More questions + Open!

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So yeah, I know I haven't been gone for too long, but I already said it would be a short break! And lately I haven't been as busy anymore! ^^  Today I don't gotta go to school and since it's almost weekend, I got a lot of free-time! So all of you may request again! ^^  But if you can, please don't all request at once XD But I know it's hard to know if someone has requested already since you can't always see their comment!

Anyways, @londonthefuntimecat made a question-thingy too! You should totally check her out, she's really cool! ^^

1: what is your number one OTP?

Eaktrap XD  But that's not such a surprise, is it? XP  I also really like Toddica and Boy!

2: Fav song?

Great Escape!

3: Fav scene?

There's a lot of scenes I love in these series XD  But I actually really like the umbrella scene with Chica and Golden during the earlier episodes! While it did leave me a little bit confused, and I'm also not really for Goldica, it was absolute adorable! It was just such a sweet scene! ^^ I also like the scene when BonBon, Meg and Joy were holding frying pans and stuff to save Towntrap from that boar XD

4: if you were a character what would you be like?

Do you mean like which character I'd be or how it'd be like if I were a character in the series?? XD If I were one of the characters I'd probably either be BonBon or Chica! They're both adventurous and very energetic, I think I'd probably fit that too in real life XP  And if you mean as a character in the series, I'd probably be a bit of a quiet character at first, but I'd become more wild and energetic when I'm hanging out with other characters I like! ^^

5: if you were a fangirl/boy what ship would to fangirl/boy to?

I'm just gonna pick my three favorite ships from all the genres, (yuri, yaoi and straight) and those would be Eaktrap, Toddica and Foxica! I swear to God I'm just freaking out whenever one of those ships have moments XD

6: who would be your crush if you were a character?

Probably Deuz XP  But only during the time after he decided to stop bullying people. Bullying sucks ass and I wouldn't fall in love with a bully unless they've proven they stopped hurting people. I'd probably fall in love with Chica too XP

7: who would your best friend be in fnafhs?

Bon or Chica! I really love music and I play electric guitar (like Bon) but I'm also very optimistic and maybe a little bit bipolar sometimes XD  (like Chica) So I'd say either one of those two!

8: what would your past be?

I can't tell you that since I wouldn't really wanna be a character in FNAFHS XD  And I've got like one or two OC's for the series I don't even use XP

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