Chapter 2: Ryoutei Academy part 1:

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It has already been a few hours since my arrival and I already got one phrase to describe this place:
Full of fanged scum.

Ayato and Laito are definitely the worst out of all the brothers: they are sadistic perverts. Geez, what a pain in the ass.

I was currently in my new pink room-which I hated by the way-laying on the bed with Black Bunny. So let me understand this; you're telling me I have to live here with six other annoying and sadistic vampires until my brothers come?! Geez man, this is going to be a loong day.

A knock was heard.

I sighed and grunted, annoyed, standing up. I already know who's on the other side of my door.

"Glasses, what do you want?"

Reiji sighed outside and opened the door. I observed that he wore some kind of uniform and I realized my predicament. Oh shit. Not again...

"Oh no! No way in hell I'm going to night school with you guys!" I spat at him, hugging Blacky tightly. I remember, school was a nightmare. Geez, the fanboys were so annoying...

Reiji sighed and passed his fingers through his almost black hair. "Well tough luck for you, 'Highness'. You have no choice, now that you're living with us you must come with us." The sarcasm was so clear I wanted to punch it out of him.

Ugh. I groaned and clenched my fists, hugging Blacky. Damn this sadists...
"Ugh. Fine. On one condition, keep the boys away from me." I said.

Reiji raised an eyebrow and snickered, that dark laugh of his. "Like any boy would like you."

UGH! THIS ARROGANT BASTARD!! I trembled in anger, my eyes flashing red for a moment before calming down. I tched and shrugged. "Fine. Just don't tell me I didn't warn you."

Reiji scoffed and walked to the door.

"Your uniform is in the closet. We'll be waiting for you downstairs." He said, closing the door behind him.

Ugh...I can't believe this...I'm gonna have to go to school again...Kill me please...Someone... 😭🙏🏻
I sweatdropped with fake tears running down my face, before I composed myself and opened my closet, pulling out a black uniform.
With a bloody skirt and pink ribbon.

Hell. This is gonna be harder than I thought..😅😓😑

I sat Blacky on my bed and began undressing. I was in the middle of taking off my underwear when I felt a presence in the room.

"WHATTA BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" I yelled, as I spotted Laito behind me, staring at my figure. I threw a pillow at him, and used my vampire speed to dress as quickly as I could.

"Geez, Bitch-chan sure is pretty! Now le-! You're already dressed?!" Laito exclaimed surprised, it seems he had forgotten I too could be fast. He hadn't even had time to blink before I was already dressed. Idiot.

My face burned red as I picked Blacky up and hugged him tightly, hiding my face in it. I was seething with rage, and my eyes were flashing red. What the bloody hell is wrong with him?!?! He randomly teleported here only to look at me naked?!

I growled and snarled at Laito, pushing the red head out of my way. "Don't ever do that again." I said in a menacing tone. I opened the door and walked out, following Reiji's scent.

As I walked through some hallways I complained mentally about the uniform. Why do I have to wear a damn skirt?! I hate skirts dammit...! Not only that, but a pink ribbon is tied around my neck. A PINK RIBBON! Why do I have such bad luck?!

I tched, obviously ticked off. I climbed down the stairs, finding all the brothers already waiting for me at the door.

"You're late." Reiji scolded. Ugh.

My eyebrow twitched and I tried to not punch his face. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

"Ne, Melon-chan, have you been to school before?" Ayato asked with that annoying smirk of his.

"Duh, of course idiot." I said, holding Blacky in one arm, as all seven of us exited the mission and climbed on the limo.
Unfortunately for me, I sat between the red heads.
I have a feeling this is going to be a looooooooooong day....😑


I opened my eyes slowly, realizing I had fallen asleep as soon as I had set foot on the limo.

"Oh, so you're awake?"

I turned to Reiji, with a clearly pissed off face. No duh. Laito and Ayato stared at me, eyeing my neck. I sensed their looks and covered my neck with my hair. They must be starving...Yui died a few months ago, and for the looks of it, they haven't had a drop of blood since then. To be honest, I'm quite hungry too.
Kanato was playing with Teddy, Shu was sleeping-lazy ass-and Subaru was just looking out the window.

"You woke up just in time, Bitch-chan. We are here." Laito said from beside me with a smirk. "You have a cute sleepy face."

Tch. How annoying. My eyebrow twitched as I closed my eyes to avoid the stares of the brothers.
The limo stopped.

Oh great. Just freaking great.

I turned to the window, seeing the gates of a black academy; Ryoutei Academy.

Reiji opened the door and stepped out.


"It's the Sakamaki brothers!"

"They are here!"

"It's Reiji!"

OH JUST FREAKING F*****G GREAT! They have fangirls?!??

Could anything be worse?!

The others stepped out, and the screams of the girls outside got louder. I hesitated to get out, preferring the car than the school.

But, of course, Glasses wouldn't let me have my way.

He raised a hand to shush the girls down. "Everyone, we'd like you to meet (Y/N) Kurosaki. She's gonna be staying with us for a while, so please treat her nicely." He announced.

EH?!?! Subaru yanked my hand and pulled me out of my safety-also known as the car.

Inmeaditely I spotted many glares from the girls, and instinctively I glared back. But, to my dismay, that wasn't all.

The few boys that were around were staring at me with hearts in their eyes. Oh great.

Kanato caught them staring and yelled. "Don't stare!"

The boys soon turned away, feeling the scary auras coming from the brothers. Geez, I thought I would be free of fanboys...Ugh.

I looked around, and spotted something quite... intriguing.
A blonde, blue eyed boy was also being trampled and glomped by fangirls, just like the Sakamakis.

