Okay (Toddica)

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Requested by: No one :P

Type: Angst

AU: Zombie Apocalypse AU

Pairing: Toddica (Toddy x Chica) and brief mentions of Freg (Freddy x Meg)

Third Person's POV:

Toddy sighed as she looked up at the dark red-colored sky. A presence next to her caught her attention and she looked over to see Chica next to her. She was clenching her spiked baseball bat and seemed to completely ignore Toddy. The red-haired girl scoffed at the blonde next to her. She secretly liked her, but she knew she'd never get a chance with Chica. The ladder hated her, and in return Toddy acted like she hated her as well.

"Shut it, I can hear zombies nearing......" Chica quietly snapped back at her.

Toddy tiredly grabbed her gun and readied it. Before the apocalypse began, Chica had been a sweet, energetic and somewhat crazy girl. But ever since zombies started to appear, she became rude and short-tempered. Well, to her at least. She was still pretty nice to the others, but around Toddy she became a true bitch. Toddy couldn't blame her for that, though. She'd be a bitch to herself too. As Chica had mentioned earlier, a bunch of zombies slowly started approaching them. One came a bit too close, and Toddy shot at it with a loud bang from her gun. Right in the head.

"Nice one!" Chica offered her a surprising thumbs-up.

She still had that bipolar side, huh? Chica knocked the brains out of a zombie right before it could bite her and Toddy couldn't help but stare at her in amazement. That barbaric side had something charming to her....... The two of them spend a few more hours killing all of them, even needing some back-up from Freddy and Meg. As they finished, Chica went to clean up the blood on herself. Toddy went back to staring at the sky before turning her attention to Meg and Freddy. They were kissing, laughing, holding hands....... Toddy felt a pit of jealousy and......loneliness in her heart. They had everything she wanted. A healthy relationship, fun....... She wanted all of that with Chica, but she couldn't. She was such a coward at the thought of Chica rejecting her, which would most likely happen. Meg noticed Toddy glaring at her and Freddy and nonchalantly flipped her off. Toddy returned her action. Chica came back, though she didn't look that clean.

"We head back to the camp...... Fox's bandages need to be changed up." Chica said, adding that last part with a saddened smile.

Toddy was starting to lose hope as she said that. Chica was probably interested in Fox. But who wouldn't be? He was tall, strong and cool. She was average height, couldn't do shit without a weapon and sassy. Toddy quietly followed the blonde-haired girl to their camp.

"Grab me some bandages, will ya?" Chica somewhat nicely asked her.

"Alright......" And surprisingly, she didn't answer with a snarky and rude comment.

Today was a good day, Toddy figured. She took some bandages from the medics tent and handed them over to Chica. The ladder offered her a slight smile before entering Fox's tent. Then she was alone, again...... She's lost a good portion of her friends since the apocalypse had started. Bon was luckily still there, but he was falling into depression and refused to talk to anyone but Bonnie. Owynn had been taken away by a horde of zombies, but secretly Toddy doubted that he was actually dead. Joy had died a few weeks ago of de-hydration because they couldn't find enough water in time. And Spring......had just vanished one night. Toddy just hoped Chica wouldn't be the next one. The blonde girl came back from Fox's tent and went to sit next to her on the grass.

"Hey......" She sheepishly greeted her.

"Hi....." Toddy tiredly answered.

She hadn't slept in days, because apparently the zombies here liked attacking them at night.

"'M sorry about Joy......" Chica muttered, looking down at the ground.

"It's fine......." It wasn't, but Toddy didn't feel like crying in front of her crush.

"Could this cheer you up?" Toddy boredly looked beside her to see what Chica had to cheer her up.

A kiss, apparently. Toddy didn't react at first, she was too exhausted and shocked to even realize what was happening. Slowly her eyes widened. Chica parted and playfully winked at her. She patted a still bewildered-looking Toddy on her back before getting up.

"It's time for dinner, I'll be right back!" Chica cheerfully announced.

Cheers could be heard from the others, but Toddy stayed quiet. Okay, but what the fuck just happened? After that encounter, Toddy hadn't talked to Chica anymore. They briefly told each other good night, but that was about it. She once again couldn't sleep, but at least she felt nice. This meant she had a chance with Chica, right? A chance to be happy. Around midnight, the sound of footsteps caught Toddy's attention. Fuck.....please don't be a zombie. She quietly grabbed her gun and got out of her tent. To her surprise, Chica was standing there. Almost motionlessly she was staring ahead of her. Toddy was a bit freaked out. Chica always stayed in her tent at night......so what was she doing here?

"What're you doing out here.....?" Toddy quietly asked her.

No response. Toddy definitely wanted an answer on one question, though.

"Why did you kiss me?"

There was once again no response, but silently Chica started muttering something.

"What was that?" Toddy got a bit closer to understand her better.

"L.....love....you...." Toddy's cheeks lit up at that, but then she frowned.

Something wasn't right...... She grabbed Chica's shoulders and turned her around. And just as she did, Chica lunged at her. Her skin was a sickeningly green, and her eyes were bloodshot. Drool was coming out of her mouth and Toddy had a lot of trouble holding her back. Please no, no, no....... Toddy saw tears coming out of Chica's eyes, her last form of emotion she would see before completely losing her. A shot could be heard, and in an instant, Toddy's clothes stained red. Chica had fallen to the ground, and a deafening silence followed. Toddy started breathing rapidly. Oh God, oh God......... Someone went to sit beside her, and through her tears, Toddy could see aqua blue hair.

"It's gonna be okay, please believe me......" Bon whispered to her.

No, it's not. Nothing will ever be okay again...........

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