt he wore last night, slipping it over my head before laying back into his arms.
Minutes after I closed my eyes again I felt Ashton shifting lightly.
I suddenly felt a firm kiss placed to my forehead, making me hum lightly- telling him that I was awake.
"Morning" he mumbled out.
"Good morning" I responded quietly.
We laid quietly for a few moments before he tucked his head into my shoulder, kissing my neck several times.
"You feeling okay?" He asked me, leaving his lips to my neck.
"Great, you?" I questioned.
"Mhm" he hummed, kissing over the fabric of his shirt on my shoulders.
I played with the ends of his hair, smiling as he gave me kisses everywhere.
After placing a firm kiss to my stomach he moved back to my lips, pecking them gently with the smallest smile.
"Let's go shower" he bounced up.
We showered together, almost fighting each other for the water at points.
I wrapped a towel around my body as I got out, leaving him to finish.
I brushed the knots from my hair, slipping on jeans and a sweater, satisfied with the outcome
I put on a little make up as Ashton got out, wrapping a towel around his waist before kissing my shoulder gently.
I took a few mirror pictures with him holding me from behind, making one of them my screensaver.
He got dressed as I finished getting ready and we brought all of our stuff to his car.
"Are you sad to leave?" I asked him as he drove, holding my thigh gently.
"I'm sad to leave my family- but I'm ready to get home and back to work" he smiled.
"You should go out with your family tonight, like just your mom, you, Lauren and Harry" I spoke.
"No- I'm not leaving you-" "you haven't had any alone time with your family, Ash" I spoke slowly.
"I'll stay with Luke, Michael and Calum, plus I'll get some alone time with Cleo, it'll be fun" I smiled to him, seeing him contemplating in his head.
"Are you sure- I don't want you to feel awkward-" "I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure" I mumbled out with a smile.
He rolled his eyes lightly, laughing to me.
"Okay- but if you want me to come home at any point, you have to promise to tell me"
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