Permission (Fredowynn)

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Requested by: _FNAFHS_Lover_666_

Type: Fluff

AU: Experiment kinda AU

Pairing: Fredowynn (Fred x Owynn) with mentions of Golddy (Golden x Freddy)

Third Person's POV:

Owynn waltzed through the hallways, excited to meet up with his boyfriend Fred. Their relationship has been absolutely wonderful ever since Owynn somehow managed to get Fred his own body, with an experiment he had worked months on. They were really happy with each other, but there was one small problem.......

"Hey, Owynn!" An angry voice called out to him.

Freddy was exactly that problem. The usually soft-spoken and optimistic boy turned into a dragon whenever he talked to Owynn. He had seen the brunette act protective over his friends before, but when it came to Fred, he just freaked out.

"Oh, Freddy! Hi!" Owynn tried to look innocent, even though he had no idea what Freddy could've possibly wanted from him.

"Don't give me that innocent 'hi'! I know you gave Fred a hickey!" Freddy crossed his arms and glared daggers at Owynn.

" I didn't?" Owynn really was being sincere here, if he gave Fred something like a hickey, he would've remembered!

"Then what's that red spot near his throat, huh?" Freddy asked, not believing one word he had said.

"How should-"

"Freddy, Jesus Christ!" A beautiful voice, at least in Owynn's ears, echoed against the plain walls of the hallway.

Fred came running towards them, sending Freddy an annoyed glance before somewhat nervously grinning at Owynn.

"You have a hickey?" Owynn asked somewhat surprised.

"No! It's a stain from the spaghetti sauce, like I told you already this morning, Freddy." Fred explained, almost spitting out his brother's name.

"Well.....uh....I-I...." Freddy's face went red from embarrassment and Owynn snickered at it.

"Hmph! Fine! But I'm keeping my eye on you, Owynn!" Freddy did a 'I'm watching you' gesture and scurried away.

"Sorry 'bout my bro..... He's being stupid again...." Fred said, trying to hide a light smile.

"It's fine! I was pretty surprised to hear you have a 'hickey'~" Owynn got closer to Fred, inspecting the spaghetti sauce near his throat.

"H-heh, yeah. I just got it there by accident......" Fred became a bit flustered as Owynn wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Sure, sure!" Owynn gave Fred sweet kisses on his neck, earning laughs from his boyfriend.

"Alright, piss off! It's time for class!"Fred playfully pushed him away before walking away.

Is the term love-sick still used these days?? Cuz that was exactly how Owynn was feeling right now. But darn, he really had to get Freddy to like him, or at least accept him. Because y'know, overprotective siblings are major cock blocks. Oh! Here's an idea!

Fred's POV:

After a long and boring day at school, I was happy to hear the final bell ring. I stuffed my books in my bag and ran outside. Ugh, tonight was pizza night...... I wasn't crazy about pizza, but I guess it was kind of fair we'd have a pizza night, since yesterday we had spaghetti. That's one of the less fun things about having a separate body. Whenever one of us had to eat food we didn't like, we could just switch and each enjoy the food we like. But hey, I'm not complaining. I'm forever grateful that Owynn took the time to make a damn machine just to get me my own body. I started smiling like an idiot at the thought of the purple-haired prick. My happy thoughts didn't last long as Freddy came running towards me. He's my bro, and I'd kick anyone's ass if they hurt him, but goddamn he's annoying.

"Did Owynn touch you anywhere?!" Freddy asked, looking me up and down.

"Freddy, can you just take a moment to chill? Did I freak out when you told me you were dating Golden?" I tiredly asked.

"You threatened him!" Freddy argued.

"Okay, okay. But I only threatened him one time, and we're good buddies now, but you're being a dick to Owynn for no reason!" I raised my voice a bit, making me realize how frustrated I actually was.

Freddy clenched the straps of his backpack, a somewhat guilty look written on his face. My eyes softened and I sighed.

"Look, man..... I appreciate that you're being protective over me, especially since we're technically brothers now, but if you keep acting like that you might scare off Owynn." I strongly doubted that last part, though.

"Okay, I'm sorry..... I'll try to be nicer to him!"

"Alright, cool! Let's go home now!"

After doing some homework and eating pizza, me and Freddy went to relax in our room.

"You wanna do karaoke?" Freddy asked with a smile.

"Hell yes!" I loudly replied.

Karaoke's my shit! Freddy plugged in the microphones and started scrolling through the list with songs. I just hope he wouldn't pick any main-stream songs...... My attention got turned elsewhere when I heard something hitting our window.

"The fuck?" I protectively walked behind Freddy as he approached our window.

Some kind of shadow was moving right outside, and my breath hitched for a second. Freddy dared to flick on the second light in our room. ...........oh. Freddy's expression turned sour and I burst into laughter as we realized who it was. Owynn was sitting on the tree close to our window, a bouquet of flowers and a smug smirk on his face.

"What're you doing here?!" Freddy asked with a huff as he let my boyfriend in.

Alright, that's progress! He didn't push the dude out of our tree, so that's something!

"I'm here to ask you one question, Freddy." Owynn said, completely ignoring me.

I got a bit nervous as Owynn kneeled down.

"Freddy, will you....." Just as I feared he was gonna confess to him or something, Owynn threw the bouquet in my direction.

"Give me permission to go on a date with your brother?!" Owynn dramatically finished his sentence.

I fan-boyed and threw my arms around him. Our first date!! Freddy slightly smiled as he watched me shower Owynn with kisses.

"Okay......but where are you taking him?" Ugh, let it go dude.

"Hot Topic or a punk rock concert."

"Fuck yes!" I already ran towards my closet, ready to pick up some ripped jeans and a black T-shirt.

"..........if my brother comes home with piercings on his face, I'm suing you."

"I'll take that as a yes!" Owynn cheerfully replied.

And so, Freddy became even more of a cock block after Fred returned with a purple and black tattoo on his arm that very night.

"But you only said I couldn't get any piercings! You didn't say shit about tattoos, Freddy."

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