The Cliches of Wattpad

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to SnowWhiteSwan because she NEVER EVER gives up and works SO hard on her story! And... I KNOW A FAMOUS PERSON MWUHAHAHA! Uhh.. yeah... moving on.

--> The shrill cry of the alarm pierced through the silence jolting me out of my calm sleep. I rubbed my eyes gently getting used to the sunlight streaming in through the window. Lazily, I pulled myself out of bed towards the bathroom...


What is wrong with the above paragraph?


2. WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HOW YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH, DID YOU BUSINESS, TOOK A BATH, USED STRAWBERRY SHAMPOO BLEH! This only goes on to a detailed description of what the character is wearing. -_-  

Though people seem to enjoy this. I cannot imagine why. If I were to use a beginning like this it would be cos it's significant. If I were to describe what clothes my character wears, it would be cos it's different.

So if your character wakes up normally, like everyone else, why does it need to start like that? How is it gripping in any way at all?

And why is such a boring description of your character necessary? Why do they ALWAYS look into mirrors. When I wake up (I'm usually so late I don't have time to to look into a mirror.) and happen to look into a mirror I don't 'look into my ever-so-deep brown eyes *insert long description*'

There are other ways to describe your character. The good old mirror, being the most commonly used. How about you go downstairs to see your Mother. And she's going to tell you something serious, say.

"You should sit down, Sabriel," my Mother said, pointing at the wooden chair. Her dark brown eyes, the ones we shared, were completely devoid of emotion.

Thereee. We know about her eyes. Later on, the protagonist can flip her hair or twirl it and bingo, we know if she's blonde or brunette or a red head. And if you rather tell us how a character looks like entirely in the very beginning, use another method. Say she's washing the dishes and looks (admires) her reflection is a clean dish. Or she's about to get into an elevator, and glances at her reflection then. But please, don't wake up in the morning and LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

Now you can use beginnings like this when they're significant.

Take for example 'The Gradebook' by SnowWhiteSwan. The character looks into the ever-so-famous mirror because she's overly obsessed with her image. So there's a message there, so I think The Gradebook would be an exception to my screaming.

Another cliche scene. 


Why is the girl always cuddling up to the guy and screaming and shouting and bleh? I'm terrified of scary movies too but I make sure I'm surrounded by people who I'm NOT touching so that when the monster comes and takes them, they won't drag me along. Why not use something like that? Or make the guy scared. Do something different, bleh. :)

Anyway, this chapter is about the cliches infesting Wattpad.

-I'm in love with my best friend. (OR) He's in love with me and I don't know it even though EVERYONE ELSE DOES.

This theme has been used so much on Wattpad, it's in complete tatters. Though who can blame the audience? Most girl's would like to be with a guy they're really, really comfortable with. And who's better than your best friend. (Though major EWWW at falling in love with my guy best friends. O.o ) 

Of course, the theme is cliche but what you do with it doesn't have to be. For example 'Him and me.' by yoyopay. The protagonists haven't been 'BFFs 4EVA!'. And it's very well written and even shows the development of the friendship. Then there's 'Always You' by kirsty1000 which is pretty cliche but VERY WELL WRITTEN. And she did a brilliant job with the cliche and made it original.

- I'm in love with my brother's best friend/best friend's brother/some strange connection/THE HAWT NEW GUY (OR) He's in love with me and I don't know it even though EVERYONE ELSE DOES.

You've got to know the person SOMEHOW, right? But why not make it original? Why does it have to be one of these over used connections? Take 'Love at Last Sight' by XxSkater2Girl16xX. She meets the guy when she's really leaning over the railing of a bridge (I don't remember exactly) and he thinks she's about to commit suicide because she's clearly upset so he 'saves' her. Voila! There you go! An original and totally amazing meeting. The type of meeting that you actually boast about at dinner parties.

- My mate rejected me.

If you haven't realized already, this genre makes me cry. CRY. And my favourite animal happens to be the wolf. Oh, the cruel irony! Werewolves, werewolves, werewolves, six packs yay bleh. So this is going to be pretty prejudiced and unlike the last 2, I can't think of any exceptions even though I've read quite a few.

So usually, the mate rejects you because you're fat and ugly. So you vanish and come back and oh la la! It's Megan Fox! No, it's Scarlett Johannson! No, it's my mate! Come to me my love, now that you're hot and sexy, I want you! *insert explicit description of mating*

Wrong on so many levels.

But let's all be politically correct and address the most obvious one. 

'You have been BEAUTIFIED.'

I can name a lot of non-werewolf stories along these lines too. Starts off with rejection by the community, then you're beautified and then everybody lubs you, yay!

What's the message you're sending across? Nothing great, I can tell you that. 'Big Fat Liar' by xxWhoAteMyCookiexx is a book worth reading. The protagonist is 'fat' and by society's standards 'not good looking' and she thinks so too. Because of her haircut the guy she grows to like thinks she's a dude. And you know what? HE LIKES HER EVEN THOUGH SHE'S 'FAT' HE THINK SHE'S A GUY AND EVERYTHING! What the heck is wrong with being fat? I'm not fat, I'm average, and I still find it disgusting. FAT IS NOT UGLY. Look at Adele, people have called her 'over weight'. Well, Adele happens to be frikkin' beautiful and I don't see how the fact that she's not a walking talking reed makes her unattractive. 

You've got to get a better message across, dearies. :) Make your character imperfect! Like we all are imperfect.

- I am a rogue, in love with the alpha.

I am not going to elaborate. Why are you always in love with the alpha? Fall in love with the Omega (Last letter in the Greek alphabet, give the Alpha a break!)

There are many, many, many more. Feel free to comment, if I find them amusing enough, I'll add it here giving you the credit.

Anyway, *almost* all the stories on the What's Hot list are well written. Good flow, good grammar, good plot (even if it's cliche). Cliche is only a broad picture, the details are what matters and you have to be original down there. So don't hate on cliche.

One of the reasons your story is unpopular may be because it's not for the audience you're targeting. For example Freelander by prisim is very well written (barely any mistakes) , but isn't everybody's cup of tea. But it's really well written, so give it a shot. :)

Next Time: FANNING WARS! and Socialising.

- Ruka

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