the one that was confused - christian

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"Ah Christian welcome." I was greeted by Amelia's mother and father, King Harold and Queen Bethany. "What a pleasant surprise!"

King Harold stood and walked over to me with his wife, the Queen, in tow. I saw Prince Leonardo also follow.

"Christian. Mate! I haven't seen you in so long. How about a ride later?" Leo said clapping my shoulder.

"Poor man just got here, son. Let him sit for a while." The King said.

The King took a seat on the sofa while Leo stood at his father's side. I needed to get straight to the point. I needed to see my wife. The Queen approached me as I got ready to speak.

"Where's Amelia?" I said at–to my surprise–the same time as the Queen.

"What?!" I huffed. "She's here. With you!"

"Christian, what nonsense do you speak of?" The Queen exclaimed. "My daughter is with you. In England!"

I huffed and put my hand on my forehead massaging it a bit in hopes of preventing my head from exploding. I was beyond frustrated with this whole situation. I could careless about the details. I just want to know where my goddamn wife was!

"Look. I don't want to disrespect the two of you and whatever I say beyond this point is not coming from the Crown Prince of England. It is coming from a man who just wants to know where his wife is. Alright!" I took a deep breath before letting it out and speaking again. "I'm only going. To say this once and you better hope I get what I want. Amelia is here. In France. She left yesterday. I was in England this morning when I learnt the news. Now, that being said, where is my wife?"

The King and Queen just paused and looked at me. The look on their faces told me that I was wasting my time. They clearly had no clue where my wife was. They had no clue where their daughter was.

I opened my mouth getting ready to explode once more but was cut off by a new voice. This time it was Amelia's sister, Elena.

"Prince Christian?" She said walking into the room. "W-what are you...what are you doing h-here?"

"Where's Amelia, Elena?" The King spoke. "Where's your sister?"

"I-is this a j-joke, father?" She chuckled. I couldn't understand why. "H-how would I know?"

The room got quiet for a moment before it hit me. She knew. She was stuttering and she couldn't meet any of our gazes as she spoke. She was clearly hiding something.

"You know." I whispered. "You know where she is!" I approached Elena. "Tell me where she is, Elena!"

"She-uh-I-uh...she's not h-here..." Elena said slowly.

"I can-" I started loudly but I stopped myself. I could lose myself right now. "I can see that, Elena. If she's not here, then where is she?"

Elena slowly looked down and shrugged her shoulders. The Queen approached Elena slowly and stood in front of her.

"Go to your room." She said calmly. Almost as if trying not to yell. And clearly Elena felt that because she immediately turned around and dashed upstairs.

"Leonardo!" The King's voice boomed.

"Yes." He said.

"Have her apartment in the city checked. She may be there. If she isn't there then call the airport and have the lists checked for all the flights that left between yesterday and now. Check if she's on the list of any of them. Check the train stations and bus stations as well if she didn't get in a flight." He spoke. "But something tells me she's on a flight. Now hurry up and do this as soon as possible."

"Leo." I stopped. "You do the trains and bus. I'll have my guys do the airport. Let me know if you find anything."

I was going to find out where she was and bring her back.

Short chapter but this book is primarily Amelia based so long chapters will go to her.

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