I stared at him with narrowed eyes. He was just a few feet away from me, but I knew he wasn't human.

Shu caught me staring at the boy and turned my head away with his hand. "Stay away from him." He muttered.

Okaaaay...Weird. I glanced at the blonde again, and for a second, I could've sworn he was looking at me too.


I stood in front of my classroom. To my disappointment, I had class with the triplets. Every single class with the triplets. I had just been given the schedule, and I knew I was doomed to boredom. Literature and Math were the first classes, then came History and Science.

I now stood in front of the door, hesitating to go in, as my shy side took control.

What if they hate me?!
I bet their fangirls will try to kill me!
Well, it's not like they can, I mean, I'm not human and they're!
But still, what if-?!

Ayato interrupted my thoughts by pushing me inside, which caused everyone inside the classroom to turn to me, including our teacher. And to my anger, Ayato sneaked away to his seat, between Laito and Kanato.

"Oh! You must be the new student! What's your name, dear?"

The teacher asked. Eh...

I turned red from the attention and embarrassment and buried my face in Blacky's ears. "U-umm, I-I'm (Y/N)  K-Kurosaki."

The teacher smiled and gesturing with her hand, she lead me in front of the class. In front! Everyone was looking at me, and I became really reeeeeeaaaaaaally shy.

"Would you please tell us what you like and dislike?" The teacher asked.

I fidgeted and suddenly became interested in my black combat boots. "U-um, I-I like fighting, s-sweets and cute things. A-and I dislike mean, arrogant, and evil people." I stuttered quietly. The whole group of boys was staring at me drooling, some girls were glaring at me and others cooing at my cuteness. "Including sadists." I quickly added, glancing at the brothers, who barely pouted and winked.

"She's soooo cute!" A boy squealed silently.

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"It's a shame she's with the Sakamakis, they always take away all the girls!" I heard a boy complain.

"She seems nice." A girl commented.

"I just hope she doesn't take Kanato away from me!"

"She's totally like Kanato!"

"Yeah! She is carrying a bunny and she likes sweets too!"

I turned redder and hid my face with Blacky. Man, I hate attention. They're all whispering but I can hear them because of my vamp hearing!

The teacher smiled gently and pointed to a seat beside... BLONDIE?!

"Seat beside Kou Mukami please, he is that blonde over there."


I tried not to show I was upset and made my way to the blonde. I could feel the stares of the triplets, but mostly I felt their bloodlust. I've got a bad feeling about this...

I sat beside Kou, hugging Blacky tightly. Even with Blacky with me, I still feel so nervous!

Kou grinned at me and offered his hand to shake. "Hi! My name's Kou Mukami, Neko-chan!"

I cringed and narrowed my eyes a bit, my shy side fading away. N-neko-chan?! I smiled at him, trying not to be rude. "It's nice to meet you, I guess."

Okay, I'm gonna play nice with him. Apparently, he's a player and a half-vampire. What could go wrong?

I sighed and hugged Blacky as the teacher began with the class. Yeah...what could go wrong? After all, I'm more powerful than any of them.


I take it back. Kou is waaay too annoying. He has been trying to talk to me the whole class. I think he hasn't noticed I'm a vampire too. What a pain, apparently, the Mukamis are just as dumb as the Sakamakis. They've got that in common.

"So, would you tell me what you think of Edgar Allan Poe, Kurosaki?"

Shit. I snapped my head up to the teacher, who was raising an eyebrow with a smirk on her face. Oh great. I wasn't paying attention the whole class, I was concentrated on Blacky and complaining!

Before I could open my mouth to speak, the bell rang.
YESH!! Saved by the bell!

I inmeaditely dashed out of the class before she could stop me. I ran around the halls and ended up in an empty classroom.

Huh? I looked around, with Blacky under my arm. The class was empty, completely empty. No desks, or boards. No nothing.
Weird... I sat against a wall, hugging Blacky. Should I skip the rest of the classes?

"Ooh! So you're a troublemaker, Neko-chan?"

I cringed and sweatdropped. Did I say that out loud? Shit. I know that voice.

Mukami Kou.

I turned to him with a fake smile, panicking inside. SHIT! What do I do?!?!
"H-hey, Kou. W-what are you doing here?" I hugged Blacky. Uh-oh. Shy side is taking over! I still don't know him well enough...

Kiu smirked and walked over. "Now what are you doing here, my sweet kitten?"

I cringed again and stood up, clenching Blacky. "I could ask you the same." I avoided his question, as my shy side faded away slowly. "And don't call me kitten or Neko-chan."

Kou smirked wider, and stood in an intimidating way. "I see~You're finally showing your true colors.~" He cooed, getting closer to me, his eyes having an evil glint.

I narrowed mine. I'm done playing nice.
I started walking to the door, my eyes ignoring the blonde.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Kou yelled and yanked my arm. I winced at the volume, since I had very good vamp hearing.

Ugh. Stupid. I pulled my arm away from his grip and looked over my shoulder at him. "Don't do that again." I growled.

Kou grinned and narrowed his eyes. "And what will you do, mortal?"

He dares talk to me like that?! Does he not know who I am?! Hasn't he realized I'm more powerful than him?! What an ignorant idiot.

I snapped. I glared at him over my shoulder with red eyes. "Stay away, halfling." I snarled.

Kou's eyes widened greatly and he froze, not knowing how to respond to that. Hehe. Idiot.

I smirked and walked out, dashing away before the blonde could snap out of his shock.

Oh well, I just blew my cover with the Mukamis.
Reiji's gonna have my head for this...😓😑.

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