I helped Cleo our, drying her off and putting her in front of the tv, letting her watch that with juice.
I quickly showered, changing into shorts and a big t shirt, walking into the living room, seeing Ashton getting the pizza.
I fixed Cleo a piece, sitting with Ashton in the kitchen, watching Cleo at the table.
"Your water gets really hot" he commented, biting the crust of his pizza.
"That's a good thing" I spoke back.
"Not when you're stepping into it expecting it to be neutral and you end up scalding yourself" he smiled.
"Any plans for this weekend?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows to him.
"I'm on call" he groaned lightly, making me wrinkle my nose.
He couldn't get out of twenty miles of the hospital, because at any second he could be called to go in for an emergency.
"Did the Chief ever tell you whether he did anything with the guys?" I questioned.
"We're all having a meeting Monday morning" Ashton spoke, wiping his hands on a napkin.
"To do what?" I questioned.
"He didn't tell me" Ashton shrugged.
"What if they don't get fired?" I asked.
"We'll have to make the best out of it" He spoke, putting his hands on both sides of me, making my back hit the counter.
"I mean they started off with drugs- how do we know they won't kill me?" I questioned.
"I promise you, they'll be scared to even look at you after we go through the attending meeting" Ashton spoke swiftly.
"Attending meeting?" I questioned, making him nod.
"Mhm, after the Chief meeting- if they aren't fired, all the attendants want to get together with the five of y'all in a meeting, like a come to Jesus" he spoke, making me groan.
Soon Cleo was whiny and crying because she was tired and fighting her sleep.
I held her on the couch, humming to her, rubbing her back as Ashton watched with a small smile.
Once she finally fell asleep, I brought her to bed, laying her down and covering her up.
I walked out, pulling her door, meeting Ashton
"Alone time"
We almost ran to my bed room, immediately turning fans on, crawling into bed.
We cuddled into each other, soon we were spooning.
I felt him place a firm kiss on my shoulder before I felt him lightly bite the same spot, making butterflies immediately break out in my stomach.
I turned, facing him, gently touching his lip, making the smallest smile come onto his face.
He gently grabbed my face, pulling me to him, connecting our lips once again.
As the kiss intensified, he rolled on top of me, his hands holding my wrists to the bed.
He pulled away from the kiss, gently kissing my neck, making me immediately close my eyes from the feeling of bliss.
He took off his shirt, throwing it to the door. He placed wet kisses across my neck, grabbing the end of my shirt and giving me a cautious look.
"Take it off" I almost whispered.
He didn't hesitate for a second to pull my shirt off of my body, immediately attacking my collarbones and chest with wet kisses, making me hum lightly, running my fingers through his hair.
"Fuck, you've got me so whipped" he groaned out as he placed random kisses across my stomach.
But what he didn't know
He had me whipped from the second he met Cleo
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