Sudden Attraction (Felox)

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Requested by: londonthefuntimecat

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Felox (Felix x Fox)

Third Person's POV:

Why did weird things always happen to Fox? This morning, he had eaten some weird-ass mushrooms which caused him to seriously start tripping balls. Then the canoe event came around and he nearly drowned. But there was one thing that left him speechless.


Darkness was slowly taking over Fox's vision, even though the water was crystal clear. He could faintly see Deuz's silhouette looking down at him from the canoe. And then, for a split second, he felt afraid. Was he really going to die like that? Dying from falling out of a canoe, how ridiculous. Fox wondered if Chica would miss him if he actually drowned. He hoped Meg wasn't drowning like him at the moment. Before he blacked out, Fox could see a flash of brown appear before his eyes.

".........aah!" With a yell, Fox jolted awake.

Chica, who had kneeled down next to him jumped a bit before smiling down at him.

"Fox! Good to see you're awake!" She happily chirped.

" savior angel......" Fox muttered with a dreamy expression.

" I wasn't the one who pumped the water out of your lungs." Chica explained a bit surprised.


"It was me, Darling!" A male's voice announced.

Fox looked up to see a handsome pink-haired guy grinning at him. He felt the urge to make a gagging noise, to show that he was grossed out by the idea of his lips being touched by another boy's. But he couldn't. Something about the boy in front of him made him want to keep quiet and just deal with it. Was it his appearance? His bold introduction maybe? He really didn't know.

"I'm Felix, by the way!" Felix reached out his hand to Fox.

He hesitantly took it and allowed himself to be pulled up by the other boy.

"Uh......I'm Fox." Fox shortly introduced himself.

Did the mushroom's effect wear off? Fox stared at Felix with a raised eyebrow until the latter decided to speak up again.

"I must say, your lips are quite soft~" It was an obvious attempt at cheap flirting, yet it made Fox feel fuzzy.

Without saying anything, Fox walked away into the forest. What was this strange force that attracted him to that pink-haired guy? He just couldn't understand what it was. Fox thought love at first sight was bullshit, so he was probably still drugged if he thought of that possibility.

-Flashback end-

After a long walk through the woods, Fox climbed into a tree with visible effort. He had always liked trees. Especially long ones. It gave him a feeling that he got protected by them, that they were watching over him. Not in a creepy way, of course. Even Bonnie would've been surprised if he saw what most pictures on Fox's camera consisted off. Endless pictures of trees, big and small. As he was too busy daydreaming, Fox didn't notice that a certain someone was making their way to the branch he was sitting on. He almost yelped when he noticed extra weight got put onto the branch.

"Hi." Fox's eyes shot to his right only to see Felix.

"...........what do you want?" Fox had still trouble speaking clearly.

"You looked lonely, so I thought it'd come sit next to you." The calmness in Felix's voice surprised the redhead.

"Okay." He couldn't think of anything else to say.

They spent a few minutes in silence, just looking into the horizon when Fox felt Felix's hand touch his.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier........" A look of guilt appeared in the eyes of Felix.

"No, it's cool........ I just wasn't thinking straight at the moment." He still wasn't, but that didn't have to matter at the moment.

"I never think straight, I'm too gay for that." Surprisingly, Fox genuinely laughed at that comment.

"You're weird."

"Hmm, maybe I am~"

"Do you wanna hang out some time again?" Fox tried to sound as confident as he could.

"Of course, Darling! Anywhere at any time, you just have to call me!" Felix excitedly said.

"Then it sucks that I don't have your phone number." Fox bluntly said.

"Aha, that's no problem!" Felix took out a pen from his pocket and gently took his arm.

"May I?"

Fox simply nodded before Felix started to write down a couple of numbers in pink ink on his arm. He took back his arm and stared at it before his lips tugged into a small smile.

"You're pretty cool, I guess........" Agh, stupid! Why the hell did you say that?!

"Of course I am! But you're a nice one yourself too." Felix smiled cutely at him and dangerously leaned back a bit.

As Fox already suspected, Felix's hand slipped and Fox quickly took his arm while his free hand rested on the trunk of the tree they were on. Felix stared at him with a shocked expression, which he completely ignored. After pulling the pink-haired boy back onto the branch with him, Fox sighed.

"I could've just let you fall down, y'know." Fox was confused at his own words.

Why did he say that? Felix didn't seem to question it however, and just laughed.

"That's true, but 'cha didn't!" Felix remained completely indifferent after what Fox said.

With nothing more to say, their conversation was over and both of them returned to their cabins. Fox slept surprisingly well that night. And the next morning, when he sleepily walked out of his cabin, a pink-haired gay was waiting for him. Who knew that spending time with a weirdo could be so fun? Now Fox was aware, and slowly but surely, his crush on Felix was growing. Since then, he tried to 'drown' himself multiple times.

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